Tribune Staff Reporter
FORMER PLP Cabinet minister George Smith said yesterday that Fort Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins’ “course is clear” after he “publicly embarrassed” the nation’s leader in a tirade in Parliament, calling for “new political leadership” in the country.
It was one of a litany of critiques Dr Rollins had for his own party.
Mr Smith said that the verbal attack on Prime Minister Perry Christie, during debate on the Value Added Tax Bill Wednesday night, in essence ended Dr Rollins’ stint as Gaming Board chairman and now he needs to either be fired or resign from the post.
Dr Rollins’ actions, Mr Smith said, cannot under any circumstances be seen as right because it violated the party’s constitution and the Westminster parliamentary system. He reiterated that while the party appreciates brilliance and independent thought, PLP protocol outlines that unless the party wants to do something that is clearly against a member’s personal convictions on a fundamental issue, then the party line must be followed.
Foreign Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell agreed that Dr Rollins’ conduct was concerning, as he branded it an “undermining of loyalty, trust and faith” in the PLP. However, he said, a more frank discussion would be held behind closed doors at a private caucus meeting.
“When he did what he did,” said Mr Smith, “he effectively ceased being chairman of the Gaming Board. Whether he resigns or is fired, one or the other must happen.
“When honourable men can no longer follow and demonstrate the respect for the people who head the organisation that gets you elected to the House of Assembly, can no longer demonstrate public respect for the man who is head of the government who appointed you to an office that you enjoyed, when you can no longer publicly respect him – your course is clear.
“Having a differing view within an organisation is perfectly acceptable, but how can you belong to an organisation and then adopt a view independent to that organisation without recognising you have a decision to make?
“The constitution of the PLP tells you when you differ with the party, there is a time or place (to air those feelings), that’s what you have caucus for. But when you publicly try to embarrass the leader of the PLP and the prime minister, you can’t expect decent and fair-minded Bahamians to believe that to be right. It wasn’t right when they did it to Sir Lynden, when they did it to Ingraham and it isn’t right that they are doing it to Perry Christie.”
On Wednesday night in the House of Assembly, Dr Rollins lashed out at Mr Christie, who was absent from the session because he was travelling on official business to Las Vegas.
He criticised the PLP leader saying that “it is evident that we need new political leadership” in the Bahamas. It prompted Acting Prime Minister Philip ‘Brave’ Davis to call on Dr Rollins to “do the honourable thing” while pointing out that it was Mr Christie who had appointed him to the Gaming Board chairman’s post.
However, Dr Rollins retorted that because board appointments expired on June 30, he was no longer technically the head of the Gaming Board. However, Mr Davis replied that Cabinet had extended the appointments to August 31.
Dr Rollins was angry because he said the prime minister had spent a great deal of time during his House address earlier that day “threatening” backbenchers for their differing views rather than allaying the fears of hurting Bahamians.
“The political threats uttered by the prime minister and the minister of finance this morning left me with one impression, and that is we need new political leadership in the Bahamas,” Dr Rollins said.
“When a leader and minister of finance and prime minister could take a debate as important and critical to the pockets and wallets of the Bahamian people, a debate as critical as that, where he could spend most of his contribution threatening members of this side, it is evidence that we need new leadership.”
He further lashed out at the government with claims that it creates “gimmick jobs” through holding referenda and allows unemployed Bahamian youth to canvass homes on their views.
In addition he joined in with calls from the Free National Movement for the Christie administration to exercise transparency when it comes to Renew Bahamas and the process associated with the remediation of the New Providence landfill. He said that if the PLP truly believes in Bahamians, as it stated in its popular campaign slogan, the government would release all the details surrounding the deal with Renew Bahamas.
Dr Rollins also said he was tired of the prime minister quoting the same scripture in the House, adding that when he wants to hear a sermon, he goes to church.
On Monday, the prime minister revealed that Dr Rollins had resigned as PLP whip because he did not support the constitutional amendment bills.
Last night, Dr Rollins had not resigned as Gaming Board chairman.
ThisIsOurs 10 years, 7 months ago
Oh shut up with your old man stuffy Westminster system and sticking to your party rules. Where could this country be if you put this much passion into good governance, ethics, honesty and knowledge. Rollins resigned as party whip and has already told you he can't resign from a board post he doesn't have. Find some other show pony to ride on.
marrcus 10 years, 7 months ago
letitbeme 10 years, 7 months ago
Andre Rollins got backbone. What a breath of fresh air! He has nothing to be ashamed of; he represents the new Bahamian, who know for sure that this is home, and country. He plans to live nowhere else, and he would be damned if he allow the likes of Christie and others to continue make a mess out of it, and eventually destroy it. WAY TO GO ROLLINS!!!!!!
realfreethinker 10 years, 7 months ago
Where do they find these old wash up politicians to interview. Their time has passed
TalRussell 10 years, 7 months ago
Passage of time is not always as forgiving as we'd like it be. I'm pretty sure Comrade Dr. Andre is looking for a new lease on his political career, not its death.. Political demise is something Georgie knows lots about. It might be helpful for Dr. Andre to realize that any Georgie advice is preceded by his own touches with failures within the very same political party he now thinks he's been miraculously reincarnated from the memories - many still hold of days past.
birdiestrachan 10 years, 7 months ago
Wells became very upset when Mr: Christie quoted the psalms . He seemed to think it was against him. But at a going home service Mr. Christie quoted the same verse, I think it has more to do with Mr: Christie himself. because we were only promised 70 years. they all quote scripture. Wells seems to be losing his mind. there was no reason to attack Mr. Christie I trust that he and Mr: Moss are good representatives. And I not sure that they are.
Emac 10 years, 7 months ago
There you go calling Rollins Wells again. Wells must have jammed it home with some strong medicine for you and your PLP, cause he seemed to be on your mind a lot lately Lol...
Required 10 years, 7 months ago
Is he quoting that same PLP constitution that mandates that the party must have an annual convention, that the party's leader must be elected - or reelected - annually at said convention?
birdiestrachan 10 years, 7 months ago
CORRECTION< CORRECTION. I meant DR: Rollins I would like to see Mr: Wells remain in his position and I have always said so.
Tommy77 10 years, 7 months ago
What a mess that guy.…" style="display:none">
BSObserver 10 years, 7 months ago
When honourable men can no longer follow and demonstrate the respect for the people who head the organisation that gets you elected to the House of Assembly
Really? I thought Dr. Rollins' constituents put him in the HOA. He was certainly right to resign as party whip, but since when does a Chairmanship depend on slavish approval of the "party line"? Is that considered to be a political favour?
If they want to deal with a blatant breach of policy, let them deal with the issue Dr. Rollins addressed regarding the violation of public trust committed by Mr. Wells. Now that is a major problem that the Honorable Leaded seems to be avoiding at all costs, and one must wonder why.
BSObserver 10 years, 7 months ago
It seems as though men of courage and self determination, free thinkers, are not welcome.
proudloudandfnm 10 years, 7 months ago
Rollins said some true and honest things. The country severely lacks leadership and that is amazingly obvious in the chaos that is the country today.
Every time this PLP is in power it is utter CHAOS. I defy anyone to prove otherwise. At no point in the FNM's tenure (even during the worst recession in human history) was the country this chaotic. The PLP are amateurs at pretty much everything they do.
Anyone wanna say there is no difference between the FNM and the PLP is 100% insane. They are either nuts, lying or stupid....
proudloudandfnm 10 years, 7 months ago
Oh and by the way. After Rollins lil rant? He voted yes to VAT....
TheMadHatter 10 years, 7 months ago
That does not make me think less of Rollins. We need VAT to pay for free govt clinics and schools for the Haitians and to subsidize duty-free baby food - LOL.
Well_mudda_take_sic 10 years, 7 months ago
No one (not even Rollins) is capable of embarrassing Christie more than Christie himself. As for Georgie Porgie, rumours abound that he is trying to get Craig Flowers to buy him a brand spanking new fully loaded BMW. Some things never change!
PLP_Catastrophe 10 years, 7 months ago
The_Oracle 10 years, 7 months ago
Cowards travel in packs, Honor among thieves vanishes, When politics is at play.
PLP_Catastrophe 10 years, 7 months ago
that was a HUGE disappointment when Rollins voted yes to VAT, I expected otherwise after his rant....says a lot about him.... not good.
SP 10 years, 7 months ago
Smith needs to explain where all those YEARS of Airport Departure Tax money disappeared to while he was a Cabinet minister because the money never made it to the Treasury under his watch!
SP 10 years, 7 months ago
George Smith is 100% correct that Fort Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins’ “course is clear” after he “publicly embarrassed” the nation’s leader in a tirade in Parliament, calling for “new political leadership” in the country.
Rollins now needs to redouble his resolve to see to it that "new political leadership” in the country is achieved.
Good job Dr. Rollins. Thank you for having the fortitude to voice the obvious. Keep up the good work!
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