Roberts: Government has demonstrated extraordinary fiscal discipline


Bradley Roberts

CONTRARY to the assertions of opposition leader Dr Hubert Minnis, there is “incontrovertible evidence” that the government has demonstrated extraordinary fiscal discipline and leadership according to Bradley Roberts, chairman of the governing PLP.

Referring to Dr Minnis’ dismissal of the government’s “tough but necessary” plan to rein in fiscal spending, Mr Roberts said the FNM leader’s comments were nothing more than a misleading and politically motivated diatribe.

He said: “For the record, the Central Bank of the Bahamas reported that the government narrowed the national debt by $66 million during the first quarter of the current fiscal year.

“The government initially projected the budgetary deficit for the current year to be $443 million which works out to $110.75 million per quarter.

“That figure was narrowed by $66 million or by more than 50 per cent. At this current level of spending containment, the actual deficit could come in at under $200 million which is a significant improvement over the state of our fiscal house inherited by this government back in 2012 with runaway spending, no accountability and $500 million in borrowing.

“The government is to be commended for its focus, leadership and fiscal discipline.”

The improvement in the state of public finances may be inconvenient to Dr Minnis and his party members, Mr Roberts said, “but the facts do matter and he cannot get away with making up his own facts as he sees fit regardless of the paid messaging advice he received.

“If he insists that he sees no tangible evidence that the government is cutting waste and containing spending, then perhaps the government should cut his salary, take away his car and insist that he find office space and an assistant at his personal cost.”

Having felt first-hand the sting of the government’s drastic cost-cutting measures the way civil servants and public corporations have over the past 20 months, Mr Roberts said, perhaps Dr Minnis would cease and desist with his attacks.

“Since he cannot see, perhaps he should be made to feel,” he said.

The party chairman added that the government must not waiver in its quest to put the country’s fiscal house in order, turn the economy around and “right this ship of state after Dr Minnis and his cohorts ran it aground, abandoned ship and are now shamelessly posturing and feigning dementia, shock and outrage at the poor state in which they left the country just 20 short months ago.”


ThisIsOurs 10 years, 9 months ago

Soooo...if I make 10,000 per year and I pledge not to spend more than 9800 (leaving 200 for my bills). At year end I find that I only spent 9700, have I been fiscally responsible? Have I detailed how I spent the money and whether my critical items were covered? Was 9800 a responsible number in the first place or was it some overblown estimate to ensure that no matter what I did I would come on under?

The 1mil audit and the need to conduct a second NIB audit tells me the govt has been far from fiscally responsible. The almost insane push to buy back BTC 2% when we have NO money tells me again that they have been far from fiscally responsible. 15million to the failure of UR 2.0, another 9million to a building programme with none of the money accounted for....this is a Jesse James operation.

If we could get 10 honest men in the house, we would do well. Or maybe 1 could do it, someone with influence who was really there to serve the people and not on a make it rich expedition.

ohdrap4 10 years, 9 months ago

Remember the Bill Maher show? He placed US politicians inside a snow globe and read their pronouncements on the show.

Called it Postcards from the Bubble.

Me thinks this guy just sent one.


Reality_Check 10 years, 9 months ago

Why such an apish looking photo?

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