Tribune Staff Reporter
FORT Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins said yesterday after listening to Prime Minister Perry Christie’s contribution in the House of Assembly on value added tax legislation that it is obvious that the country “needs new leadership”.
Lashing out at his own party leader yesterday, Dr Rollins accused the prime minister of “threatening” him for not towing the party line and “wasting the public’s time” by quoting scriptures “instead of focusing on the critical debate.”
This later prompted Acting Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis to call on Dr Rollins, whom he noted was appointed as Gaming Board chairman by the prime minister, to do the “honourable thing”. Mr Christie left the country yesterday for Las Vegas.
Mr Davis said Dr Rollins was “out of line” for his scathing comments on the prime minister. He said he is willing to meet with the Fort Charlotte MP today to discuss how Dr Rollins can go about “doing the right thing”.
“The prime minister and our leader is out of the jurisdiction,” Mr Davis said.
“It pains me to know that the member for Fort Charlotte crossed the line today. When I say cross the line, I mean the fact that he is on that side, does not make him any different from us on this side. Perhaps because he is sitting there it has influenced him to think that he is (in the) opposition. He crossed the line. He called the prime minister’s leadership into question and it was not right to do that and I will defend his (Mr Christie’s) right. I defend his right and Dr Rollins crossed the line when he called into question the leader and his motives and in fact suggesting that he should no longer be leader. I will say no more, he (Dr Rollins) and I can meet, (Thursday) morning, as acting prime minister and acting leader of the party and we can discuss the manner in which he can do the honourable thing. I say no more”.
This drew Dr Rollins to his feet. He said he stood by his earlier statements, calling for new leadership in the country. Dr Rollins also pointed out that government board appointments have expired and suggested that technically he is no longer Gaming Board Chairman.
However, Mr Davis said Cabinet had extended the appointments to August 31.
During his earlier contribution on the VAT debate, Dr Rollins had said: “The political threats uttered by the prime minister and the minister of finance this morning left me with one impression and that is, we need new political leadership in this country. When a leader and prime minister, a minister of finance, could take a debate as important and critical to the pockets of the Bahamian people as VAT and spend most of his contribution threatening members on this side, it is evident that we need new leadership. He spent more time and energy trying to threaten us rather than give comfort and hope to people that are leery and tired.”
Dr Rollins also said he is “sick and tired” of hearing the prime minister quote scriptures in the House because if he wanted to hear a sermon he would “go to church”.
“This is very important and I assure you I know that there will be a lot of people angry at me for saying this, but I will say it, the prime minister’s statement earlier today, when he constantly refers to Psalm 103, where he says ‘Our lives are like grass...’, We heard that a million times and now, quite frankly, I am tired of hearing it,” Dr Rollins said.
“The reason I am tired of hearing it is, when I want to hear scripture, I will go to church. Mr Speaker, and I am not trying to be personal, but if you think that is personal, then it was personal for me to sit on this side and experience what I experienced today. For young Bahamians, this scripture is not a good analogy because as the cows in the early 90s were starved and died, the young in our country, the highest segment of unemployed in this country, are starving and crying because they have no grass to eat. The repetition of this same scripture, some old tiresome verses is, quite frankly, played out. We need the government to focus and facilitate the economic growth and leave the preaching of the gospel to the members of the clergy.”
Dr Rollins’ comments came two days after he resigned as party whip because he did not agree with the Constitutional Amendment Bills. He also claimed, last week, that orders are given to “politically destroy” members of Parliament when they express any views that differ from the Progressive Liberal Party.
Dr Rollins also blasted the Christie administration for appearing to use young politicians as “tokens” to help win the last election, but not wanting them to now freely express their views.
Mr Christie was absent from the evening session of the House yesterday. However, in his earlier contribution he indicated that anyone who goes against the party line and publicly criticises the official position of the government can expect “consequences”.
jackbnimble 10 years, 4 months ago
Boy Rollins, I guess it's just a matter of time. I applaud you, though, for standing up but I'm now listening for the fallout as for sure you will be gone after this. The good part is that you would be an excellent asset to the Opposition. They can use your fire.
realfreethinker 10 years, 4 months ago
He tear their guts out yesterday. I hope he resigns because he has no faith in Christie's leadership. We need more politicians to speak out about what is happening in our country
Sickened 10 years, 4 months ago
I disagree in that he should resign. I think he needs to stay on the inside to try and push Perry out! I think it would be much more effective than joining either the FNM or by becoming independent. If the four young bloods lambaste Perry from the inside every time he blunders (which is quite often) then that along with pressure from the opposition should be enough to either get Perry out or give him a heart attack! I sincerely hope he lets go before the heart attack.
asiseeit 10 years, 4 months ago
It is about time someone told it like it is. There is nothing to be proud of if you are a member of the government, it is a FAILURE, those with sense would hang their heads in shame! The people of the Bahamas have no faith in these set. Where there is smoke there is fire and boy let me tell you there is plenty smoke around the PLP, as there always is with these incompetents. The last time I heard the word corrupt so much on the street was in the late 80's early 90's. That says it all right there!
bahamalove 10 years, 4 months ago
Seems like that slap by LBT awoke a sleeping Giant! I love it! This is what the country needs. Finally, we have people willing to challenge the status quo. Rollins, Wells, Moss and D. Smith all need to leave the party and join up with Branville and C. Stuart to form a new party that is relevant to the young voters of this country. All these old heads need to go. I just wish the Bahamian population had more fire! We just sit back and let the country go to hell and do nothing! I mean you have all kind of shanty towns all over the place and illegal immigrants freely moon-walking into our islands and nobody does anything!! When will this government stop catering to their special interest individuals and actually govern this country for a change?
sansoucireader 10 years, 4 months ago
LOL Love that comment about the slap! Maybe MP Butler needs to slap some more of them :)
HolandObserver 10 years, 4 months ago
Let the games begin! If I ever vote for the PLP, please cut my leg off and call me shorty!
ThisIsOurs 10 years, 4 months ago
Omg. He's said it all. Stop using Jesus speech as a hook for the poor. Do honorable things. Do virtuous things. Do things worthy of praise. The entire country is up in arms while these guys find their only virtue in "holding the party line" . The Carnival people held a "town hall" yesterday where they spent 2.5 hours bigging up themselves then crammed questions into thirty minutes or less with lots of "hurry it along". No answers yet on what money was spent, how much and on what. Where's the accountability
Electricity off again btw...
Sickened 10 years, 4 months ago
The Bahamian people now need to get on the streets and start marching and rallying for the PM to resign. Between the rebel PLP's, the few 'Strong' FNM MP's, and 10,000+ Bahamian voters then we should be able to get Perry and Brave out of front line politics.
Who's in????
Emac 10 years, 4 months ago
Oh I am definitely in!!! Name the place and time
ThisIsOurs 10 years, 4 months ago
Me too. When is the rally? And none of those ten people with placards deals..bring out the get out the march machinery
proudloudandfnm 10 years, 4 months ago
Perry did not vote on VAT. Perry is a coward.... A failed PM and a coward....
sansoucireader 10 years, 4 months ago
You see that? So important and yet he's out of town.
Honestman 10 years, 4 months ago
My question for Rollins is why did he accept a nomination from the PLP in the first place? Didn't he do his homework? If he had looked at their history of mismanagement last time round he would have known that he would be compromising himself aligning himself with this bunch of jokers. By his actions yesterday he has effectively resigned himself from the party. At least that is one move in the right direction.
ThisIsOurs 10 years, 4 months ago
I heard from reliable sources a comment from a respected PLP that he could never run under Perry again for this same reason. To a man of order living in chaos is like Chinese water torture
SP 10 years, 4 months ago
Good MAN Dr. Rollins for standing up for your convictions and representing your constituents.
Brave Davis has spent his entire life in politics and cannot point to one occasion or any accomplishment where he stood firm for the betterment of his constituency vs. bowing to leadership.
"Dr Rollins can go about “doing the right thing”.....By staying right where he is and agitating loudly on behalf of his constituents. Christie and Davis has NEVER DONE THAT!
Nobody was voted in by the electorate to lick the boots of Christie and Davis!
ThisIsOurs 10 years, 4 months ago
Wow, just read the fuller content of Rollins' speech in the guardian and for once pseudo dictation said something, because boy did Rollins say something. He cut them off at the knees, Renew Bahamas and transparency, he went there, mortgage relief he went there, propped up jobs for aging retired cronies he went there, nothing jobs for young campaign supporters, incompetence from the last PLP administration, Christie's puffed-uppedness, he went all those places. I hope ZNS repeats the whole speech and advertises the time slot, I'd like to see that contribution play for play. (right)
Emac 10 years, 4 months ago
I can't see this going much further without mass support though. Because the old PLP guards will certainly muffle Rollins sooner or later. It is up to the people of the Bahamas to show him their support and take this country back. It is time to shame Perry and his crew and tell them we ain fer dem no more!
Tommy77 10 years, 4 months ago
@asiseeit I agree.…" style="display:none">
mostsickandtired 10 years, 4 months ago
I am appalled at Dr. Rollins outburst. It was childish, petty and smacks of egotism. One can disagree without insulting a person and he insulted not only Perry as a person and spokesman but as his leader. If I was to make an outburst like that about my boss, it would be because I have my resignation in hand, and damn the consequences! I hope Rollins does not still think he can maintain his MP position under the PLP banner? He needs to resign his post, he was elected under the PLP and the people voted for him as a PLP. So if you are so honourable Dr. Rollins, and not in this for the fame, money and notoriety, then please RESIGN! Now I am sure the PLP and Rollins do not want that to happen because no one wants a by-election, but if Dr. Rollins is so principled and he feels that strongly about HIS leader, then surely he cannot continue to be a part of Christie's administration eh?
bahamalove 10 years, 4 months ago
Stay right there Mr. Rollins! If Mr. Christie can't even fire Renward Wells, there's a slim chance he will fire you. Christie knows if he triggers a few bye elections, he could very well be losing some seats. Just carry on like Wells and Moss who acting right now like they just don't give a s**t!
ThisIsOurs 10 years, 4 months ago
I'm amazed that this group of fellow MPs are so shocked at Rollins' behaviour, remember these are the same group of people smiling at Nygard injecting himself, in their presence, with a hypodermic needle containing an UNKNOWN substance, hmmmm...
sansoucireader 10 years, 4 months ago
It was just a matter of time before MP Rollins 'lost' it. Remember the Elizabeth By-Election when he was all up in Ryan Pinder's face? Then they ended up on the same team. Guess he is still to young to know how these political things go. As for Brave Davis, don't know how he can say the word 'honourable' with all the foolishness his party has done, and will continue to do.
Hotelier 10 years, 4 months ago
Stay right there and give them Hell Andre Rollins. Christie is NOT YOUR BOSS - the people that pay your salary are the ones you answer to. If he fires you for speaking out then we may as well elect Perry Christie and his all of his bootlickers - you listening Brave? - "Dictators for Life" and kiss our democracy goodbye. They too like to hide behind the bushes and go and get all churchy on us when they want to avoid plain speaking and truth.
birdiestrachan 10 years, 4 months ago
Any Political party that accepts Rollins can be sure to face the same situation that the PLP finds it self in. Rollins has some serious issues, and he will carry those where ever he goes. . His political life is over. and him forming a new party will not work for him. His out burst were child like. and he showed a lack of self control.
birdiestrachan 10 years, 4 months ago
Tribune 242 calls it a PLP meltdown. It is more like a Rollins meltdown What does cows have to do with anything . Then he quotes His Papa Ingraham, He also talks about Mr: Moxey. when another member was speaking he jumped to his feet, the member told him I was not talking about you . He seems to be in trouble and he may be losing his mind.
Cobalt 10 years, 4 months ago
Once again you find yourself attempting to rationalize another PLP debacle by diverting the attention away from the PLP itself, and deferring it to someone else. But there's no escaping this one. The PLP has egg on their face as they usher in the "beginning of the end" as they know it. It was only a matter of time before the fiasco which is the PLP would experience a rapid fall. They have lost cohesion and their demise is eminent. The people have had enough, and apparently so have some of their members.
ThisIsOurs 10 years, 4 months ago
I agree with Cobalt, Rollins may indeed be rash, but he is just rash enough to say to Christie's face what other members are grumbling about in closed meetings. Their party is in trouble, Christie has at least five senior members waiting for his downfall, unlike Rollins however, to his face they will tell him what a wonderful job he is doing, they will usher him happily to his own destruction.
Cobalt 10 years, 4 months ago
Where is that stink mouth generalcrazy??? Now that the PLP is showing signs of dissension and disintegration, you can't hear from him! While he tries to pass himself off as a nonpartisan observer; he's nothing more than another illiterate PLP supporter.
Dan101 10 years, 4 months ago
Rollins breakdown gives me hope that at least one member of parliament is feeling what the vast majority of the country is feeling. This "leadership" we under now is beyond worthless, it's detrimental to our country. Christie, Davis and Co., they are way out of line. Debating a bill that will change the lives of every Bahamian is NOT the time to recite bible verse and is a trick too commonly used in this country, I too am tired of it!
SP 10 years, 4 months ago
Why are you people saying Mr. Rollins had a breakdown? He simply stood up for his constituents who put him there and EXPECT him to look after their interest.
GOOD MAN Dr. Rollins......Stay there and continue following your conscious.
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