Four in custody over McCartney murder, police make appeal

Kurt and Branville McCartney.

Kurt and Branville McCartney.

UPDATE 5.55pm: After four people were arrested in connection with the murder of Kurt McCartney, Supt Stephen Dean appealed to the general public to continue to assist the investigation.

Despite two men and two women being held in custody, Supt Dean said they do not believe they have the main suspect as yet. He therefore urged the urged the public to continue to come forward and assist them.

UPDATE 12.20pm: Police have arrested two men and two women in connection with Kurt McCartney's murder. The four were taken into custody this morning. More news as it comes.


Tribune Staff Reporter


POLICE will comb the streets this weekend for clues after the brother of DNA leader Branville McCartney was murdered.

As The Big T went to press last night, police had no suspects or motive in connection with the murder of Kurt McCartney, despite reports from family members that his shooting followed a threatening phone call from a young woman.

Mr McCartney’s death, and another fatal shooting early yesterday, have pushed the country’s murder count to 90. 

Mr McCartney was pronounced dead at the scene on Thursday after he was discovered lying face down outside a residence in Gambier Village.

According to family members, he had received a phone call earlier that night from a young woman who had allegedly threatened to kill him. He was said to have informed a close friend that he was going to “deal” with it and left to visit the girl in Gambier.

Relatives alleged that when he arrived at the home, he was assaulted by a male who was described as a “Rasta” and shot in the head.

It is believed that the young woman, with a female companion sped off in Mr McCartney’s vehicle – running over his body. 

Yesterday, Assistant Superintendent B K Bonamy said police could not confirm any further details until all tips have been fully investigated.

Mr Bonamy said: “There has been a lot of information coming forward, we are still going through all of it. We can’t make any determination until we have looked at all of it. We are hearing a number of things, nothing has been confirmed as yet.

“Once an autopsy report is done, we can make further determination on whether or not he was also run over.”

Mr McCartney’s vehicle was found almost 200 yards east of the scene – at the corner of Bahamia West — abandoned on the side of the road.

According to a neighbour at that location, security footage showed that two young women got out of Mr McCartney’s vehicle, walked along the beach, and were picked up by another car some distance up the road.

Yesterday, Superintendent Melvin Lundy, acting chief of the Central Detective Unit, said that police have no knowledge of any security footage in the area.

“We’re going to be out this weekend, we have to pick some people up,” he said.

Mr McCartney is the second son of Mr and Mrs William McCartney. His father owns the chain of Wilmac Pharmacies. Kurt McCartney managed the pharmacy on Poinciana Drive. He is survived by his parents, his brother, Branville, and two sisters.

DNA Leader Branville McCartney was overcome with grief at the scene of his brother’s death.

Yesterday, former journalist and family spokesperson Jerome Sawyer, said the family had not yet indicated when an official statement would be forthcoming. A family member told The Tribune that the private close-knit family was coping with the loss.


TalRussell 11 years, 5 months ago

Wake up Bahamalander's.The senseless killing of Comrade Kurt is to remind all of us how deeply wounded we as a people have allowed ourselves to become. Precisely because our christian faith at times like this brings us a closer reminder of life and death. Where in the hell are our religious sensibilities that will continue to allow many hundreds of families like the McCartney's to experience such hurt. Where is our impatience with killers amongst us.


bahamiandud3242 11 years, 5 months ago

If he wasn't Branville McCartney's brother, no one would care and the police wouldn't be out in such force.

A tragedy none the less, R.I.P Mr. McCartney, he seems like a cool guy. These Bahamian women are some real psychos. I bet he didn't want to give her no more of his money so she can buy foolishness to act cool and she went bat shi. If you want a decent girlfriend or wife go marry foreign.

countryfirst 11 years, 4 months ago

Fellow Bahamians let's stop sheltering these killers and make our beautiful country peaceful again.God be with the family.

John 11 years, 4 months ago

@bahamiandud, I Have to disagree when you sat "if he wasn't Branville McCartney;s brother, no one would care and the police wouldn't be out in such force. You will not know how to appreciate the police homicide unit or to realize how much work and effort goes into a murder investigation, until you yourself are called out in the middle of the night to find yellow tape around a close friend or family member's home. The scene has to be secured and properly managed and the investigation can go on well into the night. Then there is the follow up visits to the scene, the canvassing the area for potential witnesses, paperwork at the police station, conferences with the family and the media and many things that go on. This is even before a suspect is caught and the case has to be prepared for trial..

bismark 11 years, 4 months ago

I think the police try their best with all cases I don't think this one is any different from the others despite the individual involved,police give a lot of their time and effort to bring these scum to justice,so I still think they are doing a good job despite whoever the victim may be.

hopeful 11 years, 4 months ago

I'm struggling with all the confusing information. News articles say there's video footage yet the RBPF know nothing about that. Why after the entire weekend can nobody confirm if there is actually video footage from a security camera? Is this to prevent the criminals from trying to leave town if they know they may soon be arrested? Who were the persons brought in for questioning and why? If someone called Kurt McCartney threatening his life before he left to confront the person, the RBPF should be able to confirm via BTC the time and location of his last phone call. Have they searched the area thoroughly and perhaps checked the residences of those 4 persons they had in custody to look for a possible murder weapon? I was expecting to hear the killer/s were already in custody, and not that persons had been questioned and allowed to leave. From what I gather Gambier Village is a relatively small community. I'm getting a bad vibe from this whole thing and doubt robbery was the motive.

John 11 years, 4 months ago

Just to give an idea of how complicated and intense these investigations can be: recently a young man received a call similar to this incident. But instead to going to confront the caller , he tried to go home. As he pulled up to his house some rushed up on him and shot him dead. At first the investigation focused on a family member, who had a problem with the victim earlier in the year. Then it shifted to an ex girlfriend, then to someone the victim worked with. And then there was suspicion that the victim may have gotten in an altercation a gang member over a young girl. While the investigation was going on, police indicated to the family more than once that someone was in custody and they had good leads. One of the persons "of interest" was killed shortly being released by the police. And the case remains unsolved. Because of the numbers of murders that occurred after that ones, police most likely focused on those ones. As for trying to track down who made the call. Many of the prepaid phones in this country are not registered, meaning BTC has no person of record for the account. Many persons who are involved in criminal activity 'dump' their sim cards regularly so even if the police found the number from which the call originated, then they have to connect that phone to a person. If there is some camera footage of the killing the persons may be afraid for their own lives to turn it over to the police. Then too while an investigation is ongoing , police do not release all the information it has to the public. The difficult thing to is when a family member is killed and there is no motive, other family members have to be on guard because anything could happen.

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