Tribune Staff Reporter
FNM Deputy leader Loretta Butler Turner is demanding from the Ministry of National Security a full explanation of the events surrounding a wedding at the Central Police Station, including the authoritative figure who sanctioned the act.
According to Mrs Butler-Turner, sources within the Royal Bahamas Police Force have insisted that Commissioner Ellison Greenslade was strongly opposed to the marriage of Kendrick Tinker, 35, to his fiancée while being held at Central Station on March 9.
However, after a senior officer at the station was unsuccessful in gaining Mr Greenslade’s approval, he then turned to State Minister of National Security Keith Bell, who Mrs Butler-Turner claimed, gave the go-ahead. For the wrongful approval, Mrs Butler Turner said “heads must roll.”
The official line from Mr Greenslade yesterday to reporters is that investigations into the matter have been completed with recommendations made for charges to be brought against the Assistant Superintendent involved in the matter. That senior official, Mr Greenslade said, could face dismissal.
Paperwork, the Commissioner added, was on its way to the secretary of the Cabinet and is expected to follow procedures through to the Governor General and Public Services Commission. The other three officers initially thought to be culpable will return to duty, Mr Greenslade said.
Mrs Butler Turner said: “Heads should roll.”
“From the top, the executives of government because my understanding is that the Commissioner was side stepped and his instructions were gone against.
“This whole situation smacks of the way that this administration has governed and specialised in cover-ups.
“When in the heavens do you see a criminal get married in prison? If we had laws that said it could happen here this would be a non issue. But our laws do not uphold this foolishness. I don’t care what happens around the world. We are a sovereign nation with our own rules.
“Quite frankly heads must roll in this government. They are out of control because there are too many things that they are doing that goes against good governance.”
Two days after Tinker, a resident of Freeport, was allowed to marry he faced charges in the Magistrate’s Court in connection with a $50,000 marijuana seizure.
He was further charged with possession of forged currency on March 7.
Authorities claimed that Tinker had 33 (US) $20 notes on his person, all bearing the serial number IF93534746F, knowing them not to be genuine.
He pleaded not guilty to the charge.
realfreethinker 10 years, 8 months ago
Greenslade have no credibility. Now you know he have to fall on his sword and make the ASP the scapegoat. You don't think Bell will " leave his legacy up to the police" huh. This government acting like criminals.
proudloudandfnm 10 years, 8 months ago
Man I so don't care about this. This is trivial to what's happening in this country. FNM have to be joking pushing this nonsense. With all the ammo the PLP are giving them this is the best they can do?!?!?
I'm gonna be changing my screen name pretty soon if they don't wake their asses up....
thereverend 10 years, 8 months ago
Bahamian politicians are so petty. The wedding is over, let it go. The Bahamas has much bigger issues that need your focus, your energy and your time....and you want to be a LEADER ? child PLEASE !
TalRussell 10 years, 8 months ago
Loretta talk'in like it was the PM who performed the marriage. The Commish is responsible for disciplining his policeman's, not a sitt'in PM.
killemwitdakno 10 years, 8 months ago
Put this away , we have big issues. I don't think Loretta would hit out and this on her own when she wanted to do a march that was sensible and this is clearly not sensible.
Bahamianpride 10 years, 8 months ago
move on... grasping a straws, it undermines credibility on larger issues
sheeprunner12 10 years, 8 months ago
Yep............. this is almost a non-issue now................. just continues to make COP and National Security look bad................. LBT doesnt need to help these fools get PR
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