St James' Anglican Church celebrates Patronal Festival

LAST Sunday represented a grand and special time at St James’ Anglican Church in Adelaide Village, as Anglicans throughout New Providence gathered to celebrate the feast of the patron saint.

A patronal festival is a very significant time in the life of any parish. Weeks of hard work and preparation go into making this occasion a successful and solemn one.

The festival is the occasion on which a congregation annually honours the saint who was chosen as the patron of the parish. It also affords the opportunity to celebrate the life of the parish members.

The guest preacher was Rev Drexel W Gomez, Assistant Bishop of the Diocese of the Bahamas, Turks and Caicos Islands and retired Archbishop of the Church in the Province of the West Indies. Archbishop Gomez based his sermon around Acts 12:1-2.

James was the first Apostle to die for Jesus. In a very powerful and dynamic sermon, he encouraged the congregation to pattern their lives after James. He went on to challenge the members to recommit and rededicate their lives to God and his church.

For the entertainment segment, The Sons of Thunder delighted the congregation with two selections.

After the service everyone treated to table fellowship.


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