Man jailed for three years for housebreaking and drugs


Tribune Freeport Reporter


FREEPORT – A 28-year-old Freeport man convicted of housebreaking, stealing, and drug possession was sentenced to three years imprisonment at Her Majesty’s Prison, Fox Hill.

Cotto Smith, of Bass Lane, appeared in Court Two before Magistrate Charlton Smith.

He pleaded guilty to breaking into a home in the South Bahamia area on January 7 and stealing two television sets, a safe, a camera, two 
iPads and other items.

Police were able to recover the televisions.

He was sentenced to three years for the offence.

Smith, who also pleaded guilty to possession of dangerous drugs, was sentenced to one year probation and 200 hours of community service.

Failure to fulfil these hours will result in him paying a $1,000 fine or spending three months in prison.


SP 10 years, 11 months ago

Exactly what possession of dangerous drugs did he have....a joint of Marijuana?

The U.S. and everywhere else with sense are legalizing marijuana left and right.

Bahamas group of azzholes idiots need to get with the new world order program and end the marijuana possession stupidity.

Face it....Fox Hill prison environment is turning non violent pot smokers into hardened desensitized criminal animals and turning these people loose on society.

Put an end to the Christian Council jackass syndrome and free up space in Fox Hill Prison for murderers and serious crime offenders.

Pot smokers are too stoned to cause trouble....pastors and bishops are more of a threat to society.

crabman 10 years, 11 months ago

he should have committed a murder, his sentence would have been much lower if any, at least he would have been on bail until he died of old age and natural causes

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