US Embassy defends report on investments


Tribune News Editor


AMERICAN officials last night defended the controversial US Department of State’s 2014 Investment Climate Statement on the Bahamas and stressed that when preparing such documents, every effort is made to present “accurate and complete” information.

The embassy’s statement also dispelled reports that the report was prepared by a Bahamian and stressed that non-Americans have a very “limited if any role” in the preparation of such documents. The embassy’s statement came a day after Acting Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis met US Charge d’Affaires John Dinkelman at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to secure a “full and frank explanation of the report’s perceived subjective content and unusual tone,” a statement released by the government said yesterday.

In its statement the government said that during Wednesday’s meeting, Mr Dinkleman “admitted that the report was a departure from the traditional format of other similar reports and assured the Bahamas government that its concerns were duly noted, the report will be further reviewed and the appropriate measures will be taken. The government awaits the outcome of these measures.”

The Investment Climate Statement has been roundly criticised by Prime Minister Perry Christie and other government officials.

Last night, the US stressed that the information in the report is “solely for readers’ information and enlightenment”.

The statement added: “Every effort has been made to provide accurate and complete information. However, neither the US Government nor the Department of State guarantees or assumes any legal liability for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information disclosed in the Investment Climate Statements.”

On Tuesday, Mr Christie said the report was “puzzling”. He said it appeared as though the authors of the report only used information from “opposition sources” and did not give an objective assessment of the Progressive Liberal Party government.

It its statement, the US said the report was not prepared locally.

“These statements are authored by United States diplomats stationed in embassies around the world,” the embassy’s statement said. “Non-American staff have a limited, if any, role in the preparation of these statements and are not the authors of the statements.

“Investment Climate Statements are reviewed in an extensive intra-governmental process in Washington, DC. The 2014 Investment Climate Statement on the Bahamas was prepared by Washington-based diplomats assigned to the Embassy in Nassau. The document was then reviewed in Washington, DC, before being released to the public as the official view of the United States government.” During a press conference at his office on Tuesday, Mr Christie expressed his disappointment with the US’ document.

“In fact, let me state as prime minister, my disappointment because they picked up in a similar fashion of Wikileaks, what opposition sources were saying; not what in fact an objective assessment the government was saying since being elected,” Mr Christie said. “That’s what I find so puzzling. But listen, the message for me is (that) better days are ahead. That statement from me as prime minister on behalf of me and my government will be the true measure of the success of our agenda for change.”

The US State Department’s report, released late last week, pointed directly at the PLP’s campaign promises, which they labelled as generally “unfulfilled.”

The report also spoke of corruption in high and low levels in the government and about government issued contracts, which they called “problematic”.

“Successive administrations have reneged on or renegotiated contracts executed by previous administrations. Over the last year, the Embassy has received several complaints from US companies alleging a lack of transparency and undue government interference with bidding and procurement processes,” the report said.

According to the report, the process of government issuing contracts “lacks transparency” as there is no requirement to engage in open public tenders and awarded decisions are not subject to challenge or review.

On Wednesday, Mr Davis expressed confusion over the US State Department’s criticism of the government’s bidding and contract issuance processes, noting that the Bahamas government never interferes in the US’ domestic issues. Mr Davis added that he approves of the government’s procurement processes, suggesting that concerns exist because of the competitive nature of contract bidding.

The embassy’s statement explained the purpose of the Investment Climate Statements and said they are prepared every year to give American firms “country and economy-specific information and assessments of investment laws, measures, and other factors that may be useful to them in making business decisions.”

The statement noted that the US prepared more than 80 Investment Climate Statements this year.

“The US Embassy in Nassau strongly recommends the reading of the text of the Investment Climate Statement for The Bahamas in its entirety,” the statement said.


jlcandu 10 years, 3 months ago

If the incompetence of this government is obvious to the U.S. Embassy stationed here, why can't the Bahamian voters who support this useless PLP party at every election see what is happening??

At last, an objective observer states the truth is no uncertain terms. No matter how they try to spin it, the truth is the truth.

The next question is: what are you, Joe Citizen, going to do about it?

sheeprunner12 10 years, 3 months ago

The US is like a pouting child ........................... it has to stand by and watch the Chinese gobble up all of the investment opportunities right on its doorstep ................. this spoilt brat is very vindictive .............................................. Perry beware of Uncle Sam when he gets mad

SP 10 years, 3 months ago

@ generalcrazy.... Whereas it is impossible to deny both FNM and PLP are both proven beyond doubt useless, I do not understand your criticism about President Obama.

Republicans, 49% of Americans and you must be either blinded by raw prejudice, illiterate or just plain stupid.

Obama's policies have unquestionably turned around the U.S. economy, saved the auto and banking industries, stopped two useless wars, reversed job loss's from 800,000 monthly to consecutive job gains of over 200,000 Monthly and succeeded in creating a health care system that every prior President has failed to get done.


Granted, President Obama has failed to raise the dead, walk on water, heal the sick and get any support from the GOP congress.

Please enlighten us on your perception of where this President has failed so miserably.

henny 10 years, 3 months ago

SP....I agree with you 100%. Furthermore, the US Embassy has no reason to lie about the situation.

SP 10 years, 3 months ago

Confucius says....Because Christie wears a suit with tie uniform and appears with black hair...Does not mean he is not full of shyt and ancient.

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