Tribune Staff Reporter
IF PRIME Minister Perry Christie can admit to regretting the referendum on numbers, then Bahamians should be allowed to show they have changed their mind over electing the PLP, Opposition Leader Dr Hubert Minnis said yesterday.
Although the PLP are just four months short of holding office for two years, Dr Minnis wants a Parliamentary election to be called immediately.
He said: “If you want to change your mind in a democratic society, then allow the Bahamian people to change their mind. If you listen to the people on the street they too have regretted voting for them (the PLP).”
“Leadership is all about leading and making decisions that could benefit the country and acting in a way that is in the best interest of the country. As a leader you must make sometimes difficult decisions, but you must be able to defend your decisions. He has demonstrated categorically that he is not a leader. A leader would have lived by what he had said because he would have known whether or not things could be implemented.”
Speaking at the FNM’s headquarters at Mackey Street, Dr Minnis also voiced his concerns about the government’s efforts to win the majority stake in BTC. Bahamians have been waiting for Mr Christie to make an announcement on the subject for days.
It has been suggested by Mr Christie that members of the public could be offered shares in the company. Dr Minnis said the development was proof that the government is listening to the FNM.
“We have said categorically from day one that the nine per cent that was left there for the Bahamian populace, allow the Bahamian populace to buy those shares. They would have purchased those shares at yesterday’s value and the values would have gone up today. They still can purchase those shares because that’s in the regulations.
“No bank would refuse anyone knowing that they are going to buy a share today and tomorrow it’s automatically doubled. I only ask one thing. I want the Bahamian populace to listen to me carefully. This is an opportunity to spread some degree of wealth to the Bahamian populace.
“I want transparency not the same friends, lovers, (and) cronies. In the interest of transparency, once that is done, publish the names so that the Bahamian people can see who got it,” Dr Minnis said.
birdiestrachan 10 years, 11 months ago
Dr Minnis where do you get this idea that persons are disappointed in electing the PLP ? You must know that The FNM's are disappointed in you as their leader. What nonsense that you will govern from the opposition just plain foolishness.
ThisIsOurs 10 years, 11 months ago
I guess he listens to "disappointed persons"....just a guess
JohnDoes 10 years, 11 months ago
So I guess VAT is not coming despite them trying to force it down our already strangled throats, and the STEM cell project is on hold and the Prime Minister himself regrets the decision of spending one million plus dollars on a referendum that he didnt respect in regard to the majority vote that in turn increased our national debt. Hmmm, seems like they love to sell dreams to the people, because of the fact that their own agenda did not reflect or encompass these three main issues that they all of sudden became interested in and it is now holding the country hostage on an international level. Power itself has time and time again proved to be detrimental to the human mind and works, once they technically possess it. I really dont think the FNM is going to make any more of a difference other than try to cover or clean up the PLP's mistakes on top of their own.
B_I_D___ 10 years, 11 months ago
If an election were to be called now, I know for certain I would not vote PLP, and about 99.9% certain I would not vote FNM...they'd need to pull some small miracle out of their backsides to prove to me they have what it takes to govern their current state, I do not think they do.
Emac 10 years, 11 months ago
Amen to that. I agree with you 100%
Honestman 10 years, 11 months ago
This country is crying out for a third party with people not blindly aligned to the PLP or FNM. The DNA doesn't seem to have enough depth but that could change if enough influential people become disaffected with the same old tired and failed politicians from the mainstream parties.
nationbuilder 10 years, 11 months ago
Isn't it un-blissfully sublime to have the opposition's leader say he wants an immediate election when he is in absolutely no position to contest and win an immediate election??? i feel sorry for the decent, right-thinking people of this country
ThisIsOurs 10 years, 11 months ago
Yep. Thought about that when I heard it, if elections were called next week, would he be ready? I doubt it. We'd get another group of straggly candidates get-rich-quick because no one is preparing seriously to help Bahamians...
Emac 10 years, 11 months ago
I must agree that both major parties are not what the Bahamas needs right now. But members of the FMN party are a little more sincere with their undertakings. I can say for sure that they are not of the same ilk as this bad boy crew. It is like night and day: Those who cannot see the difference are either complacent with the mess around them and are perhaps contributing to the mess, fooling themselves, too caught up in party allegiance or should never have voted.
ThisIsOurs 10 years, 11 months ago
I agree, something really seems to be missing in the character of the PLP representatives. They're just deal makers concerned only with their own enrichment. Shane at NIB??? That was really weird. it's almost as if they feel they are some elite class, way above the average Bahamian. Nothing said it better than Bernard Nottage being escorted out of his own immigration road block while hundreds of Bahamians sat and waited because they were too "ordinary".
That said, the standard of performance for the FNM should not be this bunch, their standard should be Excellence.
Reality_Check 10 years, 11 months ago
The best thing the PLP has going for it these days is this idiot Mr. Minnis!
Honestman 10 years, 11 months ago
It was always going to be difficult for the FNM following the landslide deception in 2012. However, there is no question that they are performing poorly in opposition. I would be amazed if there is not a successful leadership challenge and complete re-vamp of the party before the next election.
Emac 10 years, 11 months ago
But seriously though-In a REAL country, PC would have been made to resign or would have gotten a vote of no confidence, because of his blatant incompetence.
TalRussell 10 years, 11 months ago
PM Christie would scare the living you know what out Leaders Minnis and Loretta, if he were to call an early General Election. The reds are a still "leader away" from the 2017 General Elections much less an early one. But he did make Bahamalanders laugh. But a leaderless red party might do better than a Hubert lead managed to pull off in House seats back in 2012.
vinceP 10 years, 11 months ago
Minnis is a Jackass! I've never voted for the PLP, and don't think i will ever, but i certainly won't for the FNM again with this jackass as the leader.
SP 10 years, 11 months ago
We call for Minus Minnis to ''PLEASE SHUT THE PUKE UP"
sheeprunner12 10 years, 11 months ago
This is so Third World
We might as well settle for a COUP
Yall dont like PLP, FNM, DNA
What about da Ton Ton Macoutes???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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