Bran: I'm not joining FNM


Tribune Staff Reporter


HITTING back at claims that he was in talks to rejoin the FNM, Democratic National Alliance Leader Branville McCartney yesterday announced the launch of his party’s 2017 election campaign.

Mr McCartney said that there have been no discussions or “back door deal” between the Free National Movement and himself.

He accused the FNM of trying to destabilize support for the DNA, adding that he heard reports that the FNM has attempted to recruit DNA executives and former candidates.

“We (DNA) are going full steam ahead,“ said Mr McCartney, “we are garnering more support. We have had more support over the last two months than the two major parties, in terms of persons coming over, in terms of membership and interest levelled towards us. It has been amazing.”

He said: “The PLP is messing up royally and they have proven that they don’t know what they are doing. They have proven that they can win an election, but they can’t govern a country, they have proven that and that is so sad.”

Despite criticisms from both major parties that his fledgling party was “insignificant”, Mr McCartney said the FNM has admitted that the emergence of a third party influenced the 2012 General Election.

Mr McCartney said: “The FNM saying that the (DNA) caused them (PLP) to be there. This is the same FNM that said we (DNA) were insignificant, just noise in the market, the party that was only around for 11 months, this party caused the defeat of a party around for so many years?”

FNM Chairman Daron Cash yesterday said that the party was not “courting” Mr McCartney.

The 2017 campaign officially started last week Wednesday in South Beach, according to Mr McCartney, who said that a formal announcement had not yet been made.

Mr McCartney said the rumours that he may rejoin his former party stemmed from photos of him with several FNM members at a pro-hanging march last week that were posted on FaceBook.

He explained that he was “still very friendly with a number of people from the FNM and PLP”.


proudloudandfnm 11 years, 1 month ago

Attempted? No Bran sorry bro. They came of their own free will and most of your ex candidates that did come over came on May 8th, 2012. Right after your party won ZERO seats....

TalRussell 11 years, 1 month ago

Comrades word on the green streets has it, tis the greens themselves whose behind shipping they leader Bran back over to the red camp. This may have come about following Bran's most recent statement that, if only he were to become PM his new government would be prepared to flog bellow citizens convicted of crimes, in full view of the tourists in Rawson Square.

Cobalt 11 years, 1 month ago

I think Bran realizes that his DNA party won't win the 2017 nor 2022 elections. But I think he also realizes that he may be viewed as a savior in 2027 after the PLP and FNM are done ruining the country (if they already haven't).
I'm surprised to see that we are so quick to disregard Branville McCartney as a potential leader; especially after bearing witness to Perry Christie and Hubert Ingrahm's methods of governing. Our country has coded and we're currently on life support. Can we really intrust it to these two again? Don't be so quick to dismiss Bran and the DNA. He established a new record and influenced the outcome of the 2012 general elections the last time I checked.

TalRussell 11 years, 1 month ago

Comrade Cobalt a perfect political analysis, if you don't be minding not paying attention da noise in the market and is will'in overpay for them smallest of fishes caught by that hobby fisherman up in Cooper's Town, Abaco. You be considered a politician force it does require you have a least one elected House of Assembly MP., not be a party of spoilers. Even Marsh Harbour's Edison has be considered more powerful than Brans mischief maki'in greens, cause at least he sits as the only independent MP, divorced from Minnis and Loretta's discipline. I guess you know Bran and Edison had one big blowup on floor House, or were they just act'in for the public gallery and cameras?

nationbuilder 11 years, 1 month ago

What DNA party? When was the DNA constituted? When was its first convention held? When was its leadership elected by constituted convention? This is what is so sad in The Bahamas - a person says they have a Party and automatically they have a party, regardless of what constitutes an actual political party and regardless of what is considered a democratic process in a party in a democracy. Its almost like The Bahamas is not comfortable unless it is in a state of constant falsehood.

GQ 11 years, 1 month ago

In my not so humble opinion Hubert and Bran lost the election in 2012 Bran because he is a wannabe and Hubert because of his dictatorial attitude, "My way or the highway." The country needs to be put front and foremost and these politicians who will not compromise on their super egos need to leave the scene and let men and women who care come to the forefront. Why is it that Hubert will not come out and state that he is not coming back? Does he regret he left? We need to get rid of the PLP Lynden Pindling indoctrinated leaders of both parties and allow sensible leadership to restore our country before it is too late.

conian7 11 years, 1 month ago

The sad commentary here is that it appears many Bahamians would prefer to stick with politicians who have a history of failed and inadequate governance. The FNM and PLP have not done that much to warrant such blind faith in their ability to lead this nation - just look at our economy, crime, education, immigration and industries and tell me how GREAT Ingraham or Christie is; after all they, as leaders, are responsible for where we are today.

The DNA offers at the very least the hope of a vision; the potential for change that will include the will of the people (how novel in what is considered a democracy). The ideas and vision of the DNA offer a great alternative to the status quo - after all what has the status quo gotten us so far?

Cobalt 11 years, 1 month ago

Thank you! My sentiments exactly! If Branville McCartney and his DNA party can continue establishing competent political associates capable of representing the various constituencies, they certainly deserve an opportunity to serve as government. Not only will this bring a breath of fresh air to the Bahamas; but it would also send a clear and coherent message to the FNM and PLP who have both proven hapless, impotent, incapable, and uncaring. Bran and the DNA deserve serious consideration.

TalRussell 11 years, 1 month ago

Should make for some interesting photos to be broadcast over the worlds social sites by our visitors with Bran's grand scheme of busing your fellow citizens into Rawson Square who may have run afoul of the law to be flogged in full view of tourists is called a vision? Do you flog them before or after their sentence appeals are heard? Maybe whip them back to they senses, while on remand?

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