Christie prepared for more battles over environment


Prime Minister Perry Christie


Tribune Staff Reporter


PRIME Minister Perry Christie yesterday said he was braced for future “court battles” with environmentalists.

Hitting out at the politicisation of his efforts to secure foreign direct investment for the country, Mr Christie said he sent out a request for proposals over proposed development in Exuma. He added that the island’s development will “far outpace” the capacity of the government.

Mr Christie said: “It doesn’t matter what a judge does ex parte, at the end of the day the best interest of the Bahamas will survive, that’s the point. 

“See I can’t rationalise easily, I’m engaged in a development in Bimini and then when Castaway Cays was done, Disney moved over 500,000 tons of fill but that ain’t gone to no court – go check see who the lawyers are.

“But the fact of the matter is that’s got nothing to do with nothing, the Bahamas’ best interest must be served.”

Yesterday, Mr Christie referred to a joint-venture agreement with an investor following the purchase of a development in Exuma, and an application for an additional 1,000 acres three months ago. 

While he did not name the investor, he added that two other major investment opportunities are now up for consideration.

In January, Mr Christie revealed plans for a public-private partnership arrangement for the development of 900 acres near George Town at the 23rd annual Bahamas Business Outlook conference.

Addressing other developments on Exuma at the conference, he added that a group of American investors were developing a small resort on Stocking Island. 

Mr Christie said: “Bahamians could play politics as much as they like when it comes down to these kinds of decisions, they could talk all sorts of nonsense when it comes down to this, but the country has to do planning.

“I did a request for proposals for an international planning firm to come in to Exuma because I don’t have the time to make it up,” he said, “because Exuma will far out pace the capacity of the government to do the things and then you’ll be subjected to all sorts of court battles.

“But I anticipate that people who are focused on the environment will take the government to court. So fine – I’m well prepared for all the matters, every single one.”

Mr Christie spoke at a commemorative ceremony for the Bahamas National Geographic Information Systems (BNGIS) Centre, which celebrated its 10th year since it was reactivated in 2004.

“With respect to Exuma,” he said, “major opportunities, major investment, job creation, investment, linkages to the cays and the mainland. So you know you need a better airport, you need more infrastructure, you know all these things so you plan to do those things.”

“But you need something else, you see where a mini-hospital was built immediately opposite to the fish fry market. So you know whoever made those decisions, God bless them, made the wrong decision one way or the other. 

“You can’t have fish fry with people playing loud music right next to the hospital. Now we’re faced with a reality that one of them will have to move. Well you can’t move the hospital, and so you gotta catch hell with people who have developed a culture of a fish fry because somebody decided to quickly get a clinic built to win an election.” 

He added: “My view, my words, no one else.”


mangogirl01 10 years, 8 months ago

Please stop Sir!! No one takes you seriously!! You told your PS to resign and you Deputy said hell no!!! You need to come right out and fire him, not tell him!!!

joey 10 years, 8 months ago

Mr Christie made mention to a mini clinic being build next to a fish fry in Exuma and that one will have to move because the fish fry have loud music.Well Mr Christie why does the fish fry have to play loud music? A fish fry dont have to play loud music it never was intended to be a night club, but a place to go and get down home food.

jlcandu 10 years, 8 months ago

But the fact of the matter is that’s got nothing to do with nothing, the Bahamas’ best interest must be served.”

What the hell does that mean? This PM is an idiot of the highest order. To hell with the courts defending the country's environment -- it's all for the best of the country.

This is crap. Christie believes he is the king of the Bahamas and above the law. Someone needs to bring him back to reality.

All Bahamians need to support Save the Bays and other organizations that are fighting for the rights of ordinary Bahamians.

Tarzan 10 years, 8 months ago

Please don't expect the leadership in this government to speak plain English. The use of this phony slang is not only a transparent attempt to sound like they are "of the people", equally importantly, it is a way to avoid answering serious questions. Far easier to move into some kind of phony "jive" double speak, than to provide a serious response to serious accusations.

John 10 years, 8 months ago

The time has come now for every foreign investment to have direct Bahamian participation in ownership. This country can no longer sustain itself with foreign investors only providing jobs for locals while they bag up and cart off millions of dollars in profits. Requiring foreign direct investors to offer at least 25 percent of the shares of their companies to Bahamians or to the Government of the Bahamas, on behalf of the Bahamian people will not only have vast financial benefits for this country but it would cause these companies to be more transparent.

concernedcitizen 10 years, 8 months ago

You could have bought shares in the port ,,did you ,you could have bought shares in cable bahamas ,did you ....??

kairosmatt 10 years, 8 months ago

Everything this moron says is incoherent drivel, so let me help interpret what he's trying to say concisely:

"These guys came to Exuma with piles of cash and I took it. They are pretty much going to destroy the place and you all are going to be upset about it. But screw you all, I already got the money."

birdiestrachan 10 years, 8 months ago

Castaways Cays who were the lawyers? It would be interesting to know. I have noticed that the so called environmentalist choose certain projects to oppose. it seems what has to be done is give certain lawyers a retainer fee and BNT a huge donation. some thing has to be wrong with that.

licks2 10 years, 8 months ago

I listened to PC and I must say. . ."WHAT DA FLOCK DAT DUDE TALKIN BOUT"? What dat damn fool say is dat he intend to ignore even dat court and do what da hell he feel like!! Naw mr big fool. . .you bordering on setting up yourself for a "physical" chap in ya head there bub!!! I suggest that yinna PLP please read John Locke's Two Governments. . .it set forth the conclusions for the God given right for when a people has a right to overtrow a government that turns despotic and refuse to follow even the law of the land and exploit the people!!

If that is what Mr Christie means ( I am wont to think that what he actually means). . .that he will not listen to even our judges. . .then brave dem better get him outta the way. . .cos he will drag alla dem down an uncertian road with him!!! Last time it was da mace what get trow out da house. . .he better watch out it een he azz this go round! He don't know that the bottom done dropped outta dat bucket they was carrying fer the last 40+ years. The last time I saw this kind of mentality among the bahamian was during the election season in 1967. I was sitting in my classroom at St Agnes school when the crowd of people came running from down town accross the government ground!! PC better take heed ta what the hell he dealing with!!! The natives are very restless mr PM. . .mind ya ways. . .ya heading towards a political land of no return! You have about three more years left ta go with ya government. . .chill and enjoy the ride. . .

concernedcitizen 10 years, 8 months ago


Bunni 10 years, 8 months ago

There is not enough "LIKE" button for me to click for your comment.

ADARVILLE 10 years, 8 months ago

When the PM has no respect for the Law, the Environment are Bahamians we are in trouble. We the Bahamian public really need to show him the DOOR!!!!

sheeprunner12 10 years, 8 months ago

What "environmental battles" would the PM be referring to???????? Nygard Cay????

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