Bless Sir Arthur

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I can’t lay claim to say that I know Sir Arthur, Governor General of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas other than the two occasions when I met him and shook his hand.

One at the Hilton Hotel and the other in an official capacity as President of the Cat Island Sailing Club Association, I held an audience.

But I can lay claim that I’ve followed Sir Arthur as a journalist and a politician. In my opinion, he was an astute politician who has back bone, for want of a better word. He held fast to his principles and never wavered.

A young Arthur Foulkes is what is needed in today’s politician. Sir Arthur made me feel proud to say I’m a Bahamian. Despite the bricks that were thrown at him, he stood firm, held his head high and his shoulders straight.

He is a dignified Governor General. He brought a special elegance to Government House. And at the age of 86 he looks damn good!

Sir Arthur, I wish you and Lady Foulkes good health and an abundance of happiness in your retirement. May God continue to richly bless you.



June 28, 2014.


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