Tribune Staff Reporter
PRIME Minister Perry Christie held high level talks yesterday with banking institutions in the country in an attempt to “arrest a problem”, it was confirmed yesterday.
Agriculture Minister V Alfred Gray made the revelation at the opening ceremony of the commercial farm at the Bahamas Agriculture and Marine Science Institute to explain Mr Christie’s late arrival.
At the ceremony, Mr Christie added that Franklyn Wilson, chief of the Government’s Bahamas Telecommunications Company (BTC) negotiating team, was also present at the meeting.
“Mrs Wilson (Senate president), it’s good to see you here,” said Mr Christie. “Your husband was at that meeting (Gray) was talking about, that I am returning to.
“The reality of our country is as such that when it comes to the finances of our country I have the ultimate responsibility of being the chief participant in the affairs. I also have the IMF delegation leaving today and we’ve had intense talks with the fund at my level, at the cabinet level, and we have caused the fund to speak to significant numbers of religious leaders.”
In his opening remarks yesterday, Mr Gray said: “(Christie) was dealing with the finances of our country, many countries in our region are going under and you know why, because the leader sometimes fails, neglects or otherwise to arrest situations which are developing before they become problems.
“The prime minister’s very lateness is because he was in a very important meeting with banking institutions of our country trying to arrest a problem that I believe if you knew about, you would give him a big round of applause for just showing up,” said Mr. Gray.
newcitizen 11 years, 1 month ago
"a big round of applause for just showing up" sounds about right for Mr Christie. You can't give him applause for much else.
realfreethinker 11 years, 1 month ago
you are so right hilarious You think this crew serious. What the hell wse paying him for TO plant a tree?
nationbuilder 11 years, 1 month ago
In other words, he overslept that morning...
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 1 month ago
Exactly...where was he for the past two years? BOOOO
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 1 month ago
What a contradiction...he's late because he's in this emergency meeting trying to hold off the IMF and then had shows up here to hand over 20 million to Daryl Rolle...these people can't be serious.
banker 11 years, 1 month ago
Why is an unelected Frankie The Snake Wilson in the same meeting, about running the country? Nobody voted for him.
realfreethinker 11 years, 1 month ago
banker I wondered the same thing. How the hell does snake get involve with our finances. I am begining to believe he is running the country
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 1 month ago
Incompetence = (number of issues) to the power of (required consultants)
larry 11 years, 1 month ago
The same set of families have been running the Bahamas for the past 40years and they will continue too. They are voted in or appointed to power every election
sheeprunner12 11 years, 1 month ago
The Black Pindling Boys replaced the Bay Street Boys ................ LOL
What da hell Andre Rollins was diggin up in when he tried to call out George Smith (a BPB)
Something bubblin up in da PLP camp???????????????
Reality_Check 11 years, 1 month ago
Let's have a moment of silence please for our beloved dead Bahamas!
Our corpse of a country simply could not withstanding the unrestrained financial bleeding caused over the years by the likes of LOP, HAI, PGC, William Allen, James Smith, etc. How appropriate it is that Frankie (The Snake) Wilson should be brought in to preside over the burial of our country.....he certainly ranks right up there when it comes to those most responsible for the blood letting of our country's financial heart, i.e. The Public Treasury.
Poor stupid dumb Bahamians who turned an eye in exchange for the occasional bone thrown their way by their crooked MPs, corrupt political parties and their favoured greedy unscrupulous 'business' tycoons are about to realise that no amount of resuscitation or other life support can bring the dear Bahamas back to life!
The_Oracle 11 years, 1 month ago
Now that is, unfortunately, a bit too close to the truth Reality_Check. We are about to pay directly for our negligence as citizens, for allowing corruption and fraud to lead us directly into this mess. Blindly following, never questioning, impugning those who did, who do. For decades we have had two horses in the race, and few have figured out both are dead, Operated by sticks operated from behind closed doors.
TheMadHatter 11 years, 1 month ago
"... trying to arrest a problem that I believe , IF YOU KNEW ABOUT you would give him a big round of applause..."
But, of course, we DON'T KNOW ABOUT. Cause we are just the dogs (so called citizens) in this country. We don't deserve to know.
It will just happen one day, the announcement will be made. BEGINNING Midnight last night the Bahamian dollar is now worth only 75 cents US$. Too bad, too sad. Only B$ may be spent in the Bahamas, and shops with cash registers or safes found with US$ or Bahamians found with US$ on their person or in their homes etc will be prosecuted.
Even the so-called "shadow minister of finance" has no authority to obtain actual current financial information or information about financial agreements or treaties - so how can lowly dogs like us expect to get it. I challenge anyone to quote the chapter and sections number in the Law that gives him such authority.
And yet, every day (and night) women are bearing children in this country, breeding them into slavery just like themselves. Why do slaves continue to multiply themselves? Do they love their masters that much? They want to make sure that their masters always have maids to clean the hotel rooms, and packing boys at the grocery store, and gas pumpers at the station, and girls to sell the numbers at the web shops?
GrassRoot 11 years, 1 month ago
absolute useless and purposeless article. A note of Justin Bieber scratching his ass is more exciting and bears more content than this.
asiseeit 11 years, 1 month ago
What "urgent problem", I DEMAND FREEDOM OF INFORMATION! Until we get FoI the kleptocrats will continue to rape the Bahamian peoples wallets. We will never be able to hold these leeches accountable. DEMAND FREEDOM OF INFORMATION!
The_Oracle 11 years, 1 month ago
Devaluation? more than likely, in short order, and you'll be lucky to get 30 cents on the Dollar. More like 3 cents once the foreigners pull their funds in response.
banker 11 years, 1 month ago
Almost every businessman that I know is either hoarding American dollars, banking them elsewhere or arranging their businesses so that thing pass through Florida and a few American dollars slough off and stays out of the Bahamas. They are feverishly trying to convert their $B dollars to tangible assets in American dollars.
sheeprunner12 11 years, 1 month ago
90% of our GDP already leaves the country!!!!!!
Banker, are we down to the last 5%????????????
That sounds like real exciting news, Grassroot
As for Freedom of Information, that will never ever be done by the PLP.
They more secretive than Masons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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