Keith Bell: I will challenge Andre Rollins for his seat


KEITH Bell, State Minister of National Security, said yesterday he will challenge MP Andre Rollins for his seat as MP for Fort Charlotte after Dr Rollins’ verbal attack on Prime Minister Perry Christie in the House of Assembly earlier this week.

Mr Bell told the Big T that he was “quite shocked” when Mr Rollins “challenged the leadership of (this) political party.“ He suggested that the fiery parliamentarian resign from both his government appointed and elected posts, or risk being challenged.

“The fact is that he has challenged the leadership of this political party, more importantly the honourable Prime Minister, who has gone beyond – far beyond – to bring him up, mould him and help him,” he said.

“The fact that he is able to say that the honourable Prime Minister has done a number of things, not only should he resign as chairman of the Gaming Board, but he should also resign as Member of Parliament for Fort Charlotte. And I challenge him. I challenge him for that seat.”

Mr Bell’s bold declaration came after a tumultuous week of heated debate in the House of Assembly that saw Dr Rollins go head-to-head with the Prime Minister during intense debate over the four Bills to amend the equal rights section of the Constitution and the debate and passing of an Act to introduce Value Added Tax (VAT).

The debate heated up on Wednesday night when, after listening to Mr Christie’s contribution on VAT legislation, Dr Rollins lashed out at his leader declaring that “it is evident that we need new political leadership” in the Bahamas.

He accused Mr Christie of “wasting the public’s time by quoting scriptures instead of focusing on the critical debate.” He also accused the Prime Minister of “threatening” him for not toeing the party line.

In defence of Mr Christie, who had to leave the debate to fly to Las Vegas for an appointment the following day, Deputy Prime Minister Philip Davis said Dr Rollins was “out of line” and “the Prime Minister and our leader is out of the jurisdiction.” He said he was willing to meet with Dr Rollins on Wednesday night on how to go about “doing the right thing,” but a reliable source informed The Tribune that no meeting took place between the two men. Nor did Dr Rollins resign as chairman of the Gaming Board.

However, one of the Big T’s reliable sources said that Dr Rollins was fired from his post as chairman of the Gaming Board on Friday.

Mr Bell’s superior, Minister of National Security Dr Bernard Nottage, when questioned on his personal view of the Rollins-Christie clash said: “I’m not going to comment on any individual member of parliament, but all of us know what is respectful from what is disrespectful. You don’t need me to tell you.”

His additional comments, however, seemed to indicate that Dr Rollins might have had good intentions, but perhaps addressed them in the wrong place at the wrong time.

“We have a process in our party, where generally speaking, as leader of government business for the House of Assembly, I call meetings on a weekly basis,” he said.

“At those meetings we discuss matters that are coming before parliament.

“We discuss matters of importance for members of Parliament. Sometimes we do not agree. When I say ‘we’ some members of parliament might feel that we should be doing things another way or whatever.

“We talk about them, we come to a consensus, and then we proceed.

“There are times when there are just some things what people do not agree on, and nobody tries to stop them from expressing how they feel either to their constituents or to the parliament. There’s nothing wrong with that.

“The only thing I have a problem with is when people become disrespectful and express themselves in ways which do not bring credit to the party. But as far as people having a mind of their own or having an independent view, fine.

“But at some point the party, if it’s the government, or even if it’s the opposition has to make up its mind as to what its policies will be.”


TalRussell 10 years, 3 months ago

Comrades I'm familiar the come to Jesus moment but not the; how many have already come to they I/We want that Fort Charlotte House seat moment.


EasternGate 10 years, 3 months ago

Bell is retarded, plain and simple

Cobalt 10 years, 3 months ago

What an obnoxious statement to make. Who would knowingly board the titanic with accurate knowledge of its fate? The SS PLP with it's disillusioned captain and crew is a sinking ship. The implementation of VAT alone has sealed their defeat in 2017. And now Keith Bell unwittingly makes certain the demise of the PLP with a ridiculous statement indicating that he has plans to contend for Fort Charlotte.

Well let me assure you Mr. Bell..... if VAT alone didn't disqualify the PLP's for future consideration; your presence certainly will.

sansoucireader 10 years, 3 months ago

The Bahamas cannot afford another by-election at this time, and will be no need for one anyway. When PM Christie returns from Las Vegas he'll ignore all the ruckus and carry on as usual. Rollins stays. However, he's better as an independent anyway, because he will always explode/go off when the team isn't doing what he thinks they should be doing. He's a frustrated team player.

Honestman 10 years, 3 months ago

Bell is stupid. He can only contest Rollins' seat if Rollins resigns his seat which he has no intention of doing.

ThisIsOurs 10 years, 3 months ago

Not sure who advised him to offer himself. Doesn't the party decide on the candidate for a particular constituency? Since they shut him up a few months now after his numerous misstatements on national security, they would have to be really in the death throes to allow him free reign to speak in the house. His blunderings could be a worse threat than Rollins.

jackbnimble 10 years, 3 months ago

He's clearly deluded. They didn't want him in St. Cecila. Why would they want him in Ft. Charlotte? In a way, I hope Rollins does resign (although I can't see that he will) just for the thrill of watching the PLP lose a seat and to wake them up to the reality that the Bahamian people are tired.

TheMadHatter 10 years, 3 months ago

Mr. Bell must not be aware that the so-called "independent" people of the Bahamas have not been GRANTED the right to recall their elected representatives. There is no way to get rid of Rollins unless he resigns, dies, or becomes bankrupt.

That is a good thing in this case.

Rollins for PM, is my new motto.


SP 10 years, 3 months ago

Rollins called for new leadership.....Making him the new De facto leader!

Now he needs to continue the call and rally support of his troops who have long been just waiting for the call.

Rollins doesn't realize it yet, but has much more support than Christie outside of the House and more support than he thinks inside of the House!

SP 10 years, 3 months ago

@ EasternGate........It is impolite to call a well known boot licking idiot retarded.

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