EDITOR, The Tribune.
www.Tribune242.com certainly exposes the deep seated intellectual problems that we have in this country. It might be helpful for a lot of these bloggers to go to “Havanaturs” and buy tickets to take a little trip to Cuba to see what happened, (and continues today) when the wealthy and middle class citizens bail out and leave their businesses and properties, to start a new life elsewhere. When politicians get, or play crazy, as ours are doing now, people start looking for the exits.
This administration is killing everything it touches and I don’t even think they realise it.
January 20, 2014.
birdiestrachan 10 years, 10 months ago
What about you Mr. Bruce G Raine are you looking for a way out. ? Be honest you know the Government is not killing every thing they touch.
B_I_D___ 10 years, 10 months ago
Maybe not EVERYTHING...but damn near close...
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