ART OF GRAPHIX: Creative people are great thinkers


Has this ever happened to you…You’re driving down the street, completely relaxed, not thinking about any particular thing, then suddenly the solution to a problem you’ve been working on for weeks pops into your head?

Why haven’t you thought of it before? Well, you’ve experienced your subconscious mind at work. Your subconscious mind may continue to work on a problem long after you’ve left it. This is known as incubating the problem.

Many people admit that their best ideas came when they were not thinking about it. In fact creative thinking is the willingness to explore all approaches that is important, even after one has found a promising one. Principally, a creative genius understands that the most brilliant ideas don’t often come from the conscious mind, but rather from deep within the unconscious recesses of the intuitive mind.

Creative thinkers generate as many alternative approaches as possible and often ask: How many different ways can I solve this?”, considering both the least obvious and the most likely. No doubt, thinkers aim at finding solutions to problems, challenging all assumptions.

For instance, Albert Einstein was once asked to explain the difference between him and the average person. He said that if you asked the average person to find a needle in the haystack, they would stop once the needle was found. However, he on the other hand would tear through the entire haystack looking for all other possible needles.

Basically, creative thinking is a natural way to think, as appose to a different way of thinking. Unfortunately, we have been taught to think reproductively, logically and linearly and that creativity must be learned in the same fashion as other academic subjects.

Unfortunately, this approach demands that we see only that which we have been conditioned to with stereotyped notions blocking our clear vision and imagination. However, I endeavour to make every effort to encourage people to look at things using a multiplicity of perspectives; despite our first impressions of people and initial perspective on situations which are narrow and superficial.

Indeed, being courageous often requires breaking the rules and sometimes going against orthodox methods of thinking and acting. Besides, have you ever wondered why some people can be such creative and innovative thinkers whilst others can go through life without one single original thought ever coming into their head? I am of the opinion that if you’re not thinking you’re merely floating. “To think is to exist”.

Certainly, we underestimate the value that our creative capacity has on a variety of different aspects of our lives. In fact, our creative capacity is so far-reaching that it is easy to conclude that the quality of our lives is basically determined by the quality of our creative thinking, growth and design; which are enjoyable pursuits in life.

Ironically, a colleague asked me why is it that folks are so uncomfortable in the midst of persons who are constantly thinking? Due to the fact that this norm exist everywhere, I replied by saying; if you’re a “think tank” and the birth of your new idea depends on a threatened superior, that idea may just be overlooked!

No doubt, this observation exist in almost every establishment as an insecure individual feels contented when you are mediocre and likely isn’t a threat to them. However, my humble view is that many people fear that which they do not understand and tend to discourage new ideas especially if it was not initiated by them.

Nonetheless, becoming discouraged should never be an option as possibly this may be an accurate marking that you have just given birth to something exceptionally special.

With this ray of hope; creative thinkers are not satisfied with “maybe” or “I think so” as they are truth seekers and work hard to prove and stand by what is not only unpopular but what is possible.

So it’s absolutely paramount that we become better prepared and understand patterns of communicating and subtle messages that often get obscured, learning from every person, event and circumstance.

Ultimately, we cannot think creatively when we follow the standardized rules of thinking or become fearful that we will make a mistake. However, leaders especially should strive to think outside the box in a way that hasn’t been thought of before. Why? Because their peers expects them to! I confess that I have a fear of being trapped in a hole with “close-minded” individuals without any sort of exit, however over the years I’ve learnt how to survive and master an escape.

As a final point, keep your creative juices flowing and you will always stay ahead of the pack. Keep pursuing different things, reading books; communicating and surrounding yourself with diverse-minded people.

Most importantly listen and seek to synergise and take every opportunity to regenerate your thoughts. A creative mind must be fed, thus learning how to take the good from life and discarding the negative is key. Until we meet again, fill your life with memories rather than regrets. Enjoy life and stay on top of your game!

• Columnist welcomes feedback at deedee21bastian@gmail.com. ABOUT THE COLUMNIST: Ms Bastian is a professionally trained Graphic Designer/ Marketing Co-ordinator with qualifications of MSc, BSc, ASc. She has trained at institutions such as: Miami Lakes Technical Centre, Success Training College, College of The Bahamas, Nova Southeastern University, Learning Tree International, Langevine International and Synergy Bahamas.


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