STRONG, healthy relationship skills are a potent currency for personal effectiveness. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you find yourself, having quality relationship skills are essential to a fulfilling life experience.
This truth refers to all relationships, not only those of the romantic nature. Most people get confused about the importance of healthy relationship skills because they’ve associated it solely to romantic relations.
Life itself is about relationships. Sadly, chief amongst them and the one least developed is the relationship that you have with yourself. The way you relate to you sets the tempo for how you relate to everything else and money is no exception.
I define money as a form of energy, which is always in motion. Hence, it’s called a currency – a powerful energy of current that moves the oceans of life.
Money as an energy also has an emotional quality which draws the feelings brought on by money. As such, the essence of any relationship with money is determined by the relationship with yourself. From this vantage point you will find that money is either moving towards you or running away from you.
You are the source of your own power and the sole attractor factor in your life – an initially big pill to swallow, but give it time to sink in.
Realise that life in its infinite, all-loving nature treats us equal. We each get out only what we are willing to put in. This means if you don’t build a quality relationship with yourself you cannot build a magnetic relationship with money or anything else for that matter.
The point here is since you have the magnetic power to make your life work as you desire, why not take the time to do the work? Why not develop a better relationship with yourself?
Alas, I could hear the resistance now. Some will say, “This all sounds good but I don’t have time to get into all that”. Yes, they want the prize, but they simply don’t want to pay the price.
Ironically, it’s not a question as to whether or not you can get the prize; the prize is already yours. The only challenge is your willingness to pay the price.
Many think about money only to the dollar value of what they make in salary or the cost of their bills.
Beyond this point, most don’t know or have any relationship with money. In truth, most people have a better relationship with ‘Bill’ than they do with money. ‘Bill’ gets most of their attention – it’s their greatest emotional concern and their daily lament – bills, bills, bills.
This bill-focused money talk is the result of an outmoded thinking pattern. As I said, when you upgrade your relationship with yourself you expand your understanding of money. Until then, you stay stuck in a paradigm that has long passed.
A quality relationship with money puts you in creative control of your life. In this space, the old notion of chasing after money gives way to money chasing after you. Building such a relationship takes work, but working in this way is always a good thing.
Be mindful to see money beyond just dollars and cents. See it merely as a form of the unlimited source of life and there are many forms that facilitate your needs, wants and or desires. It is a medium of exchange. Money doesn’t give you power as much as having the power within gives you money. Be willing to do the work.
Leader to leader, remember you are the source of your own unlimited power. You are your life attractor factor and by improving your relationship with yourself, you will improve your relationship with money. This empowers your capacity to live the life that you love.
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