Minnis will not pay bill for reception


Dr. Hubert Minnis


Tribune Staff Reporter


OPPOSITION Leader Dr Hubert Minnis says he “does not care” if he is never invited back to Government House, but he will not pay for a reception held there last week.

His comments came after the FNM was charged almost $2,500 for a reception following the appointment of Senator Carl Bethel.

Speaking with The Tribune Dr Minnis said if the government does not have the money they should cut back on all expenses, not just FNM events.

“Why should we be charged for us carrying out our constitutional duty? We have senators to ensure that the government is doing what they say they are going and in the best interest of the people. If they don’t have the money maybe they should stop sending Mitchell all over the world be conservative in your spending,” he said.

“Why should I have to pay? Why are they paying for PLP and not FNM events? In a crisis like this the government must be wise and enact policies going forward saying ‘we will pay for the first 50 people and you pay for the rest,’ but do not say we have to pay for the entire thing when they are having events at the cost of the government. They had an event on Friday, big event, I am sure the PLP did not pay for that. “

When asked if he is worried he may not be invited back to Government House if he does not settle the bill he said: ”I will not die if I do not go back, it won’t kill me, I promise you.”

In an invoice sent to the FNM, the charges for the reception totalled $2,474.26.

Dr Minnis said the party was not informed until a day before the reception that they would have to pay.

The Tribune has attempted to contact Government House for a comment, but calls were not returned up to press time.


My5Cents 11 years, 2 months ago

This where the cutbacks need to start. The senate is a pointless venture in any sense yet they having ceremonies to introduce new senators. They don't have no say stop wasting public money! 2500 could provide a scholarship to someone at COB instead a treating crooked politicians to drinks and food.

TalRussell 11 years, 2 months ago

Oh sure the reds think taxpayers should foot an unnecessary $2,500 to throw a "senator's coming-out" party for they fellow red shirts Comrade Carl B. It ain't like his is a fresh political face needing an introduction to Bahamalander's. Hell he face has been plastered all over campaign posters which have landed in several Constituencies dumpsters all over we tiny Nassau Town. Who footed the coming out bill for Senator John B? Again the left broke by Hubert leadership of the red shirts is on the gimme, gimme me program.

banker 11 years, 2 months ago

The question is a question of equality. Why don't the PLP pay and yet the opposition has to? These are tactics of repressive governments everywhere -- making the opposition pay while the governing party gets a free ride.

ohdrap4 11 years, 2 months ago

introduce him? to whom? hasn't he been in politics for25 years?

TalRussell 11 years, 2 months ago

Tickle me pink til I is roll over. Is is the same Minnis who constantly challenges PM Christie to me more prudently wise with taxpayers monies, yet rushes headfirst to demand that the peoples public treasury best hurries up and mail them their $2,500 check to cover the politically reincarnated senator Carl B's coming-out reception?

justthefactsplease 11 years, 2 months ago

He did not say they should pay him back for anything ... as a matter of fact he say they will not pay it. His point has a basis in that if the government is seeking to become fiscally prudent, it has to be done across the board and not just of selective political issues.

TalRussell 11 years, 2 months ago

I'm thinking PM Christie is thinking that if only Minnis didn't have to keep "reappointing" newly minted senators to keep on replacing the reds who got fed up and have resigned, there wouldn't be no need to keep on billing the taxpayers for reoccurring $2,500's 'coming-out' receptions for freshly appointed red senators, although I must insist on using "fresh," lightly when discussing the politics of one Comrade Carl B? But the good news is it might very well be the one thing that just might work to finally dampen Carl B's fantasy of ever getting reelected back to the peoples House of Assembly.

UserOne 11 years, 2 months ago

Tal, for heaven's sake, stay on topic. Minnis is rightly saying that if the opposition is to cut back then so should the government, starting with flying Freddie.

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 2 months ago

Give credit where it's due, she did not mention HAI once

Reality_Check 11 years, 2 months ago

Truth be told, the FNM with Minnis as its face is fast waning and will soon have no future in Bahamian politics. Many believe he has much too great a difficulty in restraining the traits of meaness and rage that he suffers from. Voters are not inclined to endear themselves to a known self-destructive ticking time bomb whose short fuse could go off at any moment with very unpredictable negative consequences for all those who happen to be around him when his wheels come off.

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