Man gunned down in morning shooting


Tribune Staff Reporter


A 29-year-old man became the country’s latest murder victim after he was gunned down outside his home early yesterday morning.

It happened around 6.30am in the Pinewood Gardens area.

Police say the victim was approached by a man armed with a handgun who opened fire hitting him multiple times. The victim, who sources identify as Lamar Roberts, ran into his neighbour’s yard where he collapsed and died a short time later.

According to sources, Roberts was on bail at the time of his death and was “very well known to police”. There was speculation that he was a witness in a upcoming trial however police denied this allegation.

His murder brings the country’s homicide count to 91 for the year.

Anyone with information on this homicide is asked to contact police ar 911 0r 919, the Central detective unit at 502-9991 or crime stoppers anonymously at 328-TIPS.

Meanwhile, police say they have no new leads regarding the murder of businessman Kurt McCartney.

Kurt, who was the brother of DNA leader Branville McCartney was shot in the head last Thursday in Gambier village. He was the country’s 90th murder victim.

Shortly after his death, police arrested eight persons, six women and 2 men, however they were released a few days later.

The McCartney family has offered a $50,000 reward for the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for his death.


ThisIsOurs 10 years, 10 months ago

Are the 12hr shifts really working? Are they a solution to a problem that does not exist?

rosiepi 10 years, 10 months ago

The answer to crime in the Bahamas has never, ever been equated with how many hours the RBPF works, that is until it became just another political 'stop gap' measure when real solutions brought forward by professionals were discarded by a politically entrenched system that has not given them any no real mandate nor any power to effect crime. And now another layer of corruption is to be added: a 'goverment run' VAT system, which from all accounts by academics and gov't professionals' published opinions (ie. those who have studied and worked to keep such a system working as orginally intended), have raised the cautionary flags that VAT has only served to increase the level of organized crime in Europe from 15-30%.

Isnt there enough to go around already? . How can we believe in a judiciary or a police force that regularly allows these crimes to occur with no impunity, which offers no protection to police officers, potential witnesses or the victims of crime? And which finally in desparation throws in a 12 hour work day 'solution' and expects the public to believe that such a lame off the cuff answer will fix an entrenched system that works so effortlessly -it would appear- to circumvent the laws of this country.

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