Police Commissioner hails toastmasters as a 'beacon of hope'

The First Bahamas Branch of Toastmasters, Club 1600 installed its 50th president at a Government House ceremony Thursday, July 17. Governor General Dame Marguerite Pindling warmly greeted the executive team. From left (single chair) Immediate past president Franklyn Winder; (seated) District Governor Anthony Longley; Dame Marguerite; Division I Governor Delmaro Duncombe; (standing) VP of Education, Carlos Palacious; VP of Membership, Chervez Brown; VP of Public Relations Roshan Noronha; Secretary Hurias Williams; Treasurer Shocoy Mullings and (seated far right) President Valentino Munroe.

The First Bahamas Branch of Toastmasters, Club 1600 installed its 50th president at a Government House ceremony Thursday, July 17. Governor General Dame Marguerite Pindling warmly greeted the executive team. From left (single chair) Immediate past president Franklyn Winder; (seated) District Governor Anthony Longley; Dame Marguerite; Division I Governor Delmaro Duncombe; (standing) VP of Education, Carlos Palacious; VP of Membership, Chervez Brown; VP of Public Relations Roshan Noronha; Secretary Hurias Williams; Treasurer Shocoy Mullings and (seated far right) President Valentino Munroe.

AS the nation battles the scourge of crime Police Commissioner Ellison Greenslade praised the “debonair professionals” of the all-male Toastmasters Club 1600, urging them to continue to be a “beacon of hope” for others.

As a Bahamian man, the commissioner bemoaned how “we continue to move the goal posts” for excellence.

“Modelling appropriate behaviour is a prerequisite for effective leadership. Good behaviour flows from a positive mind-set and discipline, a correct way of thinking and a correct way of being fuelled by respect for God, self, others and the space you occupy,” Mr Greenslade told those attending the installation ceremony at Government House on July 17.

“Effective leadership will only be accomplished if we go back to basics. We must cultivate a spirit of caring, respect, trust, compassion, integrity, hospitality, generosity and love. To inspire anyone you have to be an inspiration.”

Borrowing a line from Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi, Mr Greenslade encouraged the men to “be the change you want to see.”

The commissioner’s remarks came during the 50th installation ceremony of club officers for the first local branch of an international organisation that develops communication, public speaking and leadership skills.

The club has had 50 presidents during its 45-year history. Toastmasters Club 1600 was first officially recognized in 1969.

At the time, Sir Lynden Pindling presented the club’s charter to founding president Ernest Strachan.

It was only fitting, said a spokesman, that the club’s golden anniversary for its installation of officers was held at Mount Fitzwilliam as Government House is now home to Sir Lynden’s widow, Governor General Dame Marguerite Pindling.

Rather than deliver public remarks during the two-hour event, Dame Marguerite opted to greet the new officers privately in the colonial mansion’s drawing room. There, she took note of each of their names and hugged the men one by one.

For almost five decades, Club 1600 has worked to mould and build the character of thousands of men locally. A leader in the Toastmasters community, Club 1600 has started work to strengthen younger clubs, particularly those in the Family Islands.

The club will return to Freeport in March 2015. Plans are also on the drawing board for the club to visit Andros, said incoming president Valentino Munroe.

During his one-year term, Mr Munroe and his executive team will work to expand opportunities for leadership outside of Club 1600; inspiring members to address the leadership void which prevails in many communities.

“Like never before, our country longs for the presence of our generation to be felt. On the question of leadership the concern is always who? Well who is better prepared than you? Who is better prepared than Toastmasters and the men of Club 1600? We are the leaders that the hope for the next generation hinges on,” said Mr Munroe.

Toastmasters Club 1600 will conduct its first Youth Leadership Programme (YLP) with the Ranfurly Home for Children.

Boys at the home will undergo eight weeks of communication and leadership training that will assist them in the further development of their confidence and self-worth.

Rounding out the new leadership team is VP of Education, Carlos Palacious; VP of Membership, Chervez Brown; VP of Public Relations Roshan Noronha; Secretary Hurias Williams; Treasurer Shocoy Mullings and Sergeant-at-Arms Ancin Munnings.


The First Bahamas Branch of Toastmasters, Club 1600 installed its 50th president at a Government House ceremony Thursday, July 17. Governor

General Dame Marguerite Pindling warmly greeted the executive team.

From left (single chair) Immediate past president Franklyn

Winder; (seated) District Governor Anthony Longley; Dame Marguerite; Division I Governor Delmaro Duncombe; (standing) VP of Education, Carlos Palacious; VP of Membership, Chervez Brown; VP of Public Relations

Roshan Noronha; Secretary Hurias Williams; Treasurer Shocoy Mullings and (seated far right) President Valentino Munroe.


Commissioner of Police Ellison Greenslade speaks to the First Bahamas Branch of Toastmasters, Club 1600.



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