Tribune Staff Reporter
HUNDREDS of Bahamians flocked to BEC offices yesterday to pay outstanding arrears on their electricity accounts, according to Executive Chairman Leslie Miller.
He added that the Corporation probably made “about $100,000 to $200,000” as a result.
Customers moved to pay off their outstanding bills after BEC warned people to do so or face an interruption of their supply as disconnection exercises were expected to begin yesterday.
Mr Miller, however, told the Big T that any disconnection that took place yesterday was “normal”, adding that the corporation has generally stopped disconnecting power supply on Fridays.
His statement seemed to contradict a press release from BEC earlier this week which said Friday disconnections will resume from yesterday. Mr Miller said the exercises will begin in earnest on Monday and that he wouldn’t call the expected exercise a “mass disconnection.”
However, he added: “Maybe it is a mass disconnection since I saw a ton of people today (going to pay their bills). About 500 to 1,000 people easy showed up to pay their bills.
“BEC needs the money. BEC is cash-strapped. I hope (these exercises) don’t last for more than two weeks to a month the most. I recommend that people get in there as early as they can next week and pay something on their bill so we could keep you on.
“If they go in and pay their regular bill in full and then pay something appreciative on their old bill, they may be able to stay on. Try to do the best you could because if they turn it off and you try to turn it back on, you have to pay 50 per cent of the bill and I know there aren’t many people who could pay 50 per cent of their bill. The single mother can’t pay $800 on her bill.”
Although Mr Miller said on Wednesday that he would fight to stop the disconnections from taking place, yesterday he suggested that he could not play a major role in doing so.
He said: “I don’t know what to do. If you come to me it ain’ much I could do. I don’t mind helping but I don’t want to be the one getting the criticism and beat up in the press like I have been if I try and help. When I help the public no one comes and publicises it. I here taken blows by myself even though I doing it for the people so I ain’t gon’ get in the way.”
BEC’s recent press statement on the matter said: “Residential customers with overdue account(s) balance(s) will be allowed to pay 50 per cent of outstanding arrears and pay the remaining balance over a period of six months. We believe that this will assist our customers who are finding it difficult to pay off large account balances in full, while also improving BEC’s bottom line.
“The Corporation further advises its customers that it will reinstate disconnection exercises on Fridays beginning this Friday, July 25, 2014. Customers will be advised of disconnection exercises via the media, prior to disconnection activities. BEC’s Mall at Marathon location will be open 9am to 4pm on Saturdays to accept payments, make credit arrangements and for reconnection activities.”
Well_mudda_take_sic 10 years, 8 months ago
Lamed brained self-confessed woman beater Leslie Miller just doesn't get it! It's the big fish, like you Miller, that BEC needs to disconnect rather than always chasing after thousands of poor people for the few dollars they may owe. Go after the really big money.....all those politicians and their business cronies (and friends of yours) on your "Do Not Disconnect List" who owe hundreds of thousands of dollars to BEC and, in some cases, millions of dollars!! What's the matter Miller...are your gonads just too damn small to go after the big stinking fish? Must you always pick on the little man first rather than go after the real money because you fear someone may punch out your lights!! What a shriveled up limp d _ _ k you must have between those scawny legs of yours!!!
Purcell 10 years, 8 months ago
Bullshit. BEC must be blind and collect from every individual and business the same. Leave this communist mentality to Cuba.
Reality_Check 10 years, 8 months ago
Mudda is go after the big fish first as it is much more cost effective to do so, i.e. much more recovery for each collection enforcement dollar spent. This will also send the necessary message to the smaller fish, i.e. pay up or be disconnected and/or sued next!
ChaosObserver 10 years, 8 months ago
Funny how people can immediately pay bills when they are threatened with power cuts...yet can't seem to have any money when no one holds them accountable....hmm, makes you wonder....
lionfish 10 years, 8 months ago
So it takes 'hundreds' of people to pay off less than one Mr. Miller owes? hmmmm
Tommy77 10 years, 8 months ago
What a crazy mess.…" style="display:none">
ThisIsOurs 10 years, 8 months ago
Thank you Mr Miller for agreeing to "not get in the way". Your reason for doing so is not the best, but, whatever. You see, it is your getting "in the way", Pindling getting in the way, Christie getting in the way, Ingraham getting in the way and forty years of greedy politicians getting in the way that have staunched our growth as a nation. If you hadn't gotten in the way, it would have forced the single mother to exercise fiscal responsibility from ten years ago, and possibly develop some budgeting skills. If you hadn't gotten in the way, it would have forced the young man to pay attention in school because he would know he couldn't depend on his MP to make him the Director of some made up, money wasting, post like "Religious Tourism", if he were a complete dummy. But, you got in the way, and now a department, an organization and the entire country suffers because an inefficient cog is clogging up the progress wheel. If you hadn't gotten in the way, that young man in Bain Town would not have turned to selling dope because he would know our legal system works, if I get caught, I'm up the river and you can't bribe them police officers to get off. Stop getting in the way, let the system that was designed to produce an efficient organization work. Think about it, the process was designed to make the corporation successful and you are interfering with the process, some smart Systems technocrats sat down and thought this thing through, as helpful as you believe you are being you are causing chaos.
harri 10 years, 8 months ago
Mr. Tribune Editor...u need to proof dese comments man...dey getting too X rated and personal!
TalRussell 10 years, 8 months ago
Comrades what is it with these restrictive days of week. First, it was Papa Ingraham issuing his prime ministerial order that there will be no arresting and detaining of illegal immigrants on Sundays, particularly when they are in route to and from church services. Now BEC's Pot cake Leslie won't cut off your lights on a Friday. Don't you think it's discriminatory not to also have a restrictive Saturday for Seventh Day Adventists not to have to abide like rest of us legally abiding and bill paying peoples?
digimagination 10 years, 8 months ago
Quoting Leslie Miller: '...the Corporation probably made “about $100,000 to $200,000” as a result.' Doesn't he know There's a 100% difference!
B_I_D___ 10 years, 8 months ago
My big problem is this...he is advocating for people to pay what they owe on the current month...and extend what they are in arrears for over the next 6 months. It is obvious that they cannot handle what they are in arrears for, but you extend them none the less. Next month, the debt still increases. Flip it to a private enterprise mentality, if you are over and have money owing, plain and simple, you have no power. I can ALMOST gauranetee that Florida Power and Light and other entities don't pull any punches for 'political favours'...
sheeprunner12 10 years, 8 months ago
It is time for the BEC whistleblower to release the TOTAL list of the BEC list of customers with outstanding arrears .......................... this is the ONLY way to go. Leslie will continue to have his DO NOT TOUCH MY BOYS list .................... like Marios and Jones etc
sheeprunner12 10 years, 8 months ago
By the way ................... is ZNS TV13 up and functioning anywhere in this country????? Cause it is not just BEC that is not functioning in this country ............. Rev. Thompson and Dianna Swann come on and get that wannabe HD station together ................... or SELL it.
Bahamianpride 10 years, 8 months ago
The most retarded articulation from the mouth of a chairman of a major corporation. That's just pure Nanny. We are operating on an out dating inefficient system costing people extraordinary amounts to keep their refridgerators running. That's like forcing people to drive school buses and dump trucks everyday and expecting there not to be a problem with the fuel bill. Electricity is too important to be in the hands of partisan fools, please get the business of providing electricity out of the hands of the government before we drive people further and further into adject poverty with these outrageous electric bills. The technology is already here, we are surrounded by wind, sun, water yet no serious moves have been made to provide cheaper more efficient energy for the people. Its like our leadership, same old antiquated individuals and their families f--king up the place for generations to come. They have developed a system to block or discredit any new blood or intellegent person from entering the circle of leadership including years of systematically promoting an enviroment that keeps mases of people ignorant.
jlcandu 10 years, 8 months ago
The reason why none of these new technologies have been used is due to Frankie Wilson supplying all the diesel to BEC. I have realized that this PLP will not do anything unless Frankie Wilson or Bradley Roberts have a hand in it to make more money.
I say that someone needs to blow up the plant at Clifton and let's start over!!
The_Oracle 10 years, 8 months ago
Thisisours, you have just barely hit the tip of the iceberg, The abandonment of every personal human trait responsible for societies to succeed and develop in relative peace and harmony, The abandonment of law enforcement, and elimination of the penalities for transgression which keep the majority of us honest. We are right where we belong, as we have elected the worst among us, allowed them to get away with every imaginable crime through our silence or complicity or indifference.
Cornel 10 years, 8 months ago
500-1000 people paid their bills. $100-$200K. So if it was 750 people and $150,000 that would be $200 per person?
The other day Miller said, in this newspaper, "Most people who owe BEC owe a lot of money. The average homeowner owes in excess of $5,000, some as much as $15,000."
Say what? This is a joke
jackbnimble 10 years, 8 months ago
Why is this man STILL at the helm of this corporation? Every time he opens his mouth, it is a contradiction!!
"Customers moved to pay off their outstanding bills after BEC warned people to do so or face an interruption of their supply as disconnection exercises were expected to begin yesterday".... and of course we know this doesn't apply to him and his cronies.
“BEC needs the money. BEC is cash-strapped.".... Hey, I'm sure they are as the cronies are not paying!
“If they go in and pay their regular bill in full and then pay something appreciative on their old bill, they may be able to stay on. Try to do the best you could....." This coming from the Chairman who only paid something AFTER his bill was exposed.
Boy I tell ya. If you don't laugh you will cry!
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