Govt sends diplomatic note over Minnis airline comments

THE Government of the Bahamas yesterday issued a diplomatic note to the Governments of Malaysia, China, and the United States to distance itself from remarks made by Opposition leader Dr Hubert Minnis who remarked that the Christie administration “is more lost than the Malaysian Airline the world is looking for”.

Foreign Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell said there has been considerable negative commentary in the public domain about the controversial nature of Dr Minnis’ statement.

The government, he said, is concerned that without further clarification there may be some confusion; that the loss of the plane and the lives therein “is seen in a cavalier and insensitive fashion in our country”.

“The Prime Minister has spoken publicly about his concerns.

“A message was conveyed yesterday, via diplomatic note, to the Governments of Malaysia, China and the United States to indicate that the remarks (uttered by the Opposition Leader) do not represent in any way the diminution of the seriousness of the loss of the plane and of the lives therein, nor does it indicate a lack of sensitivity on the part of the government and people of the Bahamas about the seriousness of this tragedy,” Mr Mitchell said.

Mr Mitchell said that the people of the Bahamas join in mourning for the loss of life attributed to the Malaysian Air flight 370 and keep the families “in our thoughts and prayers”.

Malaysian Air flight 370 disappeared on March 8, less than an hour after takeoff from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in route to Beijing, China. The aircraft was carrying 12 Malaysian crew members and 227 passengers from 14 nations.

The largest search and rescue mission in history was mounted in the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean to locate the aircraft.

To date, neither the crash site nor any debris from the aircraft has been found.


DillyTree 10 years, 10 months ago

Seriously, Fred should grow up. He acted like a spoiled child by sending the diplomatic note. All he has now done is call attention to the idiotic and infantile business. Dr. Minnis called it right -- the PLP government is lost. Maybe his choice of analogy was lacking sensitivity, but it certainly isn't wrong.

Pity Fred didn't send out a diplomatic note after Leslie Miller's dangerously backward comments making light of the abuse of women in this country. Then the world would truly know how backward we are in proecting women in this country.

Honeybun 10 years, 10 months ago

My sentiments exactly...well put. They making this a bigger issue than it really is.

ohdrap4 10 years, 10 months ago

Dear Govt :

I write to state that the remarks (uttered by the Opposition Leader) do not represent in any way the diminution of the seriousness of the loss inflicted on the lives of Bahamian people by this party therein, nor does it indicate a lack of sensitivity on the part of the government and people of the Bahamas about the seriousness of this tragedy,”

TalRussell 10 years, 10 months ago

Comrades this is the peoples Freddy and thankfully, the deep sensitivity expressed by Bahamaland's Crown Minister of Foreigner Affairs, on behalf of the deep sadness we majority Bahamalanders feels towards the thousands of Malaysians and Chinese citizens who lost members of their families, friends and co-workers who vanished without trace aboard Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, rises far above the (sic) standards the some red shirts seem willing to tolerate from their own party leader. I say some reds, cause I know for a fact the red shirts did in fact yesterday hold a secret caucus meeting and the matter was indeed debated.

Publius 10 years, 10 months ago

Mitchell always uses the Ministry and government as his personal queen's bath. No difference here. Funny when our officers beat several Cuban detainees, one almost to death, Mitchell said anyone who spoke about it openly was a traitor to the country. How sublime that people cannot see then, the hypocrisy, along with Ministerial irresponsibility of this "diplomatic note". Yes, the statement by Minnis was a poor analogy. But this diplomatic note is once again, Mitchell behaving as though the government of the Bahamas is his own reading rainbow, all puns fully intended.

proudloudandfnm 10 years, 10 months ago

Fred is a moron. There was absolutely no reason to bring this up to the Malay government. I agree Miniss's comments were in bad taste. But Fred's idea was worse. Stupid ass move Fred. You should be fired just for this idiot...

pat242 10 years, 10 months ago

Hubert Minnis should apologize. It is one thing to play petty politics for your advantage, but it is another thing to use a situation where a plane goes missing and people lost their lives as a means of bashing the ruling government. What if your family was on the missing plane would you have the same view. Hundreds or persons and many nations are pooling together their resources to assist in located the plane and the missing persons. So obviously this is a serious matter, besides planes travel through out The Bahamas and i grantee if one goes missing or crashed the citizens and tourist alike will feel uncomfortable. So please do not use a horrible situation as a means of political advantage. Hubert Minnis is dead wrong. What if your family was on that plane. What would it be funny then. Wrong is wrong regardless who says it.

Publius 10 years, 10 months ago

His statement was a poor analogy. And Mitchell's actions are an abuse of office. Insofar as the two are concerned, one is a public relations problem for the FNM, the other has become an international matter at the hands of a government Minister. You decide which is worse for the country. Mitchell, in his standard effeminate fashion, used OUR office to "get at" a politician he is mad at. That is not what OUR offices are to be used for.

newcitizen 10 years, 10 months ago

What does he need to apologize for? He's right, the government is more lost than that airplane. At least they actually have a chance of finding the plane.

henny 10 years, 10 months ago

I agree with you.....new citizen. People are taking this too personal. All this bickering over nothing. So childish. Expecting apologies every time someone opens their mouth and says something you don't like. Move on and do something constructive for your country.

TalRussell 10 years, 10 months ago

The reds own Daron and Dr. Duane got's this one right, whist Loretta be duck'in from being asked. Comrade Pat 242 you're take is so sensible, how the rest of the world's resources rushed to help in the search for the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. Yesterday when the opportunity was offered to the reds chairman Daron and deputy party chairman Dr. Duane, to voice their support for Minnis's (sic) insensitive statements, both declined. Unfortunately, crown minister Freddy done sealed any more calls for Minnis's 'sincere" apology cause it's now passed it's best "sincere" before date.

sansoucireader 10 years, 10 months ago

MP Mitchell, I don't think most people of Malaysia even know where the Bahamas is, much less care what comment another politician said here. Talk about egotistical! The inflated image some people have of themselves is truly unbelievable.

Bahamianpride 10 years, 10 months ago

Exactly, they saw that note & deleted that b.s. they got serious problems to worry about... Mitchell is an idiot...

TalRussell 10 years, 10 months ago

Comrade Sansouci, what Minnis has refused to apologize for reaches far beyond Florida, New York, Toronto and Montreal. You had better not tell that to the marketing people, charged to attract the many thousands of Asians and East Asians necessary to keep them rooms filled, once Baha Mar's doors does swing opens.

Publius 10 years, 10 months ago

Nobody outside of The Bahamas cares about Mitchell or Minnis enough for the result on tourism that you suggest, to become a reality.

Bahamianpride 10 years, 10 months ago

Nobody is sitting around the world giving a sh-t about Mitchell, Minnis, PLP, fnm or Bahamian politics. All they care about is whether the country is safe & beautiful if they visit.

Publius 10 years, 10 months ago

Since the Prime Minister allows Mitchell to abuse and misuse his office in as many ways as he sees fit, there is no surprise that he allowed Mitchell to abuse the office again with this stunt. This government is the mephitis of our 700 islands and cays.

TalRussell 10 years, 10 months ago

The day my red friend felt sad for her leader. Comrade Publius, all I know is yesterday morning, moments after the reds caucus members were summoned to an emergency called meeting, Minnis could be seen by the individual who revealed all this to me, to be walking away from the meeting place, with he head down and my friend says he couldn't help but notice the reds leader had a certain peculiarity to his walk. Now, I ain't about to venture why he was walking with peculiarity but it's anybody's guess to think this through for themselves. All I know for a "fact" is, when Chairman's Daron and Dr. Duane were asked, if they supported their leader's Malaysia plane statement, they both said, we have no comment.

Publius 10 years, 10 months ago

Their little internal bruhahas are non issues to me. From one man to another, I dont much notice how other men walk or do not walk!

Brenard 10 years, 10 months ago

A large percentage of "educated young bahamians" are out of work and this is priority? Yes Mr. Minnis delivery was wrong, but this issue is being made out to be more than it is. I doubt the countries whom the victims belong to care. Get real and make me (young, hungry, striving, educated bahamians) a priority on your agenda PLP.

banker 10 years, 10 months ago

LOL @Fweddie! What a dork!

TalRussell 10 years, 10 months ago

Comrades, it puzzles hell out me as to why Minnis would dig-in like a Hubert. Will he too after 2107 have to run off to some Island? "What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?" I realize scripture does not deal with the antithesis to how Minnis's stubbornness may be received by voters come the 2017 General Elections, but I will. "What political damage is Minnis so willing to chance for his entire red shirts party, if he lost the chance to govern from 2017- 2022, and yet did not damage his pride?" Sorry, I just ask, not answer my own questions.

ThisIsOurs 10 years, 10 months ago

I agree with the first sentence, Dr Minnis needs to take some time to reflect and then CHANGE HIS ADVISORY TEAM. Get a professional strategist, look at major problems in the country, when issues arise that have an impact on any of those items, then he can speak up with a sensible response. I like the way Dr Sands responds, when asked a question I never see him rush in with a crazy answer, I never see him embellish his response, he takes a minute to think, I often wonder...will he speak? But when his answer comes, IT MAKES SENSE!!!! This is what we need, leaders who can look at a situation, assess it, decide whether it's worth the time to address, and then respond with appropriate comments. Come on Bahamas, our government Ministers are not on an episode of My 5 Cents. Demand Better. Stop voting for the man who can make the most jokes and dance the stupidest dance on the campaign stage

ThisIsOurs 10 years, 10 months ago

Why don't they send a note to all the women of the world apologizing for Mr Miller's comment, this is the height of silliness. No one has apologized yet for beating 4 Cubans half to death, FM hasn't even admitted that anything happened, but someone took 1 hour in a meeting to decide to do this...this is disgraceful...really...no wonder nothing is getting done and people are robbing BOB, PHA and the Treasury blind, everyone gat their back turn on absolute silliness. And Minnis need to stop his silliness too, stop popping up like one of those field mice and responding to every little thing that happens. Get a ten point plan on the top issues in the country and some action points hold their feet to the fire, hire an investigative reporter, do something that will MATTER.

DillyTree 10 years, 10 months ago

Really? Counting must have not been your strong subject in school. How do you account for United Nations statistics that states 35% of women worldwide have been physically and/or sexually abused by an intimate partner/spouse? And of those, 40 to 70% of those account for female murder victims. I think you'll find that is far more than the 239 people missing on Flight 370. Do you not see the larger picture?

As for Mr. Mitchell's response, perhaps he can work harder on helping to form a better world for our Bahamian women and set an example instead of resorting to petty behaviour.

ThisIsOurs 10 years, 10 months ago

Are you crazy general crazy? Minnis had nothing to do with the operation of the ferry, neither the overcrowding nor the mishandling of the abandon ship order. Nothing. On the other hand, several Bahamians under the government employ were DIRECTLY. involved in prisoner TORTURE. Rethink and tell me which is worse and which one the government has a greater responsibility to apologize for. These guys really have to get serious, I mean all of them..PLP and FNM. SP just warned us the other day about a potential credit rating downgrade, someone thief 40million from PHA and dis what they talkin bout????? Fire all of them.

ThisIsOurs 10 years, 10 months ago

I apologize for calling you crazy general crazy, that was not necessary! (Despite the admission)..anyway, Was reported on CNN and MSNBC that the boat was overcrowded. My mind remains sound to date. On the evidence you'd have to ask the government if their secret "tribunals" are finished yet

ThisIsOurs 10 years, 10 months ago

Ferry boat ship vessel...etc

banker 10 years, 10 months ago

Looks like Rory is off his meds again.

GQ 10 years, 10 months ago

Dr. Minnis comments was an analogy and most Bahamians would understand the gravity of where the PLP government is or is not. What about the comments "The Potcake" made in degrading our Bahamian women in The People's Parliament? Not a word in protest was uttered or was he censured. I understand all the PLP's males were snickering and the females must have been dumfounded.

DillyTree 10 years, 10 months ago

Are you so blind as to not see the bigger picture? Mrs. Butler Turner was being held and touched against her wishes by a man whom she asked twice to let go of her. That is assault by legal definition. So while we're discussing bad behaviour, perhaps you should ask yourself if the other esteemed member of parliament shouldn't have been censured for his disgraceful and disrespectful behaviour towards a woman. A woman is entitled by law to defend herself.

slim242 10 years, 10 months ago

So true no one apologized to them for their actions

jackbnimble 10 years, 10 months ago

Mitchell needs to get a life!

Liberty 10 years, 10 months ago

For anyone who believes that they were not aware. The Genting Group in Bimini is a Malaysian company. The reference should have not been made anyway!

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