Minnis: PM has failed the nation over crime

Dr Hubert Minnis

Dr Hubert Minnis


Tribune Staff Reporter


FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis said Prime Minister Perry Christie has “failed” the nation on crime and obviously misled the public before the 2012 general election with suggestions that the PLP had answers to the problem.

Speaking with The Tribune, Dr Minnis said it is no surprise that Mr Christie and the PLP made it seem that they had a solution for crime ahead of the last election, because they made many other unfulfilled promises to win votes.

Dr Minnis was responding to the prime minister who on Monday said the government will hold several special meetings this week with the police commissioner and the minister of national security to decide what can be done immediately about the crime situation.

Mr Christie also admitted that his administration has to go back to the “drawing board” as it grapples with violent crime.

Mr Christie’s comments came hours after his friend – Press Secretary and Deputy Director of Bahamas Information Services Latore Mackey – was shot and killed while driving through Market Street. Mr Mackey was one of five men killed in less than 36 hours after a weekend of violence in the capital.

“The prime minister is admitting that he failed,” Dr Minnis said. “They (misled) us before when they said they had a solution to crime, so it is not surprising that they are (misleading) us now.”

The Killarney MP said the PLP has left the country with a litany of unfulfilled promises, including a wide scale mortgage relief programme, National Health Insurance and the shut down of webshops.

“They said what they had to say to win the election,” he said. “They said they would honour the webshop vote and then turned around and ignored it. The populace has lost confidence in Prime Minister Perry Christie and the government.”

Dr Minnis said if the government is serious about crime it must practise a zero-tolerance policy, which includes traffic infractions and illegal immigration.

Democratic National Alliance Deputy Leader Chris Mortimer also weighed in on the issue.

He also questioned whether, if Mr Mackey had not been murdered, Prime Minister Perry Christie would be “re-examining crime strategies” and holding “special crime meetings”.

In a press release, Mr Mortimer said it is laughable that the government is “going back to the drawing board on crime” when they campaigned on having all the answers to the crime problem, during the last general election.

Mr Mortimer suggested that the government take a hard look at implementing changes to the nation’s overburdened courts and the reintroduction of capital punishment as a deterrent to criminal behaviour.

Last December, the government held a special Cabinet meeting on crime after a “heinous” drive-by shooting at a park in Fox Hill when four people were killed and seven others injured.

The government held a press conference after that special meeting and outlined more than 20 plans that were part of the its efforts to accelerate the war on crime.

Among the plans were increased police saturation patrols in crime hot spots, promises to introduce legislation that will give career criminals stiffer penalties for gun crimes and consideration of legislation to restrict the granting of bail for those charged with violent crimes.


dehavmoss 10 years, 7 months ago

"Among the plans were increased police saturation patrols in crime hot spots, promises to introduce legislation that will give career criminals stiffer penalties for gun crimes and consideration of legislation to restrict the granting of bail for those charged with violent crimes"........

These plans have not been sustained or have not been introduced. The government cannot share the total responsibility for crime, but watching the interview with our prime minister the other day, he seems a beaten and defeated man. Does he have the energy to ensure that the government does its part in the next 32 months? And can he be the bridge that through his actions, will inspire Bahamians to act more responsibly to assist the police and each other?

We will know by the amount of dead bodies that continue to mount.

TalRussell 10 years, 7 months ago

Comrades is this constantly used Tribune photo intended to inform readers (or poke fun) that finally the PM may have assigned Minnis's policeman's driver, with an government vehicle to cruise him around Nassau Town. Nice Jeep Minnis?

SP 10 years, 7 months ago

FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis conveniently forgot to mention that the FNM played the same tune and made the exact same promises prior to the 2002 election!

The FNM promised in 2002 that they had "all the answers to resolve crime". And what happened? Tommy T. spent the whole 5 years telling us "not to panic" about the escalating crime situation.

So STFU Minnis!

Both PLP and FNM have TOTALLY failed in crime, illegal Haitian immigrants, the economy, tourism, education and EVERYTHING else.

Dr. Andre Rollins have already articulated as eloquently as one can to describe the ONLY SOLUTION for our country......NEW LEADERSHIP!

GrassRoot 10 years, 7 months ago

of course. all are guilty. you cant make money by booking the crooks if the crooks are paying your bills. and the corruption in this country is the base for all the crime. drugs, web shops, the petty corruption at the DMV, the big corruption involving Bimini, SLS etc. So a long long time ago the political class has decided to "join them" rather than "fight them".

concernedcitizen 10 years, 7 months ago

FNM ,PLP ,DNA , it does not matter as long as single mother of 5 for 3 different dead beat dads is the norm crime will continue to rise .I am not overtly religious ,more spiritual , but as long as we go around spouting Christian nation baloney with no moral or internal compass behind it crime will increase ..God ,creator ,which ever term you prefer has become no more then a personal number handicapper to us ready to bestow blessing on us by which church we attend or how much we tithe ,not if we are responsible and have morals ..,,even the preachers have sweethearts of both sexes ..

Reprecussions 10 years, 7 months ago

You are a fool, you are more concerned at the fact that the person who is suppose to be holding your government accountable is driving his own jeep vs using public funds.

TalRussell 10 years, 7 months ago

Not so fast Comrade. Wasn't it Minnis, not I, who scolded the PM over assigning him a driver but no car to drive him around? That while he (MInnis) doesn't want sound like one them Bahamalander's who be complaining endlessly to the PM about this and that .....but it's a good thing he has his own car for his driver to drive him around..Like I say, don't be accusing me of making this stuff up. It is real truth.

Reprecussions 10 years, 7 months ago

Well last time I check he was entitled to both but that isn't the issue being discussed. I didn't accuse you of making anything up. I'm simply saying you're time and intellect could be use to shine light on matters of substance rather than what car the opposition leader drives. Does it really matter if the man has a jeep?

TalRussell 10 years, 7 months ago

You do know I am not leader of the opposition? Still my Comrade while blogging and in private conversations I have offered fresh ideas. I challenge you to name just one you can point to Minnis, Loretta or Daron having offered to the PM?

PKMShack 10 years, 7 months ago

BLAH BLAH they don't get tired, who is the best of the 2 evils one must decide. My nation up in flames and the choices are very thin. Maybe since they can't let's makes guns legal. Have choices and maybe that's one of them. The gangsters have them for sure and maybe Joe-public should have the choice to choose to have one also.

Sickened 10 years, 7 months ago

If you want a gun I suspect the easiest way to get one is to go to your local police station and ask the drunk looking officer behind the desk where you could get one. Offer to buy him lunch and chances are you will be pointed in the right direction. Disclaimer: THIS IS ONLY AN ASSUMPTION!!!

Reprecussions 10 years, 7 months ago

I think it's funny how people are sitting here criticizing the opposition pointing out that the PM our leader seems to be like a blind mouse with no sense of smell unable to find the cheese. What do you want the FNM to do how can anyone bring about change if you people expect the same old rhetoric. It's not a PLP issue and our government is to blind to see that this goes beyond politics. Stop being political asses and wake up!! Once these politicians leave office they have enough money and connections to leave this country we the people will be left to the chaos an mayhem that potential lack of action or wrong action could create.

Stop talking nonsense about what someone didn't mention concerning what a party that wasn't under his leadership did before. Read what he is saying if his points make sense then agree if not then disagree.

Sickened 10 years, 7 months ago

I hear you. What I hate most about these politicians is that they never actually say they will deal with or fix a problem. They ALWAYS simply blame the last government. One day, one of them will say that regardless of what happened in the past, we currently have this problem and this is our idea on how to fix it. The opposition should then say either: I like the idea... lets' try it, OR I don't think that your idea is the best option, how about we try this. STOP rehashing the past, deal with the current issues and plan for the future.

SP 10 years, 7 months ago

To ignore lessons of the past is the surest recipe of failing in the future!

Fact is, both PLP and FNM are unquestionable failures that led our country to this point of being a near failed state.

EVERYONE in the entire country on both sides admit both parties are corrupt to the core.

What is Dr. Minnis position on illegal Haitian immigrants and article 7 of the constitution?.....His total silence is deafening and confirms he has the same plan of the PLP to sell out the country and grant citizenship in exchange for votes!

Bahamas is the only country in the world where politicians are doing their best to give the country away. Everywhere else people are fighting to keep their country.

birdiestrachan 10 years, 7 months ago

Dr. Minnis and his FNM party does not have the answer to crime they did not have it during their Five years in power and they do not now. When is Bran ? But the DNA spokes man has the same answer to crime that BRAN has hang them, and Rawson square will be a good place. The minds and hearts of people will have to change, until then and it seems it will be no time soon crime will continue. Dr Minnis is in need of a new song, he has been singing the same tune to long. Butler Turner who must own a TV station as often as she is on. When asked to give her answer to crime could, not and can not. As much as she can run her mouth.

John 10 years, 7 months ago

THE FACT IS that consecutive governments have failed this country when it comes to crime. WE have created societies (New Providence and Grand Bahama especially) that Bahamians cannot afford to live in. We continue to tell our young people that they are dumb (D average), unemployable and useless and so they become a threat to a society (Bahamas) that they feel has no place for them. That is what the foreign investor told us because they want to import their workers. Young Bahamians are becoming an enemy of the state that has failed them. And can you blame them? Really? We have allowed the foreign investor to become our god and dictate to us what the state of the Bahamas will be or become. We cater to them and not our own. For over 40 years they have disrupted our way of life and turned the Bahamas into a playground for the rich and famous, with no regard for us who live here or what effect their rapid social changes and economic policies will have on us. Crime, violent crime, including murder, is just a symptom of the many wrongs, corruption and injustices in this country and until you address and fix those wrongs, injustices and corruption, then you cannot fix crime. Just look at the ages of the persons who are doing all the killings, 16, 17 18, 19..most under the age of 24... and so are the victims of murder, many are children still with milk around their mouths, persons who have not tasted life in full bloom, but we blame them when the problem is one our leaders have failed to address properly. The future of this country becomes more uncertain with every dead body that is scraped up off the streets. Continue to buy police cars and watch them become wrecks and pile up at the police garage like broken toys, or try other failed strategies from other countries. Until you restore Bahamians to their rightful place in this country (Bahamas), you will continue to have problems. Now they importing Carnival when they know the stigma that follows it. And we cannot yet police junkanoo effectively.

Cobalt 10 years, 7 months ago

True. But foreign investors didn't do this to us. We did it to ourselves. We traded our personal values and morale for the foreign dollar. The problem is.... Bahamians are for sale and can be bought for a particular price. Most of today's crime problem is predicated upon an illegal drug culture. Ironically this very same drug culture was introduced to the Bahamas under Sir Lynden Pindling and the PLP when he was bought by Joe Lehder for a price. What we are seeing in the Bahamas today is the fruits of seeds sown long ago! The rooster has come home to roost. You can't shake hands with the devil and expect your country to prosper. Satan has a price.... and his price has always been in blood.

Furthermore, the problem with foreign investors is that they don't need the Bahamas.... however, because we are a small country and our GDP in the Bahamas is based upon a foreign market, we need foreign investors (every country does to a certain degree). The entire global economic system including banking and commerce has been consolidated. As a result, we cannot simply abandon foreign investment in an effort to stand on our own two feet....after all... they're not the problem! We..... the dishonest Bahamians..... we're the problem.

Long story short.... read the history books carefully and note that blacks were the ones who sold blacks into slavery. When Europeans initially landed in Africa, they met factions from different tribes waring with one another. In other words... we blacks have always contributed to our own destruction. Yet, rather than taking responsibility for our own actions or inactions we choose to blame the white man, or the foreign investor. Even in America.... the majority of blacks that are killed on a daily basis are killed by other blacks. Yet they conveniently ignore this fact and cry racism. I'm not saying that racism doesn't exist in America because it certainly does! But we're doing more damage to ourselves than any foreign investor or white man can do. We need to shoulder a lot of the blame for what goes on in our own country and stop passing the blame. When WE the people change, then our country will change.

John 10 years, 7 months ago

First of all White men wrote most history books, so the history books are "his" story not mines. WHY read a history book carefully when it was written selectively? Second, if you read the bible you would see that wars were going on from biblical days (was that too Blacks fighting against other Blacks?) so don't try to sell the bull@ that only blacks fought against each other. Black people could not sell other Blacks into slavery if there was no one to buy them or keep them as slaves. Third, a black man is killed in the USA every 28 hours by a cop. In 90 percent of the killings, the cop is white. Yes there is black on black crime in America, but it is because Black Americans face a similar or even worse situation where they are being disenfranchised and denied equal opportunity. Many blacks still cannot go into most white residential areas. Foreign investors do not come into this country because they love Bahamians. The come because they see a potential to make money. And just like when they go into any other country their activity must be regulated and monitored. Read your books carefully and see the history of the damage some IBC's have done around the world. And you always try to paint my opinions under the color of racism. Don't hide behind the guise of being a Black Bahamian to give your bull$hit creditability. Obviously you are a racist with poisonous venom that you want to use other people to inject into any situation involving Blacks or Bahamians. You want to make us feel like a failure and bad about ourselves. How many White American went to jail for drug trafficking? How many Bahamians or other nationalities? Many years after Pindling is dead the US still has a drug problem, so now they are gradually legalizing marijuana to reduce the cost of the war on drugs, not unlike they did with rum. You probably sit in your house and snicker and laugh every time you hear another Black Bahamian has been murdered. You confirm my opinion that people like you should never have been let into this country. Obviously you despise black Bahamians. Every time a Bahamian speaks out, you draw the race card. COBOLT is a blue poisonous metal...look it up! The name fits you to a "t".

Cobalt 10 years, 7 months ago

You sound like the typical mental slave. Statistics are statistics whether you like it or not. Furthermore, your claim that cops kill blacks every 28 hrs in the USA is complete fuckery. Based upon the current population census this isn't even practical. You cross-match facts with your own inferiorities then try to pass them off as reality when they're not. Rather, they're just constructs of your own feeble mind.

I noticed that you conveniently ignored most of my previous post choosing to focus on the race related issues that I stated. While I didn't intend for this to be a racially charged message, it's obvious that you never attended school or university and taken African American studies and the like. Because ironically, the textbooks are written by African and American scholars who ironically are black! These books (written by blacks) not only explains how blacks and whites initiated slavery as we know it, but they also go on to explain how we've continued the trend of slavery thru primitive thinking. Coincidentally, this fits YOU to the t. You probably never even picked up a text after dropping out of the sixth grade of Woodcock Primary School in order to help your mother work. You're a typical, ignorant, uninformed, unread, PLP, imbecile. Do you really think that whites are the only ones who write history books?? Well they're not! You may want to pick up a few contemporary books and read from time to time instead of blaming foreign investors for your problems. But then again, I'm guessing that you're a typical older, lack-knowledge, Bahamian seeing that most of your statements seem to be that of a disenfranchised, pre-literate, non-industrial, fool. Furthermore, I don't have to hide behind anything, nor anyone. My successful profession and my track record in this country speaks to my credibility, not my color. See John.... if you had stayed in school you would have learned that it's ones way of thinking coupled with ones action that defines him; not race.

And what do you mean that I shouldn't have been LET in this country??? I was born here! This is just another perfect example of your constant emotionally confused rambling. You spout information that has no substance, structure, or truth but you say it anyway in an attempt to justify an idea that is without meaning or purpose. And I told you before.... unlike you I don't have to use Wikipedia for the definition of Cobalt... I already know what it is. I worked with it a lot in grad school, and that's why I chose it as my profile. But do you know what John is??? It's an hypothetical average man.... an anonymous nobody.... a name given to someone who is without sustenance or regard. How fitting.

Cobalt 10 years, 7 months ago

And while Pindling may be dead, the effects of the drug culture he started is still alive and well!

Furthermore... who was at fault??? Joseph's brothers who sold him into slavery.... or the Egyptians who bought him??? We know that the stories written in the history books aren't YOURS John. After all... your stories seem uniquely similar to that of the old PLP guard. "Let's blame the white man and the foreigners for our problems!!!! Never mind our own destructive ways and practices!!!!" And what do you mean blacks aren't given equal opportunity in the United States??? I had more opportunities and rights in the U.S. than I do in this Bahamas!!! And I'm as black as tar!!! If the U.S. is so racist, then why are minorities from all over the world flocking their??? Why is the US embassy in Nassau black with people all the time??? You talk a whole lot of horse shit and can't back it up except with frivolous, accusations predicated upon your own low-status, shortcomings and ignorance.

And of course foreign investors come to the Bahamas to turn a profit you illiterate baboon!!! Which business man wouldn't??? If you were industrious and ambitious enough to start your own business, you would know that! But once again you are a Bahamian who speaks from the back-seat! Completely ignorant to complexities of business practices in this country. Are you even familiar with the construct of how a business works??? Because of foreign investors I personally am able to sell my products at a cheaper rate to less fortunate Bahamians!! People start businesses to make money, idiot!!! This isn't charity work!!! But it's up to the leaders of that country to ensure that certain benefits and proceeds of a foreign business reaches the people as well! So don't blame the foreigners.... blame our government!!

And for the record.... the word is "mine"..... not mines! Mines are where you harvest coal and ore. Go learn to write!!! You're not on the slave ship anymore!! But then again.... maybe you are.

Honestman 10 years, 7 months ago

I agree with much of what you say John but let's imagine what the Bahamas would be like today if there had been no foreign investment over the last 40 years? Would it be better or worse? Personally, I don't think it is the foreign investment that is the problem. The problem is the corrupt nature of our political leaders. Many of these politicians have robbed the country of much of its wealth to satisfy their own lust for money. This lost money could have funded major improvements in the quality of education available to young Bahamians. Our young men and woman are being failed by the state because of the greed of our leaders and it continues today. How bad will it have to get before Bahamians march on Parliament and demand a Freedom of Information Act and a government that is truly accountable to the electorate? Until that happens, The Bahamas will continue to be a nation for sale and young men and women will continue to live bitter, violent lives and miss the vision that God has for each of them. So sad.

John 10 years, 7 months ago

The problem is not with foreign investment per se. It is with the foreign investors who come here and take away the rights and freedoms of Bahamians. The investors whose plans do not include Bahamians except in a very mediocre way. The ones who look at Bahamians like bush on the land they need to clear away and make room for their developments and those in our government who sing their praises like a double mouthed parrot, that Bahamian entertainment aint good enough, that the Bahamian worker ain't good enough, that Bahamians need to be kept away from tourists as much as possible. that Bahamians are not qualified to be investors or even partners in joint venture. And they pushing us out of our own country and owning everything that Bahamians could have at least be part-owner of if our governments did the right thing...but no many of them greased their own fingers and lined their pockets and sold out the rest of us.

Honestman 10 years, 7 months ago

Foreign investors cannot take away the rights of Bahamians but Bahamians can give away those rights.

Cobalt 10 years, 7 months ago

That's what I was trying to tell him a minute ago. Our own leaders are the ones destroying our country. AND WE THE PEOPLE ARE TOO!

John 10 years, 7 months ago

You are both one and the same!

mostsickandtired 10 years, 7 months ago

Yes, the government has failed its people, and since we continue to vote them in, we have failed as a nation and at being good stewards of what God has entrusted to us. Whenever I pass by our cordoned off beaches and obscured sea views, I want to cry for our people. How is it that we cannot enjoy so many miles of beaches because a house, a wall, bushes, mounds of sand prevent us from parking our cars close by, getting out and enjoying the beach? I am always left with the opinion that if the government in power cannot even secure this fundamental right to enjoy the sun sand and sea, what good are they? They don't really care about us at all! We don't all have the luxury of a swimming pool or access to a private home or gated community with a beach, so this privilege that every Bahamian should be enjoying, is denied to us. And no Government has ever tried to give this right back to us. So I am sure if I feel saddened about this, how does our youth feel when the good life is right there in front of their eyes but they cant access it, because of poor education, favouritism to the foreign worker, illegal immigrants forcing down the wages to unliveable standards? Lord help us because our governments are not, they ALL seeking to enrich themselves and their families and friends...

DEDDIE 10 years, 7 months ago

I am not a fan of the government but they have done something significant that would go a long way in reducing crime if they are able to sustain it. Rimardo Rolle will killed on March 9th 2014 and his killer Javaro Davis was found guilty 12-0 on August 9th 2014 (which is five months later). It is significant because he would never have the opportunity to re-offend because the question of bail was mute.

John 10 years, 7 months ago

Case in point: Cable and Wireless came here four years ago and dismantled the cell phone system, claiming that were building a new, modern and improved network. Four years now an you can hardly make a cell phone call that is audible or not dropped. Now they have to go back and rehire the same BAHAMIAN technicians they made redundant four years ago to try to fix the system. Why didn't Cable and Wireless tell the public how many MILLION$ in phone cards and cell phones went missing during the four years they were managing BTC!

SP 10 years, 6 months ago

It was all a "MATTER OF TRUST" "PROVEN LEADERSHIP" & most of all poop and mirrors!

Bahamianpride 10 years, 7 months ago

HAI, PC, Ping, all have failed the nation over crime. I agree with much of what John has said. We have not invested well in our own people. This mentality that foreign is always better has killed us. Our leaders did not see the big picture in the late 70's and early 80's which in my belief is when we started heading on this downward spiral with drugs and crime. Education and Family planning should have been at the center along with economic empowerment to prevent this. But we now have 2 lost generations of kids particularly boys and the 2nd generation is extremely dangerous. Nobody knows how to fix this ignorance going on because changing the hearts and minds of kids can be done, but trying to reform grown ass men is a challenge. There is no time for politics, PLP/FNM/DNA and all of us better come up with a plan before we all end up like Haiti.

PKMShack 10 years, 7 months ago

@john you think cell service is worst, wow. Same tech's just less tech's are on staff. When was the last time a non Bahamian tech showed up to fix a problem. You know how long the world has been on 3g and 4g and we just got there. You can't be serious about cell service. Which country still uses and sell phone cards on the side of the road for local phone use. We backwards but getting there and until that company was sold it would have stayed 10th world. You want to see improvements of service sell all gov. ran businesses.

Cobalt 10 years, 7 months ago

John is just another idiotic, unrefined, uncultured, inept, Bahamian who has been victimized and confounded by his own ignorance. He reeks of a past philosophy in which the "big bad white foreigner" is responsible for the destruction of the "poor black native indigenous folks." Like many Bahamians lacking cultural etiquette, he expects the government to make provisions for his own ineptitudes. He criticizes every foreign entity and interest in this country by claiming that Bahamians are not only mistreated by foreigners, but can also do any job better than a foreigner. What a crock of shit!!! When last has any "majority Bahamian"company engineered any mass project in this country??? The last time that this occurred was during the construction of the Kendal G.L. Isaac Gym!! And I think we all know how that ended!! As a matter of fact.... this is the reason why the Chinese chose to build the national stadium themselves rather than giving us the money to do so. Every time Bahamians are appointed to conduct any major project; funds go missing, moneys are misappropriated or mishandled, and the job is never done properly. Then idiots like John have the audacity to complain when mass projects are rendered to foreigners!!! It's because of jackass Bahamians like you John!!!

dehavmoss 10 years, 7 months ago

They say that if the blind leads the blind both of them will fall in a ditch. I dare anyone to tell me that the policies or lack thereof of successive governments have not contributed heavily to our never ending downward spiral when it comes to crime.

[That is except for the Bahamians out there with no reasoning ability, those who refuse to accept facts and/or those who have blind allegiances. Your usual and "loop holed" commentary will not be taken seriously for this exercise].

NB# Successive governments refers to the FNM and the PLP.

Well_mudda_take_sic 10 years, 6 months ago

Why don't Minnis or dat big gal rant and rave bout why da PLP's budget say nuttin bout all dat millions of money BEC dem need to light up Baha Mar and also keep me from svettin?!! Dese really some wurtless politicians!!

SP 10 years, 6 months ago

What "big gal" you talken bout? BLT?

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