Tribune Staff Reporter
THE home of VAT co-ordinator Ishmael Lightbourne yesterday had new locks fitted and the family were seen taking boxes away from the property – despite Prime Minister Perry Christie’s intervention to try to prevent the bank from taking possession of his home.
The news came on the same day that Mr Christie had said that Mr Lightbourne was not the only Bahamian that he has helped to save their home. In fact, he said, he has helped about “three or four” other families since the Lightbourne case.
Last month, Mr Christie revealed that after learning about Mr Lightbourne’s financial situation, he called the managing director of a local bank and asked her what he “as Prime Minister” could do “to stop (Mr Lightbourne) from being put out of his house today?”
In response, critics and opposition members condemned his intervention as an inappropriate “abuse of power”, one that is not done to aid other Bahamians who also face home repossession.
However, speaking at the Chamber of Commerce Growth Forum, Mr Christie said in his capacity as Prime Minister he has helped hundreds of people in many different ways.
“Since this thing with the bank, I have helped about three or four other families. Prime Ministers have an obligation in a country to understand that we must establish a culture of good relationship with the financial community. It is trite to believe that a prime minister separates himself and helps one person,” he said.
“I help hundreds, and please tell them if they have them lined up who need some advice, send them all. Send them all. Let them see that I govern myself with both head and heart and have a day-to-day relationship with the financial community where there is mutual respect and understanding and any involvement on my part is to help the bank, not just the individual.”
Despite the Prime Minister’s assistance, The Tribune understands the bank changed the locks on Mr Lighbourne’s home yesterday morning and he and his family were seen leaving the property with large boxes. Whether he was evicted is still unknown.
When he spoke in Parliament last month, Mr Christie said his only regret when it came to Mr Lightbourne was that he “significantly” underpaid him compared to foreign consultants.
Mr Christie said: “I knew he was challenged and didn’t have any money. I knew he had descended to the bottom, one who had been at the top and I knew he was entirely to blame for the error of judgment that he made. But this is a man with a wife and children, a wife who was grievously ill. I called the managing director of the bank and asked the managing director, she was travelling, I said please call me. She called me. (I said) what can I do as prime minister to stop this man from being put out of his house today?”
He said Mr Lightbourne has made arrangements with the tax office to settle his liabilities within a reasonable time frame.
jackbnimble 10 years, 11 months ago
The PM's foot-in-mouth disease and lack of discretion is the real cause of this.
realfreethinker 10 years, 11 months ago
He suffer from foot in throat disease. How does his people continue to allow this man to destroy any credibility he had. When will the sane people in his party ease him on the side or are they prepared to go down with the ship
banker 10 years, 11 months ago
I can see that the banks respect his requests in the same way that his cabinet and caucus respects his requests. Lame duck Prime Minister.
TalRussell 10 years, 11 months ago
I have seen lots craziness in the political arena but never anything close to a Comrade "House Now Gone" Ishmael soap opera, leaving me but one question to ask. Who is, or where in the hell are the PR handlers who should be protecting the PM? Looks more likes they are engaged to cause some serious whisper campaigns against their boss? I'll give greater than numbers odds that Ishmael ain't staying put for another 72 hours in he VAT position? If so, i go'in throw me hands up in air with "great God Almighty, what in hell would justify firing someone for having brought so much controversy to the foots chief executive office holder of the government of the day?
jackbnimble 10 years, 11 months ago
Tal, I seriously doubt that. The bank is trying to save face here. The Government does not care.
realfreethinker 10 years, 11 months ago
TalRussell he has been on that job longer than he should have been. And the PM is too full of himself to see the damage, the longer lightbourne is around will do to him and his government.
banker 10 years, 11 months ago
Christie will not fire him, because Christie cannot admit that he wrong.
Frosty 10 years, 11 months ago
i love this line " In fact, he said, he has helped about “three or four” other families since the Lightbourne case."
so he only helped those three or four (of the hundreds of families facing foreclosure due to mortgage) because he intervened as "prime minister" to help Lightbourne. Good Job
realfreethinker 10 years, 11 months ago
I tell you the more he open his mouth the higher the shit get up to his throat. he soon drown in it
watcher 10 years, 11 months ago
He just keeps uttering stupid statements, one after the other. It's not like 3 or 4 are huge numbers to have to remember accurately, so why is he saying "about" 3 or 4? Can't he even count that far now, without having to estimate. The man is a fool, and is now becoming a dangerous fool.
JohnDoes 10 years, 11 months ago
PGC could never admit to his own mistake, instead he keeps finding ways to justify what he did. He knows what he did was wrong, and if this Lightbourne guy was 'significantly' underpaid, it was because of you, and you chose to pay the foreign consultants more than this Bahamian. If he is a tax delinquent and not doing well, why is he a VAT coordinator and working for the Ministry of Finance? Im sure he is no receptionist or personal assistant in that ministry, and the last time I checked a lot of the personnel in that Ministry has some credible good paying position. So if you ask me, I think Lightbourne was simply ignoring his taxes since there is no real time working collection and he therefore chose to not handle his priorities appropriately. I dont think it was because of what he was being paid, because one thing I know, when you in a ministry like Finance, the last thing you will complain about is money.
BahamianAway 10 years, 11 months ago
I do like how he stated he paid the man "significantly less" than the foreign consultants...which is a clear indication of what is also wrong with the country. Pay the foreigners more to do a job that you are paying Bahamians less to do.
The_Oracle 10 years, 11 months ago
You can always skim off a foreigners contract, not so easy with a Bahamian as the truth will always out, and one will screw the other. There are many who were never taught that lesson in school! The truth will always out. In any case, he now claims in the other daily that it was the bank he was helping, not his friend, Lightbourne. Aside that, the banks cannot be seen to be bending contractual agreements, or the flood gates will be opened. There are no decision makers left in the banks locally anyway.
PastorTroy 10 years, 11 months ago
Hmmmm. Blatant corruption. cronyism!
banker 10 years, 11 months ago
I think that I will put in an offer for the repossessed house. There might be money in the closet.
ohdrap4 10 years, 11 months ago
I will offer 340,000 + 8,000 to cover property tax . I will pay all stamp tax and lawyers fee.
TalRussell 10 years, 11 months ago
This has rate as the top Bahamaland tabloid story so far for 2014, detailing how a close relationships can become pretty damn dicey, particularly when it's with a sitt'in prime minister. The Comrade Sister''s phone number just happens to be that of the managing director of a local "out-for-profit mak'in" bank. Scary to even think how differently Ishmael might have been treated had he been in mortgage-default for umpteen years, with the government owned bank, where Ishmael might have lived mortgage-payment-free, until he last air expelled from he lungs?
PastorTroy 10 years, 11 months ago
Sounds like the usual blatant hypocrisy in our Bahamaland to me! seriously, The VAT coordinator owes so much he's loosing his mansion, while expecting others who, some live in chicken coop to be current and pay their taxes? Yea, sound like good old Bahamian hypocrisy to me! Another example? No problem, Who was the major protesters against the gay cruise ship a few years ago, and is currently the fiercest 'Public' (notice I did say public) critic of the Bahamian LGBT movement? Have anyone heard what's been going on in Freeport lately? I rest my case. If you specialize in Hypocrisy The Bahamas Government and the 'Christian' Council a taking applications!
Reality_Check 10 years, 11 months ago
I can't believe this lame duck clucking PM who thinks he's a strutting peacock with full tail up high would have the nerve to say:
“I help hundreds, and please tell them if they have them lined up who need some advice, send them all. Send them all. Let them see that I govern myself with both head and heart and have a day-to-day relationship with the financial community where there is mutual respect and understanding and any involvement on my part is to help the bank, not just the individual.”
He just doesn't understand that decent paying jobs for Bahamians can only come about from a well managed financially disciplined non-corrupt government, one that is capable of formulating and quickly implementing sound economic policies that grow the private sector and minimize the size of the public sector and our National debt. Mr. Christie, if you really want to help your relationship with both needy Bahamians and their bankers, simply roll up your sleeves and put your nose to the grind stone to create an economic environment free of corrupt political cronyism, one where private sector businesses can flourish thereby creating employment opportunities for those Bahamians who have children that need to be fed and educated, light bills and mortgages that need to be paid monthly, real property and other taxes that need to be paid, etc. etc. And if you are not up to the task of properly governing, for whatever reason, then please step aside asap as there is much damage to be repaired from your Junkanoo shuffle style of governance to date, with little time to waste!
ThisIsOurs 10 years, 11 months ago
What must the executive sitting in Canada think of their little bank down in the Bahamas where the Prime Minister can call at anytime and tell the managers what he wants done?
B_I_D___ 10 years, 11 months ago
While I feel sorry for anyone being evicted from their remorse is pretty thin on this one. No one likes to see a family kicked out of their home. With that being said...he played the game and lost...for now. While he was at the top of his game and had money to spare, he built an opulent home on the beach, managed to get someone to severely underrate the value of it to keep the taxes low...then failed to pay the taxes. Well, it's all come back to bite ya in the behind. I am glad that the bank actually followed through and foreclosed on it. Will be interesting to see what they can sell it for...willing to bet it will be a HECK of a lot more than 300K or whatever he had it valued at for tax purposes!! At least if the bank does sell it, I believe they need to repay the property tax as part of the sale. I know for regular sales you do...not 100% sure though on how that works on a repossession.
hj 10 years, 11 months ago
Banks can't be seem to grant special favors,even if that is the case in private. Otherwise everyone will ask to be treated the same way. The same thing with taxes. If I don't pay my taxes and the PM intervenes for someone else I have the right to ask him to intervene on my behalf as well. Unfortunately PC does not get it,as he expects to be congratulated for his actions. So pray tell us what other families have you helped in the meantime?
sansoucireader 10 years, 11 months ago
PM Christie has no clue. Seems like one of those people who like to talk to hear the sound of their own voice. The mute button on my remote is constantly in use whenever he is on. How many more years of this PLP government? I don't think the Bahamas can take it!
killemwitdakno 10 years, 11 months ago
Wouldn't have happened if he didn't give his friend a raise right after people expressed their feelings on his call, just to make a F the public statement.
ohdrap4 10 years, 11 months ago
Birdiestrachan did not buy the newspaper today.
sheeprunner12 10 years, 11 months ago
I hope Perry took his good friend in at his Grove mansion........... thats what friends are for
Keep smiling........... keep shining.......... knowing u can always count on me........ LMAO
TalRussell 10 years, 11 months ago
Comrades can you believe only moments ago I was listening to ZNS's "request a song " show and the PM himself called-in, yes I know his voice it was definitely the PM, asking the show's host to please dedicate this song to Ishmael. Just happens to also be one my favorite bands of all times.
The Guess Who - No Time ...////…
SP 10 years, 11 months ago
We went from a One Man Band to a One Man Clown....Where & when will it end?
Hogfish 10 years, 11 months ago
so PGC is also trying to cover up saying he was 'trying to help the bank recoup its losses and not to help Lightbourne.'...
talk about foot and mouth, this man is the biggest muppet ever.
You'd think the MINISTER OF FINANCE would be more concerned about the Treasury and his DUTIES TO THE PEOPLE he is supposed to serve, rather than the profits of FOREIGN BANK!!
birdiestrachan 10 years, 11 months ago
I always said that if Mr. Lightbourne did not have a plan to pay for his home PM Christie could not help him. I am sorry for Mr. Lightbourne if he has lost his home, it must be worse than loosing a job. Mr. Christie spoke to Mr. Lightboure's situation on the house floor because he was being crucified in the press.
Now all the Mean Spirited people can rejoice especially Butler Turner and the woman who writes for one of the daily newspapers those two women will have to find a new cause. But I must say there is nothing like mean women. But it is all right none of us know how we will end up, so it is important to be very careful what we do and say and how we treat people who we meet along life journey. there was no reason to treat Mr. Lightbourne the way he was treated.
EasternGate 10 years, 11 months ago
Dr. Sands was right on target about Perry outliving his relevance. Those two jack asses who came to his defense in parliament are aware of it too. They have leadership ambitions, and the more the pm make a mockery of himself, the greater their chances
Stapedius 10 years, 11 months ago
So much has already been said to whip the man. Of course he has made some mistakes and errors in judgement and he has recieved heaps of criticism over the last six weeks. But when is it enough? Ok the home has been lost. When has someones home repossession become such a public affair. There are many high profile people in this country in similar situations and I cannot recall seeing ZNS news on the scene. We are a personal, nasty set of people in this country. The bailiff is a disgrace because the scene is under his control and he has the right to determine who is allowed on or near the property. I truly feel sorry for his wife and kids because I'm sure they are carrying this weight just as much as he is.
Funny that the many Christian leaders in this country who openly support gambling which is currently and illegal act cannot open their mouths on this. Right, so Lightbourne didn't pay his taxes but the webshops still running and Atlantis and others still have big light bills. We are some hypocrites in this country.
CANDACESCOTT 10 years, 11 months ago
you have only Perry to thank for this man troubles becoming public. He open his mouth in the HOA and put it in the public domain.
EasternGate 10 years, 11 months ago
By the way, Clint Watson you are sucking up a tad to much
CANDACESCOTT 10 years, 11 months ago
Thank you guys for making my week...I am LOL so hard at these comments.
TalRussell 10 years, 11 months ago
Yes, my dear Comrades, politics does in fact make for some strange bedfellows in the PM's reelection bed. Was talk show host Darold Miller talked into rejoining ZNS in the faint hopes of leading the PM's PR repairing of the Ishmael saga, or is it the numbers thing? So much for Darold's much publicized "big-ass-winded" but poorly attended march to Rawson Square. anxious to hear Darold's own spin as to the why he has rejoined ZNS Broadcasting?
liveineast 10 years, 11 months ago
Can you imagine a US senator or congressman admitting to this type of behaviour? The individual would be forced to resign without question. Our politicians have to understand that the people will no longer accept this behaviour. The PM needs to admit to his failure as a leader.
Bahamianpride 10 years, 11 months ago
People there is a way out of these llegalitie & PGC blunders. I Propose hiring a double, a man to pose as PGC until 2017, one who is smart, articulate & does not suffer any from delusional psychosis.. This should be a bipartisan matter for the sake of all Bahamians, Its cheaper to pay him to go away & retire to some secluded location, the country should consider this for us all.. In the main time someone please keep him away from the Mic..
CANDACESCOTT 10 years, 11 months ago
sheeprunner12 10 years, 11 months ago
Politics is not national, racial or ethnic.................. its systemic. All politicians around the world do the same thing............. take care of friends, family and lovers!!!!!!!! LOL
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