Bahamian rapper challenges hip hop standard


Tribune Features Writer


THE latest project by Bahamian rapper Jay Complex seeks to challenge conventional hip hop standards and change the way he is viewed as a local performer.

The artist released his album, “religionROUGE”, which features songs such as “(Still) Can’t Get Right” and “DUI (Drowning Under Influence)”.

Jay told In Ya Ear that this project is the best work he has produced to date.

For the past few years, Jay has been doing all that he can to solidify himself as a Bahamian rapper. His interest in music first made itself noticeable when he was 15 years of old.

In 2005, he began recording raps mainly due to his newly discovered interest in the hip hop culture. Prior to that, Jay said he was never a huge fan of rap, hip-hop, or music in general, but an attraction to the art form slowly developed.

“I guess what motivates me is a consistently renewed passion. Pretty much everyone likes or loves music in general, and I generally get bored with most things – people, jobs, specific activities. Music has so many forms. It is easy for me to find a new source of motivation to continue doing what I love to do. Of course there is always some kind of bitter with the sweet, but I live in the real world just like everyone else does and as such I have to find a way to sustain myself and my loved ones,” he said.

“But I am a stubborn person and I rarely do things that I genuinely do not want to do. So higher education for anything outside of my art form and ‘regular’ jobs that I have lost any interest in – usually within the span of three months on average – are not feasible options for me to make a living and remain happy or balanced in life. A lot of people who happen to take what I do seriously have commented on what they believe is my drive or determination to keep pushing toward a music career, when in reality my biggest motivation is that I am really not fond of the idea working a job I do not like for the rest of my life, nor am I emotionally invested in traditional education to complete a traditional degree programme.”

Jay has been busy over the past few months with writing and recording projects as well working on the video for his current single “NuReligion”.

When it comes to his music, Jay said his lyrics and concepts for his videos are inspired by everyday life.

“At the core, my inspiration comes from life. As artfully clich� as it may sound, again it is still the truth. Everyday life, as I go about my daily routines and experience the daily routines from the people I interact with, I am constantly pausing to jot down ideas as they come to mind, just to make sure I do not forget them later. Sometimes they are good and sometimes they are whack, but I write everything down as soon as I can – song titles, project ideas,” he said.

Jay’s musical style has been influenced by artists such as Lupe Fiasco, Kanye West, Chance, The Rapper, Kendrick Lamar and Ab-Soul.

“I am most influenced by all the artists within my inner circle. That circle includes BASS lyricists Chase, Travis Bowe and Skully; Overly Genius artists Adria, Holiday Soul and our producer Rambo. Outside of that circle, there is RAPP, Quelle and Judah Tha Lion of ‘No Hit Wonders’ that have a lot of influence reflected within my style,” he said.


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