PLP MP Dr Andre Rollins could be transferred to head the Water and Sewerage Corporation following his public comments criticising the proposed Gaming Bill, according to reports.
When The Tribune contacted Dr Rollins, he denied he had received any ultimatum or directive forcing him from his current position as chairman of the Gaming Board.
Dr Rollins said he continues to serve the Prime Minister and will continue to agitate for and on behalf of the best interests of the Bahamas and the Bahamian people.
He added that this agitation would also include the necessary reforms to the post in which he currently serves.
Last week, Prime Minister Perry Christie hinted at the possible removal of Dr Rollins after he publicly questioned the Gaming Bill that is due to come before Parliament.
His public statement was the focus of debate at a heated meeting of PLP Members of Parliament on Monday night.
The Tribune understands that during that meeting Dr Rollins was criticised by State Minister for National Security Keith Bell for his public disagreement with the Bill.
According to well-placed sources, Mr Bell accused Dr Rollins of bringing embarrassment on the party by not following the party line.
The Tribune understands that Dr Rollins fired back at the minister stating that he was the last person who should have anything to say about dissenting from government policy. He said that Mr Bell was reminded of newspaper articles in which he alleged that the government could not police web shop gaming. Mr Bell denied ever making such a statement, saying that the press is “against the PLP”. He said he did not seek a correction to the press story.
The Tribune understands that the exchange between the two continued for some time until a senior member of the party took the floor and issued a warning to all backbenchers.
The MP told them that as individuals who all share a quasi-governmental role that if there was any policy with which they disagreed with the government, they knew what they could do.
Attempts to reach Mr Bell for comment before press time were not successful. Dr Rollins refused to comment on the meeting, citing the secrecy of proceedings.
Last week, the Prime Minister denied that the Gambling Bill debate had been postponed because of division within his Cabinet over the legislation.
However, he did say he was concerned about Dr Rollins’ public statements against the Bill. “When you are chairman of the Gaming Board, a consequence is that if you are to speak against an Act that you have to administer, then you have made your position a very difficult one,” he said.
Tabled last month, the Gaming Bill attracted much attention when it was revealed that legislation would permit permanent residents and work permit holders to gamble in casinos while upholding prohibitive clauses for Bahamians. At that time, Mr Christie said he was fully aware of the issues over the discrimination clause and confirmed that his party had not reached a consensus on the Bill or the direction that it should ultimately take.
Three PLP MPs, including Gaming Board Chairman Dr Rollins, came out publicly last week against the legislation on the grounds that it discriminates against Bahamians. Following public statements by Fort Charlotte MP Dr Rollins that he would not support the Bill in its current form, Bamboo Town MP Renward Wells, and Mount Moriah MP Arnold Forbes have also expressed a desire for the Bill to be tweaked.
Speaking last week, Dr Rollins said: “From the onset, the Prime Minister has said that this is a matter of moral conscience. What I am seeking to do is to speak to my colleagues as it relates to their belief in the ability of the Bahamian people to be treated as equals, to be able to access economic opportunity and empowerment, and to appeal to my colleague’s conviction to ensure that we prioritise the interest of the Bahamian people in our promotion of any legislation that we bring to the House of Assembly.”
banker 11 years, 4 months ago
I think that this whole internal debate is healthy for democracy. I have a new-found respect for Rollins. Not very many people have the ballz to stand up to the brain-dead thugs in the party.
JohnDoe 11 years, 4 months ago
Except that we have seen this play from this playbook before. At the risk of being cynical, I really believe Rollins is goading his party to punish him so that he can resign to re-constitute his own party similar to Bran during the last election cycle. Having said that good for him as on the face of it he appears to have a little more substance than Bran, though I may be mistaken.
realfreethinker 11 years, 4 months ago
And the plot thickens. Any idea why bradley resigned. HMmmmmm something fishy in here.
TalRussell 11 years, 4 months ago
Why PM are you promoting this man to the "Sewerage" Corporation?
nationbuilder 11 years, 4 months ago
comedy, without comity! lol
nationbuilder 11 years, 4 months ago
"Tabled last month, the Gaming Bill attracted much attention when it was revealed that legislation would permit permanent residents and work permit holders to gamble in casinos while upholding prohibitive clauses for Bahamians"
The Bill does not have this provision in it. Who fact checks these stories?
TalRussell 11 years, 4 months ago
PM that's not how you were entrusted to be spending our tax dollars, being spent these days on shuffling PLP's around from paycheck to paycheck. PM think first about the many thousands who can't even push a shopping buggy up and down the food store isles. Fire him and get it over with, cause he ain't finish talk'in his way.
stillwaters 11 years, 4 months ago
It's so sad when a prime-minister can be so petty, scared of criticisms, vindictive, and downright cruel. He devours and destroys his own just because they have a pair!!!!
SP 11 years, 4 months ago
If FNM jelly bellies had a smidgen of the fortitude displayed by Dr. Rollins, the country wouldn't be such a mess today.
FNM MP's stood silently by with their heads up their backsides while Hubert Ingraham made the worst decisions in our nations history.
Congratulations Dr. Rollins for having the balls to STAND UP AND SAY what you know is right for your constituents and the Bahamas on the whole.
We are behind you Dr. Rollins 110%!
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 4 months ago
Agree (partially), It is little strange that in a democracy you're kicked out if you don't go along with the team, I don't think its unique to our system though, it's a standard practice, even in business. The culture produces a "group think" mentality, if you think differently from the group, you're not a team player.
I actually don't support Dr Rollins' view but I believe he should be able to speak. He wants Bahamians to be able to gamble. I remember all the crying when the carnival first hit town, I can only imagine it would multiply tenfold if they were allowed to put up their monthly salaries in high stakes games. And it's addictive, can't be disputed, winning hooks you and losing hooks you. Not to mention, the fights when people lost or thought they should have won, the altercations at the door when they feel they're discriminated against because they're refused entry. But maybe I'm being pessimistic.
SP 11 years, 4 months ago
Please don't pretend to be ignorant of the fact that gambling is alive and well throughout the Bahamas and has always been.
Nothing will change except it will be legal. It is asinine that you people keep saying legalizing gambling will destroy people...When these same people gamble whenever they want to anyway.
I am not a gambler and have no interest in gambling even when traveling, however, I am vehemently opposed to the thought that even an illegal migrant can come to my country and do ANYTHING that I cannot.
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