Elimination problems in cats


Every week I often hear the primary complaint by cat lovers “why does my cat urinate in every other place other than the litter box?” A cat’s failure to urinate in the litter box may have several causes. (By the way it is recommended that you provide a litter box for every cat in your household.)

  1. A dirty litter box may cause a cat to avoid the box. Individual cats have different levels of tolerance to an unclean litter box. One cat may use a litter box that is only cleaned once or twice a week, when another cat may avoid a box that has been used just once.

  2. A negative experience associated with the litter box could also deter its use. Do not scold or startle a cat in the vicinity of the litter box.

Inappropriate urination can also be a form of traumatized memory. Urine marking outside of the litter box in a erect, crouching or startling position occurs in a sexually enact or neuter male or female cats.

Urine marking in the standing position is called spraying. It is performed by males and females.

Cats that have been neutered at the appropriate age and that have never roamed outdoors or ever seen another cat may begin to urinate outside the litter box. A sexually intact male or female in heat that has begun to urinate inappropriate should be neutered without delay. The hormone influences related to reproduction may motivate urine marking. Once these hormones are no longer in circulation following neutering, the behaviour is likely to stop. Neutering alone however may not be enough to return behaviour to normal if marking is long-term. (Normally more than several weeks) Also neutering does not guarantee a cat will never urinate inappropriately.

Environmental Influences

Urine contains odours that identify the individual and mark a cat’s territory. The location of food, water and safe places to rest are linked to a cat’s sense of security. If these are disturbed, it may reaffirm its territorial claim and relieve anxiety by urine marking.

Litter training is further complicated in households with more that one cat. An easily offended cat may avoid a box that has been used by house mate. Territorial conflict between cats in multi-cat homes may cause problems including the litter box. As mentioned earlier, provide a litter box for every cat in your household. Choose a variety of locations in quiet corners in your home.

Physical Problems

A medical problem can be associated with inappropriate urination. The common problems are cystitis (urinary bladder infection), kidney diseases and diabetes. If you suspect any of these problems see and consult your veterinarian. Virtually any illness may be caused by inappropriate urination.

Inappropriate defecation may stem from a dirty litter box, medical problems, stress, anxiety and even fear. Most cats prefer a quiet, out of the way place for urination and defecation. Too much noise or activity nearby can discourage a cat from using the litter box and drive it to another location of its own choosing. Moving the litter box to a new location can also upset certain cats. If the litter box must be moved, do it gradually.

Elimination in House Plant Pots

Cats have a natural instinct to void and dig in soil or sand. The litter box is a human invention and an artificial substitute. It is surprising that more cats do not eliminate in potted plants. To discourage your cat from eliminating in your household plant, one must devise ways to prevent access to them e.g. cover the soil with wire mesh or aluminum foil.

There are a myriad of reasons why a cat will eliminate other than in the litter box. It is recommended that you keep the litter box especially clean and make sure provide enough of them for the number of cats you have in the house.


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