Tribune Staff Reporter
BAHA MAR chairman Sarkis Izmirlian is among numerous Lyford Cay property owners suing the Bahamas government over its “flawed” public consultation process for Peter Nygard’s proposed expansion plans at Simms Point/Nygard Cay.
Retired movie star Sir Sean Connery, television personality Nancy Grace and former US Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady are also among the 103 people jointly suing the government while expressing concerns about environmental degradation and unauthorised activities by Mr Nygard that they believe has already taken place in the area.
With international interest in the issue rising, their legal action comes after the environmental group Save the Bays, filed for legal action against the government on Monday, seeking a judicial review of its public consultation process.
In a move critics have already labelled a “farce,” the government on June 18 announced the start of its public consultation process over the billionaire fashion mogul’s application for crown land.
Although the 21-day consultation period is expected to end today, critics say the government has not disclosed enough details about Mr Nygard’s applications to allow residents to respond in a meaningful way.
This comes as concerns about the relationship between Mr Nygard and the Progressive Liberal Party persists, with some suggesting that the government might sanction Mr Nygard’s plans as a favour for his financial support to the party over the years.
In seeking a judicial review of the public consultation process, the Lyford Cay residents and/or property owners are demanding that no decision is made on Mr Nygard’s permit applications until they are properly consulted and have sufficient time to respond to the applications.
Their judicial review application says: “The applicants are a group of individual residents and/or owners of property situated in Lyford Cay Subdivison, a well known residential community in western New Providence, who are very concerned about significant environmental degradation that has been caused to the seabed area and substantial expansion of the land mass at Simms Point through the unauthorised dredging of sand and construction of breakwater installations and other coastal structures by Mr Peter Nygard, his employees and agents, without the required development approvals.”
In addition to giving them sufficient time to respond to Mr Nygard’s applications, the applicants are demanding that the government disclose Mr Nygard’s site plan, site approval, building permit application and/or crown lease application and a document entitled “Nygard Cay Coastal Structure Study,” prepared by Caribbean Coast Services.
The controversy is the latest to raise questions and concerns about the government’s handling of permit applications in the face of residents’ objections to having them granted.
Recently, the Bimini Blue Coalition (BBC) accused the government of granting seabed dredging permits to Resorts World Bimini without disclosing enough information about the issue that would allow residents to respond in a relevant manner.
Robert Adams, a partner at the law firm Graham Thompson, is representing the Lyford Cay residents.
BiminiHomeowner 10 years, 8 months ago
Perry Christie is creating a legacy of corruption for his PLP party. They need to respond appropriately to all these criticisms in a way other than saying "We don't understand..."
DillyTree 10 years, 8 months ago
I hope there is a provision for deporting Nygard for once and for all. He is a horrible and arrogant man. Enough!
justthefactsplease 10 years, 8 months ago
Good to see that pressure is being brought to bear on this perceived corruption. The PLP will learn (hopefully very quickly) that times have changed and the people will take your (or anyone else's) s#!t no more. Forward, Upward, Onward can ONLY be achieved if we stand Together!!!! Stand up Bahamas!!!!
sheeprunner12 10 years, 8 months ago
Perry will soon issue his infamous "I am puzzled .................." press release on the matter .............. stay tuned. And Nygard and the fellow Cabinet party-goers will be seated right next to him
asiseeit 10 years, 8 months ago
The prime Minister does not care. The PLP does not care. Nygard does not care. These people run the country and what is best for the country does not matter to them in the least. They are going to do exactly as they please as GOD gave The Bahamas to the PLP so they have a divine right. You little citizens are just lucky they let you live in THEIR country.
Well_mudda_take_sic 10 years, 8 months ago
There are international laws to address political figures (including elected ones) who commit serious economic crimes against humanity, often through their promotion or unwillingness to prevent numerous egregious instances of blatant graft and corruption against the people of a country, thereby robbing the people of their quality and way of life by. These laws are typically targeted at political figures who bear great responsibility for effectively destroying the democratic processes embodied in the constitution of a country that exist for the very purpose of protecting its people. We, the Bahamian people, are rapidly getting to the point where we may need to look to "outside" help in order to avail ourselves of the protections afforded by such international laws.
Well_mudda_take_sic 10 years, 8 months ago
asiseeit 10 years, 8 months ago
Nydard's Daughter is all over facebook talking about all the good her father has done for the Bahamas. I guess if you donate to charity you are allowed to break the laws of the land? If this is so then let me go give the Ranfurly home a couple $$ then I should be able to rob a bank. This is the twisted thinking of these people. This is how the political partys think as well. I helped the Bahamas so I can help myself. Beyond twisted and actually sick. A person who really wants to help, gives with no expectation of anything in return. Now watch and see, do not be surprised, this will be one for the history books.
sheeprunner12 10 years, 8 months ago
Its seems Perry is still "puzzled" with Uncle Sam annual evaluation ......... PLP got "D" and Perry thought he deserved "A"........................... who he fooling????????Birdie????????
asiseeit 10 years, 8 months ago
General, they are suing for the rule of law to be upheld. All they want is for the government to uphold the laws that are on the books. The law is what keeps this country from becoming a failed nation and also what attracts FDI, who would want to live in a country with no law and order? You yourself call this island lawless, well these people are trying to get our government to ENFORCE the law. This can only be a good thing because if a government does not enforce the laws on the books you end up with anarchy!
islandlife 10 years, 8 months ago
Everyone is so busy bashing Peter Nygard but nobody talks about the amazing things he has done for the Bahamas and sports and donations. Why don't people talk about that? He is a saint to the Bahamas people.
bahamasmeng 10 years, 8 months ago
Agrreed "islandlife" we should cherish what Peter Nygard has done for our people. He's also had more millionaires give money to Bahamas because of his kind acts.
USAhelp 10 years, 8 months ago
So lets give him all of the land he deserves it.
jujutreeclub 10 years, 8 months ago
Nydard's Daughter is all over facebook talking about all the good her father has done for the Bahamas. I guess if you donate to charity you are allowed to break the laws of the land?
Don't this remind you of the POTCAKE incident where his daughter is doing the same thing on facebook. Two peas in one pod.
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