Silence over scheduled BTC meeting

THE government remained tight-lipped on the Prime Minister’s meeting with Cable and Wireless executives, which was scheduled to be held yesterday afternoon.

Last week, Mr Christie announced that he would meet with the majority owners of BTC and members of the Cabinet on Tuesday to “cross the t’s and dot the i’s” on a new agreement for the telecoms company.

He said the results of the meeting would be made public shortly afterwards, however attempts to reach Mr Christie yesterday were unsuccessful, and representatives of the Prime Minister failed to answer messages left for them.

In December, Mr Christie said the government had concluded negotiations with CWC for the majority stake in the Bahamas Telecommunications Company Ltd.

The next step, he said, was to take the proposal to Cabinet for their approval or disapproval – a process he said that should be completed before the new year.

However, the focus of the Cabinet meeting was shifted to crime after four persons were killed and seven others injured in a drive-by shooting in Fox Hill.


JohnDoes 11 years, 2 months ago

There arent any meetings. This is a lie. The Bahamas will continue to keep its 49%. How can you offer a well known company 51% and then some time later when they already have all of their infrastructure in place, try to take back the majority? People please dont be gullable, the PM is trying to make it seem as if he his doing something productive when he really isnt.

nationbuilder 11 years, 2 months ago

exactly, there are no meetings and never were the type of meetings that the media keeps trying to make people believe have been happening for this administration's time in office.

sheeprunner12 11 years, 2 months ago

The die was cast when BTC was sold by HI.

The horse is out da gate.

Cheaper we play the field and issue some more licenses to help bring down cost.

PRIVATIZE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reality_Check 11 years, 2 months ago

Poor Perry.....he's having such a difficult time swallowing BTC's poison pill.

Wilson (Snake) and McWeeny (QC) need to hand Perry a good size vomit bag.

GrassRoot 11 years, 2 months ago

I am afraid the PM was held up at an immigration road block. then roughed up and thrown in the back of a police car bcz he could not produce the papers required for to be qualified to run the country as PM.

watcher 11 years, 2 months ago

Thanks for providing this morning's first laugh :)

banker 11 years, 2 months ago

Peoples of da Bahamas, listen to me. I is the Prime Minister, and I says we gern get our BTC shares back. But my boil fish had the heads in them, and I don't like heads in my boil fish. But back to BEC -- een dat Potcake a firecracker? I mean BTC. We wuz gern to get our share back in December, but dose dreds in Fox Hill get shot. Took an entire month to figger out a plan and write a report to the Bahamian people. But the plan took awhile because dat Nygard fella was busy. Den we had Chrissmus.

Junkanoo. I was da emperor. It's a laugh cuz I really is an emperor. 'Cept I don't like heads in my boil fish. Didya see me shuffle. Man, I is dis many years old (flashes 10 fingers seven times) and I still got it. Bow to the emperor. Oh yeah, we gittin our shares back of BTC, but it will take awhile. High level business negotiations. Ye gotta negotiate and talk and negotiate and sign some papers, and then it is done. And then we will dance and shuffle all night. Gawd I love being Prime Minister.

GrassRoot 11 years, 2 months ago

Hey any update on when the Chinese can buy BEC? Still working out the kickbacks?

B_I_D___ 11 years, 2 months ago

So the PM was meant to hold this meeting on Tuesday wasn't it...to do the T's and cross the i's... ;-) ...and he would immediately bring the news to the house of assembly...funny...no word on the meeting, and they shut down the house for a couple weeks due to more pressing matters...I smell a rat.

Puzzled 11 years, 2 months ago

I understand there was a meeting between the PM and BTC. I wonder what happened

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