Tribune Staff Reporter
ACTING Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis fired Gaming Board chairman Dr Andre Rollins yesterday following the Fort Charlotte MP’s scathing criticism of Prime Minister Perry Christie.
Dr Rollins, who had defied Mr Davis’ call to meet him and “do the honourable thing,” was sent a letter from the Acting Prime Minister, informing him of his termination from the post to which Mr Christie appointed him.
Prior to firing Dr Rollins, Mr Davis, who took advice from Mr Christie on the matter, gave the Fort Charlotte MP an ultimatum to tender his resignation by 10am yesterday. After Dr Rollins failed to comply with his request, he was fired.
The Big T understands that some Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) members, fearing Mr Christie would be portrayed as neglecting to make a tough decision, strongly felt it should have been left to Mr Christie to fire Dr Rollins and not Mr Davis.
Long considered one of the most outspoken PLP parliamentarians, Dr Rollins adamantly opposed his party’s proposed constitutional referendum bills in Parliament recently, often attracting criticism from members of his own party.
Despite this, party insiders were hopeful that all sides would cool off and move past his criticism. However, those hopes were effectively quashed on Wednesday when Dr Rollins called for new political leadership in the country as part of a wide ranging critique of Mr Christie and his administration.
Mr Davis said Dr Rollins “crossed the line” with his criticism.
Dr Rollins is the second high profile person to be fired by the government since the PLP came to power in May 2012. Outspoken Marco City MP Greg Moss was fired as National Insurance Board (NIB) chairman last year.
Dr Rollins’ stint as Gaming Board chairman was a rocky one, with the Bahamas Public Services Union (BPSU) calling for him to be dismissed at one point because of claims he micro-managed the board and wrongfully terminated people.
In recent weeks, Dr Rollins had not been an active member on the board.
He emphasised in the House of Assembly on Wednesday that he would not resign from a position he does not hold, insisting he was not Gaming Board chairman because government board appointments had expired on June 30 and the Prime Minister had yet to announce reappointments.
A Bahamas Information Services statement last night confirmed Dr Rollins had been “relieved of his duties as chairman of the Gaming Board with immediate effect” and said that the government wished him well in his future endeavours.
B_I_D___ 10 years, 4 months ago outspoken as the good Dr. is about VAT and the referendum...amongst everything else...he still voted YES to the VAT bill.
Honestman 10 years, 4 months ago
Fired from the Gaming Board? Big deal. I'm sure he is not in the least bothered. Davis trying to appear authoritative. Joke.
Cobalt 10 years, 4 months ago
Where is the idiotic, PLP sympathizer who calls himself generalcrazy???
I seem to recall him being adamantly vocal during the Darron Cash fiasco! In matters pertaining to the FNM he spared the Bahamas no opinionated foolery predicated upon stupidity. But now that the PLP has begun the disintegrating process that will undoubtedly result in their defeat in three years; he seems to have gone mute! I guess BEC has his light and internet off.
You may have tried to pass yourself off as a nonpartisan observer "generalcrazy".... but your bias and the truth is obvious!! You're just another spineless, shifty, illiterate, uncultured, primitive, trifling uncultivated PLP fool!!
SP 10 years, 4 months ago
Tribune poll shows Hubert Ingraham winning the 2012 elections in a landslide victory.
Get it right for once Tribune.....LOL
TalRussell 10 years, 4 months ago
Hubert who? Now, I have get out my Bahamaland political history books to look up this name? Comrade tell me where to look under? is it listed under red ink amounting to billions of dollars of debt, skyrocketed crime statistics, arrogance, divinely guided ruler over men's or the 8100 Chinese work permits. Maybe it's under BTC sold foreigners, the $11 million investment of workers national insurance premiums into some foreigner beer making corporation or is it listed under a refusal to arrest, detain and deport illegals back to their real homeland? What about that bridge in Abaco - going to no where?
SP 10 years, 4 months ago
Don't forgot about the multi-million $ upgrade for Abaco power station?
Little idiot didn't upgrade the power transmission cables to CARRY the increased load.....So problem still the same after MILLIONS of tax payers dollars done gone.....Child Please!
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