Nottage backtracks on Cuban pledge


Dr. Bernard Nottage


Tribune Staff Reporter


BERNARD Nottage, Minister of National Security has backtracked on a promise to reveal information surrounding a probe into allegations of abuse of Cubans at the Carmichael Road Detention Centre.

Despite a nearly two week old vow to release “bits and pieces” of the investigation days ago, Dr Nottage yesterday was unsure when he would now say anything to public. His only reply was that he would speak shortly.

Dr Nottage said that he had still not received the information that he had expected to, which is why he had not stuck to his assurance.

“See there is no point of us getting into a wrestling match,” Dr Nottage said, “I understand what my responsibilities are. I am seeking to carry them out honestly, diligently and when we have all the information you will be hearing from me in that matter.”

When the Minister was asked what was left to be done, at what stage of completion the report was in, or whether prosecution could be expected if officers were found guilty of abusing detainees, Dr Nottage refused to answer the questions.

“What report?

“I don’t want to comment on that you are going to hear from me on that in due course.

“I cant say what you expect or not expect. You can expect me to deal with the matter when I am in the position to do so.”

Last week, Prime Minister Perry Christie told reporters that an announcement would be made soon.

At the time he said: “I think we have to make decisions, with respect to the Dentition Centre and how it is operated. But as I have indicated before, governments never never commit themselves to abusive behaviour.

“It is not what we do in the Bahamas and most certainly we expect the Defence Force and whatever other inquires we make, to reach a conclusion on it shortly so that the country could see exactly what we have done.”

Dr Nottage’s commitment to release “bits and pieces” of the probe was itself a retreat from the position asserted by Minister of Foreign Affairs Fred Mitchell, who promised to release the entire report, along with a report into the detention centre conducted by the former government in 2009.

Following these statements, it remains unclear when the record will officially be set straight.


banker 11 years, 6 months ago

Hmm .. with the new thrust of the Cubans in Florida, he cannot reveal the truth -- like they had the crap beaten out of them. Nottage is going to be like Christie. Christie will reveal shortly his relationship with Nygard, but things just keep popping up and preventing him from doing it. This PLP government looks like a bunch of bozos to the international community and Fred Mitchell already has the liar-liar-pants-on-fire reputation in the US, both in the press and in the government circles.

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