ONE year after the Gambling Referendum took place, FNM Senator Darron Cash said Bahamians will mark this anniversary as a “disappointing reminder” of the political “impotence” of Prime Minister Perry Christie.
“One year later, no action has been taken to close the web shops because the Prime Minister lacks the courage to act.
“Even though we know that his paralysis is due in part to being in a compromising position relative to his financial backers, he must also know that his inaction is a betrayal of the Bahamians who gave him his marching orders on referendum day,” Mr Cash charged.
On January 28, 2013, Bahamians turned out in droves to cast their votes in what was later termed an “opinion poll” by the government on whether or not they supported the legalization and taxation of webshop gaming in the Bahamas. The Christian community mobilized a “Vote No” campaign that proved successful – despite the well-funded “Vote Yes” campaign backed by the various webshop operators.
At the time, Prime Minister Christie stressed that he did not “have a horse in the race.” However, he has since make it public that he should have simply legalized the industry instead of putting the matter to a referendum.
This comment has not sat well with members of the Christian Council who have been pushing for the government to move with haste and shutdown webshop operations throughout the country.
Today with the country marking its one-year anniversary on the Gambling Referendum, Senator Cash said that many Bahamians will mark this date with “mixed emotions”.
“We acknowledge once again the many Bahamians who had a horse in the race and came out to register their preference. They deserve praise for being active participants in our democracy. The anniversary still remains a disappointing reminder of the impotence of a Prime Minister who lacks the courage of his convictions to do what he feels is in the best interest of the Bahamian people. His sad theme of “no horse in the race” reflects a continuing trend of ducking the big decisions and taking strong action.
“Despite his public debate with himself the PM must still bow to the wishes of the people who voted no. His government would lose what little credibility it has left if he turns his back on the people who had the courage to take a firm position,” Mr Cash said.
Thinker 11 years, 1 month ago
What a bunch of... Puke. Why didn't he say, "hey people it's 'yes' to legalize voluntary means of taxation or a 'no' will mean "take VAT". Stop tryin to play the People for fools!
sheeprunner12 11 years, 1 month ago
Lets grade the PLP Government
Mortgage Relief.............................. Fail......... BTC buyback...................................Fail........ BTC Share selloff.........................Fail........ NIBinvestigation...............................Fail.......... BPC Oil..................................................Fail............... Freeport negotiations.......................Fail.................. COB to UOB ....................................Fail................ Gambling .........................................Fail.............. VAT..................................................Fail................. Agriculture........................................Fail...................... Poaching..........................................Fail.................... Haitian shanty towns.........................Fail.................. New housing.....................................Fail...................... Downtown upgrade...........................Fail....................... Tourism mkt share.............................Fail...................... Mayaguana airport............................Fail..................... Inagua school...................................Fail..................... Crooked Island School.......................Fail.................... Glass Window Bridge........................Fail................ Cat Island Road................................Fail.................. Ragged Island RBDF base................Fail......................... Crown Land distribution...................Fail................ UR2.0............................................. Fail................ Freedom of Information Act...............Fail............
NEED I SAY MORE????????????????????????????
jackbnimble 11 years, 1 month ago
Lol. Boy I tell ya. If ya don't laugh ya will cry.
B_I_D___ 11 years, 1 month ago
Pretty much sums it up...but the people who drink the kool-aid can look past all that and see the good that is apparently being done...
Emac 11 years, 1 month ago
Oh people can drink as much kool-aid as they wish. But when it ain't no bread to go with dat kool-aid is when all the shit gon hit the fan. The people getting what they deserve. The only unfortunate thing is right thinking Bahamians are caught up in the bull!
sheeprunner12 11 years, 1 month ago
ChrisRolle 11 years, 1 month ago
"the government is going by the results of the referendum they are not regulating or taxing the web cafe and there is no national lottery the problem is it looks like no one who voted understood the questions is this a result of the "D" average"
Hopefully the above quote by another member of this forum answers any questions because it truly sums it up!
ChrisRolle 11 years ago
:-) No worries rory, just remember to continue to pray to God for the well being of the citizenry in the Bahamas. Again, may God continue to bless you and may God continue to bless the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. All the best my brother.
BahamasGamingAssociation 10 years, 8 months ago…
The Bahamas Lottery and Gaming Act Chapter 387 Section 50 Persons prohibited from Gaming
The Constitution of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas Chapter III – Protection of Fundamental Rights and Freedom of the Individual. Section 26 Protection from Discrimination on grounds of Race, Place of Origin etc.
The Bahamas Gaming Association stands by the Ideology that all human beings who are 18 years or older should be treated equally in all sectors of the Bahamian Economy which is enshrined in the Constitution of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.
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