1,200 call for airport opening

The old Marsh Harbour airport. Residents are calling for the opening of the new airport to be accelerated.

The old Marsh Harbour airport. Residents are calling for the opening of the new airport to be accelerated.


Tribune Staff Reporter


MORE than 1,200 Abaco residents have signed a petition asking the government to open the new Marsh Harbour airport before Christmas.

The package, addressed to Prime Minister Perry Christie last week, follows rumours that the existing terminal was given a 90-day window to meet the US’s Transport Security Administration standards or face shutdown of American routes.

Works Minister Brave Davis did not respond to calls up to press time. Last month, the Deputy Prime Minister reassured Abaconians that a completion date was “in sight” for the new Marsh Harbour International Airport, adding that his ministry had been unable to issue all the necessary project approvals due to technical concerns.

Yesterday, Opposition Leader Hubert Minnis chastised the government for delays, pointing to the dissatisfactory conditions at the existing terminal.

“The airport is very compromised,” Dr Minnis said. “We (FNM administration) had started construction of the airport, and the airport was almost completed. Sun International was able to complete their infrastructure with their new development in less than two years, this government has been in almost two years, you would think that a responsible reliable efficient government would be able to complete the airport and open it.”

“Now the tourists arrivals are increasing in Abaco and it’s very frustrating in such a small cramped environment when there is a large airport terminal there that can accommodate everyone. Not only that, the aircondition system is down, the doors were closed over the past couple days and, therefore, it was extremely hot for both tourists and Bahamians. You can imagine the message that’s sending out to the populous and to the world.”

North Abaco MP Renardo Curry confirmed that TSA officials reviewed both Abaco terminals in mid-October; however, he said he could not speak to conditions set by Americans concerning the facilities.

Mr Curry said: “When you look at all the technical issues the government is trying to correct, and really pushing hard to get it open as soon as possible. Even though we feel like we can go ahead, the TSA came in there and said that certain things have to be in place.

“We are pushing for early January to have the airport open. We will have to start sometime in December making the transition so by January we can just go fully operational.”

In Abaco, residents expressed disappointment over delays and called for the airport terminal to be opened as soon as possible to stimulate tourism for the winter season.

A total of 1,221 signatures were collected from residents of Marsh Harbour, Sandy Point, Cooper’s Town, Hope Town, Man-O-War, Guana Cay, Green Turtle Cay, and Treasure Cay.

Michael Lenthall, a Treasure Cay resident of 11 years, said: “I just don’t understand why it is taking so long to open an airport that was supposed to be opened towards the end of last year. When it looks as though everything is in place and then all of a sudden you hear in the last few weeks that there are these problems which are stopping the airport from opening. I think it must be an embarrassment quite honestly to the government and to the people to see that it’s not open.

Mr Lenthall said: “It looks like a beautiful facility and if you look at the problems of the airport sitting there and now the way that passengers have to get in and out of the existing terminal– it’s certainly not a very good showcase for Abaco or the Bahamas.”


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