Sex offender Fraser launches new church



Tribune Staff Reporter


CONVICTED sex offender Randy Fraser was officially installed as pastor elect at the commissioning of his new ministry yesterday.

Under the masthead “Walking Victoriously - Living Expectantly”, some 200 members and supporters of the nondenominational Palms of Victory Kingdom Ministry (POVKM) filled to capacity the hall at Workers House.

Several religious leaders attended, including Zion Baptist Church Rev Dr T G Morrison, Mt Calvary Baptist Church Rev Dr Philip McPhee and Great Commission Ministries Bishop Walter Hanchell, all of whom spoke at the service. 

Rev Dr J Carl Rahming, of St Paul’s Baptist Church, also attended.

According to the 12-page service booklet, the ministry has “106 adult members, 34 children, 3 followers, and 15 baptismal candidates”.

POVKM was formed, and Fraser elected as pastor, at a meeting of more than 60 persons at Mr Fraser’s home on December 12.

The former Pilgrim Baptist Temple senior pastor was released from prison on November 28 after completing his sentence for having sexual relations with a young girl he was supposed to have been counselling.

The incidents took place during the years 2005 and 2006.

In June 2012, he attempted to have the judgment overturned in the Court of Appeal, but lost and was ordered back to prison.

He was branded as a “sexual predator” by Court of Appeal Justices Anita Allen, Stanley John and Abdulai Conteh, who condemned his crime, calling it a “contemptible act”.

At the first service held in Fraser’s home on December 22, a total of 13 persons joined the ministry, according to the service booklet, which included an account of POVKM’s history.

The ministry was birthed out of an informal grouping called “The Gathering”, which was formed to allow former members of Pilgrim Baptist Temple to continue fellowship together after Fraser was terminated from the ministry last year.

Fraser was terminated by the Pilgrim Baptist’s trustee board for gross misconduct and gross indecency, with an official explaining that his wife’s admissions in court that the couple engaged in sexual intercourse in the church’s office was sufficient grounds for dismissal.

Yesterday, members wore green and waved palms as Fraser, assistant pastor elect Cranston Evans, five directors, and four officers were officially installed.


flamingoman 10 years, 11 months ago

How does the government allow this??? How can a sex predator have any dealings with children???

ThisIsOurs 10 years, 11 months ago

Excellent point. I hope all people who call themselves women and attend this church have no teenage daughters

Cornel 10 years, 11 months ago

This is outrageous. He should be banned from serving in any capacity within a church.

BahamianAway 10 years, 11 months ago

SMH!!! Where is the Christian Council when you need them. And shame on Zion Baptist and Calvary Baptist ministers for endorsing this man. I understand the Christian view is to forgive and move on but seriously the man just got out of prison...furthermore even with forgiveness and Christian principles this man is still a sexual predator and should not be in any capacity allowed to lead people.

Just goes to show though...churches in the Bahamas are for money making purposes and we have way to many stupid sheep being led by wolves in sheep clothing.

jackbnimble 10 years, 11 months ago

Get real people. Even Jim Jones had a following!!

242smt 10 years, 11 months ago

Some people have no shame. There's a special place in hell reserved for Randy Fraser.

Thinker 10 years, 11 months ago

So, some are asking government to ban him. Why government? Continue to shame him publicly and he will have no followers left. People can do amazing things without government. (Have a look at the Bundy case in Nevada.) Would any of you reading this article follow him? Relax. Keep the public knowing who he really is.

Thinker 10 years, 11 months ago

Actually, excuse me, he should be in jail, but since he's a free man, the public's job is to make him well known, to protect your neighbors kids.

henny 10 years, 11 months ago

If this were in the US he would never be allowed to preach and have a church. There would be so many protestors outside to make his life miserable. He would have no choice but to leave and go into hiding.

sheeprunner12 10 years, 11 months ago

Bahamians dont protest anymore.......... the last protest was Black Tuesday

The PLP has done such a good job of brainwashing black Bahamians that they dont know right from wrong anymore

This is a serious issue ........... but dont expect a protest

Bahamianpride 10 years, 11 months ago

Many heavenly minded and earthly no good individuals with sit around and listen to this predator preach.

nassaudaddy 10 years, 11 months ago

There's so many ignorant stupid people in this Bahamas, who do not have the GOD given sense to see a no good man when they are right next to him. But even the devil has followers and Randy Fraser is a devil disguised as a preacher. Maybe his wife will vouch for him again and say they are having sex in the sanctuary of the Church to cover up for some other person's daughter or son that he's about to molest. Yes i said son because i'm hoping that they got a good piece of him while in Fox Hill prison, and maybe he liked what he got up there so he's trying to find a venue for his wicked ways. Hell is waiting for him and his wicked wife who has been stealing the churches money also.

slim242 10 years, 11 months ago

As a Christian, the Bible says we must forgive and forget but this is a hard one. Randy Fraser is a disgrace to the church and he will have to face it on judgment day, and to Mrs Fraser that first lady that you want to be so bad, how could you sleep with a man like Randy Fraser knowing all that he has done to the kids(girls) of Pilgrim Baptist Church. As my grandmother always say the Good Lord never sleep. RANDY FRASER YOUR DAY WILL COME.

KM 10 years, 11 months ago

This is beyond crazy and those who attend that church is beyond stupid. Yes, no one is perfect and everyone falls short, but this man is a sex offender. Take away the pastor, the preacher whomever you want to call him but you cant take away the fact that he took advantage of underage children. Its sickening to know that this country is so slack and that so many hypocrites are in the church. This should not happen and this should be protested against. The COP got so upset with the in jail wedding , he needs to apply that same anger to this situation. there is nothing wrong with forgiving a person for their wrong doing, but why put that person in the same predicament to do that horrible thing again. Again i say this is CRAZY !

lucaya 10 years, 11 months ago

People, please understand well,it's about da MONEY,MONEY,MONEY!!!

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