Tribune Staff Reporter
FNM Deputy leader Loretta Butler-Turner is calling on Prime Minister Perry Christie to fully disclose whether he at some point fell behind in paying his real property taxes, and, if so, the years involved.
Branding him as the worst Prime Minister the Bahamas has seen to date, Mrs Butler-Turner criticised Mr Christie following his admission that he was unaware of which PLP parliamentarians, if any, were in arrears with their taxes.
The comments came amid a wave of backlash sparked following VAT advisor Ishmael Lightbourne’s confession that he had not paid real property taxes over the last decade. He owe’s the government more than $7,000.
The Christie administration has been heavily criticised since news of Mr Lightbourne’s delinquent account went public, especially as the government struggles to make its case that VAT is a suitable revenue-generating system.
It was Mrs Butler-Turner’s opinion that Mr Christie was “the most incompetent and irresponsible Prime Minister and Minister of Finance since the advent of Cabinet government in the Bahamas. He is very good at pleading ignorance and very poor at accepting responsibility.
“For the sake of accountability and responsibility might Mr. Christie advise if there were years when he did not pay his real property taxes in a timely manner and how many years this involved?
“If Mr Christie failed to ask (PLP parliamentarians), he is even more incompetent and slacker as Prime Minister than previously thought.
“He now says, ‘I will in fact review that with a view to seeing those of us who are in arrears of the various requirements in terms of taxes and with a view to advising them to meet the payments.’
“Why is he just doing this now, nearly two years after returning to office and on the eve of introducing legislation on VAT, legislation that has been postponed on three occasions by an incompetent government?
“He wants the Bahamian people to pay taxes and wants to raise taxes on law-abiding citizens, including the poor, but doesn’t know who in his own ranks are paying taxes? Is there one standard for the Bahamian people and another standard for PLP parliamentarians?”
Mrs Butler-Turner accused the Christie administration of being one of double standards, made clear, she said, by the actions of some PLPs. She added that seemingly it does not matter if taxes are raised or lowered because there are members of the government who simply do not pay.
B_I_D___ 10 years, 9 months ago
You go LBT!! Smack with it!! LOL My RPT is in excess of $10K a year...I'd LOVE to just not pay it but heck no...I'm no PLP croony so they's have me charged and repossessed the day after the bill was past due!!
ohdrap4 10 years, 9 months ago
Mind you, when they initiated the payment of retirement funds to past mps, sometimes in the 90's, their past due balance on rpt was deducted from their lumpsum.
that information was in the public domain back then, if someone in the press business cares to dig that out.
realfreethinker 10 years, 9 months ago
I always say how can you collect money from the treasury and owe the treasury
birdiestrachan 10 years, 9 months ago
Butler Turner sure knows how to throw stones. But when true facts are stated about her..She becomes "poor me" and throws a temper fit... As far as Mr. Christie being the worst PM.. that is her opinion and she is welcome to it. There are many who disagree with her...
The Bahamian people should pray that a woman who goes around slapping people should never become PM of this Country. The fact that she slaps people shows a lack of self control. and she displays this serious lack in many ways.
ThisIsOurs 10 years, 9 months ago
Pindling, Ingraham, do nothing Christie...hmmmm
Tarzan 10 years, 9 months ago
Sounds to me like someone is scared to death of a real woman who speaks her mind and defends her dignity.
Reality_Check 10 years, 9 months ago
Best thing this lady can do for the Bahamas is put HAI under one cheek and PGC under the other cheek, and then sit on 'em!!!!!
Tarzan 10 years, 9 months ago
Whenever the opposition has no resort to facts, you will find personal insults and allegations qualified with "probably" associated with their nincompoop comments.
Bahamianpride 10 years, 9 months ago
LOL, @ rory, u don't fool around in getting your point across..
Bahamianpride 10 years, 9 months ago
Every time i try to read her comment or take her serious the picture of her sitting alone devouring 2 large buckets of KFC consumes my mind..
asiseeit 10 years, 9 months ago
One Law for Them(politrikcans and the political hacks) another for the rest of Bahamians. DEMAND FREEDOM of INFORMATION! This is the only way we will ever know what is really going on in our country. The Politrickans will never come clean, they are ALL dirty!
sheeprunner12 10 years, 9 months ago
I hope my MP paid up ... on ALL taxes
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