PLP chairman Bradley Roberts said the FNM’s deputy leader Loretta Butler-Turner has “no shame or conscience” for characterising Prime Minister Perry Christie as “incompetent”.
Likening her remarks to the “pot calling the kettle black”, Mr Roberts said with the damages Mrs Butler-Turner and her Cabinet colleagues inflicted upon the Bahamas, she would be better suited spending her time apologising to the Bahamian people.
“After inheriting a robust economy with record government revenue; record employment; record direct investment, she and her cabinet colleagues managed to help wreck the Bahamian economy in five short years, driving the economy to the edge of the fiscal cliff,” Mr Roberts said.
“Unemployment doubled; the economy contracted and our national debt expanded by 40 per cent in those five short years.”
Mr Roberts said the previous Ingraham administration likes to use the recession as a “shameless crutch” for their “failures in governance” from 2007 to 2012.
He said the implementation of a “stop, review and cancel” policy was arguably one of the “dumbest and most harmful policies on record”.
“Did the recession force the FNM into this self-serving act?,” Mr Roberts said. “What about the jumpstart programme? Millions of dollars were spent on small businesses, but where are the businesses and the jobs they were intended to create?
“Was the recession to blame for this lack of accountability?
“The infamous New Providence Road Improvement Programme (NPRIP) where gross mismanagement resulted in the unnecessary closure of numerous businesses and the loss of many jobs, not to mention $100 million in needless cost overruns placed squarely on the backs of hurting Bahamians.
“The PLP had to offer relief to over 200 businesses at an additional cost of $15 million. I suspect the FNM’s cry is that the recession made them do it,” Mr Roberts said.
He continued: “And what did the FNM do for an encore? They all washed their hands like Pontius Pilate, walked away from the mess they helped create, and feigned ignorance of their five years of governance.
“At all material times, Loretta Butler-Turner sat at the FNM Cabinet and approved all of these terrible policies and the Bahamian people are suffering from to this very day.
“She or any one of her colleagues should be the last to call anybody incompetent.
“The FNM cabinet members are the poster children for incompetence.
“Thankfully through the grace and mercy of God the economy has turned the corner, Bahamians are returning to work and the government has succeeded in attracting fresh money into the country. We remain confident and optimistic about the future of our country, notwithstanding the hurricane Bahamians have had to endure, courtesy of Loretta Butler-Turner and her colleagues,” Mr Roberts said.
ohdrap4 11 years ago
Bradley roberts has no shame or conscience to defend tax dodging plp, while ready to impose tax on people.
realfreethinker 11 years ago
That man done lose his mind I dont pay attention to anything he has to say
sheeprunner12 11 years ago
Can anyone take the Bahamian version of Goebbels seriously?????????????????????
TalRussell 11 years ago
The reds must deal with Hubert and get him back as their leader ASAP, or be prepared to stop playing leadership games with Bahamalander' s, to permanently shut the damn door on him ever returning to lead the reds. Comrades tell me something. Let's say that it is only "Big Bad" Brad and not the voters from back in 2012 who still to this day hold similar lack of trust feelings about Hubert and Co, believing he will return when the time is ripe for him, then pray tell me why it is that regardless of what barometer the reds are using these days, it is has be telling them that despite the troubles the PLP have created for themselves there does not seem to be any visible signs the red shirts are benefiting from a resurgence of support for either their party or its current leader. I think it would be a fatal mistake for them to believe that despite it being Minnis’s second year as leader, it’s just a passing reaction by the same Bahamalander’s who did vote them out office in 2012. More worrisome for the reds has be, if the government wakes up and begins to address the real concerns of Bahamalander’s., jobs, crime and the economy. Comrades it sure as hell ain’t helping none when your leader doesn’t even register on the who could lead the reds to victory in 2017 radar? Maybe rather than just outright dismiss "Big Bad" Brad as no more a lone enemy messenger, the reds had better develop the stomach for holding a real open leadership fight, cause it just might be their only real opportunity to showcase why their man or woman wants and has it in them to do what it will take to win a majority of votes at the polls to become the next PM. But what in hell do I know.
layinlow 11 years ago
Hey Cinderella, if the shoe fit........... but this is not a fairy tail.
B_I_D___ 11 years ago
I love how he still claims that any or either government is to fault for GLOBAL economy crash...yes, when the PLP was in power up until 2007 the global economy was booming...guess what...worldwide the economy tanked between 2007-2012...he still spews on with the rhetoric that...
“After inheriting a robust economy with record government revenue; record employment; record direct investment, she and her cabinet colleagues managed to help wreck the Bahamian economy in five short years, driving the economy to the edge of the fiscal cliff,” Mr Roberts said.
Silly thing is that people buy the crap that he is spewing because they are so narrow minded they cannot see beyond their own noses to realize that there was a bigger global crisis at play that directly impacts us.
SP 11 years ago
Why do we continue putting up with PLP & FNM......Which party is the "Biggest Jackass"?
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