ACTING Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis has fired Gaming Board chairman Dr Andre Rollins following the Fort Charlotte MP’s scathing criticism of Prime Minister Perry Christie.
Dr Rollins, who had defied Mr Davis’ call to meet him and “do the honourable thing,” was sent a letter from the Acting Prime Minister on Friday, informing him of his termination from the post to which Mr Christie appointed him.
• See Saturday's Big T for the full story.
TalRussell 10 years, 4 months ago
Comrades at the Tribune, if what I have been told by someone who should know is correct, it would make your reporting a misrepresentation of the facts. It appears Dr. Andre HAD in fact resigned his chairmanship of the gaming board a good three days ago and if correct, the DPM's statement is either no more than some face-saving act - or the PM's office is not in communication with the DPM's office? Tribune News Director just maybe you should be assigning your investigative reporter to dig deep into what in the hell is really going on between the PM and his DPM? We know it's something bad but how ugly has has it gotten?
TheMadHatter 10 years, 4 months ago
Tal, how can that be? If so then why would he have said what he did in the House that he cannot resign a position he doesn't have - and that he had not received the letter from Cabinet?
I'm sure if he had resigned, he would have simply stated that in the House at the time of the VAT "debate".
Rollins doesn't sound like someone to not just come out and speak the truth.
If only we could wake up in the morning and discover that the Lord or Zeus or the Tooth Fairy (whoever) had magically made him Prime Minister.
ThisIsOurs 10 years, 4 months ago
It's posturing all around. The post was vacated automatically at the end of July. If the date truly was extended, the post would have be vacated in another week. One week. Exactly what does the public hurrah about firing mean? NOTHING. meanwhile on the items that do matter , NOTHING. at least they're consistent, DO NOTHING leadership.
URD 10 years, 4 months ago
So now go ahead and fire Wells
ThisIsOurs 10 years, 4 months ago
Correct. If he can "act" like the PM and fire Rollins, he can "act" like the PM and fire Wells. No need to wait to discuss anything
Stapedius 10 years, 4 months ago
Rollins has a right to say what he wishes. Where I give him wrong is playing the political game in a stupid way. Politics is a long game, nevermind the short game and the headlines. It was an error on the PM's part in the first place to make him party whip. We have a bastardized Wesminister system in which we fool ourselves into think actually works. Mr. Rollins was not cut out to be Whip. The Whip has a significant role to play and he or she must no how to negotiate and collaborate even in the toughest situations. You don't just wild out like an idiot. One must play the game shrewdly and with patience. Where I also give him wrong is in his decision to attack Chrisitie when he was out of town. Now I'm no Chrisitie fan. I think he's a shabby leader. But I will say this, I believe in saying what I have to say eye to eye. You can't act like an ol gal and talk behind people back. Be man and say what you have to say to the dude in his face. LO AND Hubert would have chewed you up if you tried that. To disagree is only human. But Rollins is disappointing when it comes to how he maneuvers and handles difficult debate and decisions. He's a dentist and should know that when excising a cancer or extracting a tooth one must move carefully and thoroughly making sure that all the margins are removed. Otherwise you run the risk of a rapid bleed and infection which you then find hard to control. He has pulled a tooth and should've had the skill to control the bleeding.
TalRussell 10 years, 4 months ago
Comrades two things worthy of mention here. PM Christie may after all come out of this as more in control of his party than many of us have thought he wasn't so in charge? Dr. Andre was never the choice 2012 candidate for the PLP party's Fort Charlotte constituency members. It was then opposition leader Christie along with Comrade Freddy who directed they bypass several other possible star candidates, included three other doctors, to run Dr. Andre.
ThisIsOurs 10 years, 4 months ago
More in charge??? I believe he comes out proving his inability to make a decision.
TalRussell 10 years, 4 months ago
Comrade you're not going draw an argument from me against your well stated points.. But I was directing my post at the PLP as a party, not as the government.
ThisIsOurs 10 years, 4 months ago
Ok. But I don't get your rationale...he made the decision to hire Rollins over the constituency's wishes, he let Rollins embarrass him realized that's all documented in the house records...anyway..he let BD "handle" the me all of that makes him look weak. Maybe you're looking at it from another angle...
Rollins dug his own grave when he sought to bury Christie, I wonder if Perry and Brave dug their own grave when they sought to bury Moss, Wells and Rollins
TalRussell 10 years, 4 months ago
Oh Comrade, wasn't it the other way around with Moss, Wells and Rollins having each respectfully buried themselves by their own actions. Have you reds forgotten why the PM fired Moss (BTC) or how could Rollins have expected to remain as the House Whip and gaming board chairman whilst being as anti-government as he alone so decided to be, or Wells and his signing that way above his junior status pay scale - $600 million "LOI?" But you reds also pretend to love the Pot cake, so why should your supportive actions surprise any intelligent thinker. What in hell is next for you reds - like if and when the PM has to deal with his minister Shane - will you also wraps ya pretentious red arms so lovingly around him too? .Of course for political speed-ency, you damn well will. That's why the reds have not benefited with any missteps made my the PM. Backwards thinking going into the 2012 General Elections and backwards thinking heading towards the 2017 General Elections.
ThisIsOurs 10 years, 4 months ago
Hey don't paint me with that brush, I've said I liked the accountability that Leslie was instituting at BEC, but when people started calling for Leslie for PM, I said "he is the man for this situation and this place but he is no saint". I like the fact that Rollins spoke the truth, I don't know what his tone was. I don't know enough about him to make any assessment, what I do know about Renward is that he knowingly breeched protocol, I haven't gotten any answer as to why he did it, but I've said openly based on the facts, he clearly isn't innocent and should be fired. On Moss I haven't forgotten his delusions of grandeur when he was appointed at NIB. No, you have the wrong person today. I look at character, I've seen too many flashy Bahamians with nice trappings. Car, clothes, house, money, preachers robes who working right under Satan himself. Wrong person.
I'll end with, they're burying each other
akbar 10 years, 4 months ago
Does an Acting Prime Minister has the authority to carry out such action? I am just curious and if the post had expired and only extended by one week then so what? Mr. Rollins statement will definitely have a long term affect on the Party. Why fire someone for voicing his opinion ( the PLP constitution can never have more authority than the Constitution, though some people believe that) yet Wells who overstep his authority , scenario had to be investigated. These guys a bunch of political weaklings showboating and the wannabe PM Brave Davis is clueless'
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