HURRICANE SEASON: South New Providence may not be prepared for extensive flooding

Heavy rainfall has caused serious flooding in New Providence in previous hurricane seasons.

Heavy rainfall has caused serious flooding in New Providence in previous hurricane seasons.


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE entire southern corridor of New Providence, including Pinewood Gardens, may not be able to handle extensive flooding this hurricane season if rainfall exceeds the holding capacity of the drainage system.

Today marks the first official day of the 2014 hurricane season with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) projecting that there will be between 8 and 13 named storms this year with six of them becoming hurricanes.

According to the NOAA, two of them will have the potential of becoming a category three hurricane or higher. This means that wind speeds will be 111mph or higher.

Pinewood Member of Parliament Khaalis Rolle recently told The Tribune that his constituency is prepared for the upcoming hurricane season. However, he added that there is much needed work to be done to fix the drainage system.

“We’re going through a process now of making sure that all of the drains are cleared,” he said.

“I’m hopeful that over the next couple of days we make some concrete decisions on how we’re going to deal with the flooding issue in Pinewood.”

During May of last year one night of torrential rain and a spring tide resulted in massive flooding throughout several parts of southern and eastern New Providence, with the hardest hit areas including Pinewood and Yamacraw.

The flood damage to cars, homes and furniture was so extensive that the government was forced to give duty exemption to those who were adversely affected.

In Pinewood there are more than 80 drainage wells with depths between 150 and 200ft. However, the area’s geographic characteristics make the wells inefficient.

According to Mr. Rolle, fixing the drain problem may take a couple of years to correct.

“You’re dealing with revamping the entire infrastructure for flooding that has been taking place for many, many years. But we’re hopeful. We have a well designed programme and the beauty of this one is that it is less to rectify than previous proposals that came before the government, which were in the range of $40 million. We believe that this solution is at max a $15 million solution.”

The Pinewood MP said when tenders go out for the contract, Bahamian companies would be given top preference.

“I’m in favour of giving Bahamian companies first right in any work taking place in The Bahamas. It’s a philosophy that I’ve always held. You know, I’m a Bahamian businessman by profession. So I understand the need to ensure that Bahamian businesses are protected and given preferential treatment whenever there is an opportunity to do so in the private or public sector.”

The contract for drainage work is for the entire southern corridor.

The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) released a statement yesterday saying that it is prepared for the hurricane season.


killemwitdakno 10 years, 3 months ago

This is what happens when people don't speak up about environmentally sensible development. Otherwise, particular regions may not have been continuously developed on a low lying area which I'm sure flooded prior to houses being there. Just chuck those who'd be clueless, can't defend themselves , and can't afford all the insurance or repairs in areas which preserve decent places for better paying customers. Or perhaps it is the foreign investors and developers who NEVER act in good faith , explaining or investigating thoroughly based on their expertise. Long as no one ever seeks international repercussions, we will be f*cked over. Yet some officials know how to ask UK for black gold slave money back. All that water damage rottens the base and invites rats, water sent.

ChefSmith 10 years, 3 months ago

It is so sad to see people spent there life savings to own a dream home, but yet they are given no form of protection from these type of environmentally problems. What year did Pinewood Gardens come about, and under which government? The government should reimburse the people of Pinewood and grant them crown land where possible !

killemwitdakno 10 years, 3 months ago

happened to my people. With the amount our gov is giving away, only settlements in FL could reimburse us.

bigbadbob 10 years, 3 months ago

the ocean in freeport has risen 1.5 inches in the last 8 years , i measure it in the canal all the time. as the ocean rises low lying areas will become more prone to sea surge and heavy flooding .

killemwitdakno 10 years, 3 months ago

Now account for a missing buffer ...see, this little house , .. go bye bye


killemwitdakno 10 years, 3 months ago

(click to enlarge pic, btw aren't we already in shallow waters)

killemwitdakno 10 years, 3 months ago

abandoned your fail below. learn to use a thread. look at some fly over pics if for some inexcusable reason you didn't know by even the name that the archipelago is in shallow waters. since you're bored , you can use all the time in the world to bring a graphic simulation to class including perhaps other contributing factors overlooked. Something world resort bimini should have used from this decade.

killemwitdakno 10 years, 3 months ago

You are straight from hell to convolute and broadcast such blundering ignorance. It's called COASTAL EROSION that's man induced you damn lie. Everyone should Google all the pics and everything on it for themselves before corrupt sponsors continue to take down all the evidence they can of environmental impacts. You probably work for ALEC companies who fund anti-environmentalism. This is what that entire coastline in Bimini will look like in 15 yrs. Just check before and after pictures of others that were ruined here. See how much it cost in US states to repair. You're obviously another oil goon who's right now coming up with bills to kill coastal-erosion lawsuits to immunize the oil and gas industry from paying for economic losses caused by any oil spill. GET YOUR MONEY BAHAMAS!!!!!!SUE THE HELL OUT OF PAST DEVELOPERS!!!!!!! BIMINI WILL HAVE NO BEACH , IT'S HAPPENED HERE ALREADY!

http://bit.ly/U9mWi5 http://bit.ly/1ot8Hxp http://bit.ly/1hWkOze SUE THEM!!!!

killemwitdakno 10 years, 3 months ago

It's not an opinion dumb duck, people are falsely presenting what is occurring. There's only protagonist and antagonist when someone is bulldozing your land, so there's no room to deliberate especially when interpretations like yours mutilate progressive discussion.

killemwitdakno 10 years, 3 months ago

you self-stupifying white people were the cavemen (and still trying to figure out how pyramids and ethiopian rock buildings were made and how eastern island monuments were moved), probably explains how masses of you could plunder the earth without guessing wtf that would to the laws of nature. It's opinion when you don't have evidence, as you have none. I'm not fetching for you. You're the one doing all the barking , dog don't bark at park car. moratorium on those potcakes.

killemwitdakno 10 years, 3 months ago

Your talking plate tectonics , everyone knows how that works

"Gond­wanaland. North America, at that time, was immediately against the west coast of Africa, and what is known as the Bahamas accretionary platform did in fact overlap part of the African continental shelf. "



killemwitdakno 10 years, 3 months ago

We are emancipated, you sound like a militant black israelite from the states who's yet to catch on.

killemwitdakno 10 years, 3 months ago

You're Peter Nygard aren't you

killemwitdakno 9 years, 11 months ago

little better again. http://www.natureworldnews.com/articles…

but are we really supposed to believe dust flew over to the west for millions of years enough to form the tallest sea peak if the ocean was drained?? ok i take the world isn't ready to find out stories and the bible's view of one flat land piece did exist before pangea broke. Like any other flower of like formation such as the embryo..ok will wait.

killemwitdakno 10 years, 3 months ago

"All the islands in the Bahamas Were Thought to be slowly sinking, but now scientists find one quirky isle going against the crowd...Such activity is likely related to faults in the Earth's crust near the island. In fact, its perfectly linear northern coastline might actually correspond to one such crack...."
I'm going to guess this is proof of the crack of the Taino's creation myth. We don't know what we have, how we're made up, what it means about earth to the rest of the world and we let foreigners F*ck up Paradise for chump change. Compass really goes spinning around here. http://www.livescience.com/30440-bahama…

So then we're in shallow water, already did some damage, water level was probably rising without our speed, even high Nassau floods , we get hurricanes, the whole place is pretty much on porous coral, and like atlantis fell in one day the crust is faulty.

o shyt . i can't look.

killemwitdakno 10 years, 3 months ago

a disturbance to this environment can cause a earthquake and tsunami. and they want to drill 22,000 ft

killemwitdakno 10 years, 3 months ago

how gratifying for you to be paid to pick on people's last nerve. to pick their last out of their mouths. typical oil investor.


killemwitdakno 10 years, 3 months ago

Imagine this in Bimini. "coastal region has been overdeveloped by individuals and groups who appear oblivious to the risks they provoke," Recalling hurricanes like https://www.buffalo.edu/content/shared/…">Floyed, or perhaps the next time autec does a underwater military test that creates big enough waves will do. Who knows what they do down there, US military has destructively tested on islands all over.

Tell NOAA build us a arc pronto

killemwitdakno 10 years, 3 months ago

( a really frustrated flooded bahamian, has language) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJoFbQw…

just like New Orleans slaves (we're related) were placed in ward 8, then the rains came down and the floods went up and Bush didn't care, but they still Mardi Gras every year.

Meanwhilst we're dredging our rocks all by ourselves : ) O and going french too

Tarzan 10 years, 3 months ago

I guess it makes some people feel good to add gratuitous lines like "Bush didn't care" to this discussion. I wonder if the subsequent felony conviction of the serving New Orleans Mayor for full blown corruption before, during and after the tragedy should be part of the blame calculus? This the same mayor who abandoned the city, and who ordered the bus fleet designed to evacuate the citizenry parked in a low area, might be a bit of the focus for your angst over what happened to the people of New Orleans. In the U.S., disaster prevention and emergency plans are LOCAL in nature. They are not the primary province of the Federal Government. To blame a serving President for all the tragedy that befell that community in what was a 100 year disaster, is simply ludicrous. Further to suggest he did not care is gratuitous and false.

killemwitdakno 10 years, 3 months ago

You'd be surprised who's local enough. Yes they called that mayor Willie Wonka after the sell out stated it would be chocolate city after being screwed, when in fact Somehow the evacuation order and supply of busses was not given to get those poor people out until 24 hrs to landfall. As in this case and with other matters Bahamians are pleading freedom of information on. Where was the warning? unless the hurricane wasn't actually supposed to cause such a flow. maybe it was some bad environmental development upstream that wasn't accounted for. "that community in what was a 100 year disaster" Are you his mother? He said the Buck stops at him, we watched for 3 Full days people sit on their Roofs and he said he didn't here about it. I'm sure his oil goons have enough business in New Orleans or the gulf. Who's idea was it for the theme of last years Mardi Gras anyway.

Time to watch that Willie Wonka and the chocolate factory of 2005 again children. I mean the actual movie that came before the mayor's dubbed name, that looks a lot like an explanation of Latin drugs and us chocolates who power Big Oil's factory.

killemwitdakno 10 years, 3 months ago

PLP is our own racist black entertaining politicians are actually the house niggas who are f*ckin up.

Clearly we have some of the stereotype republicans here.. If you don't like black people, fucking leave then. too much evaded tax money to lose in doing that huh. Or are we too ignorant for you to be annoyed and threatened by. good little niggars we our.

killemwitdakno 10 years, 3 months ago

Rewrite your biased schoolbooks you guys have here or get the Fuck out and stupify yourselves. Don't want to teach people what they have to protect it and take care of the poor that you blame later becomes a burden or threat , until some other circus comes to town eating your stolen monopoly. What's the rest of the Bimini story? You tell them what's the true potential since white god rightness has made us discredit ourselves. Always only give just eneough to look good and hope things move in your favor. Republicans are always so right and everyone else gets left. Colored people you despise wouldn't be clueless if they were told what was theirs on a global scale. Columbus came and the Tainos let him settle because they believed the earth was God's , not being made aware of the rules of the hell he came from. Big Oil is the one indigenous people are sharing with. Yet because of greed and corruption , deals for natural resources have been simply just other George Bush loans, taking advantage. It doesn't work when the ones falsely labelled try to undo the lies others painted. Americans think we're a US island. They think they own us. They've threatened to blockade us all for one drug dealer before. "History is a set of lies that people have agreed upon"

John 10 years, 3 months ago

They knew all along that PINEWOOD was swamp land and prune to flooding. Even before they sold the first lot. ALL they needed to do was ADD 1 LAYER OF BLOCKS (2 in some areas) to the foundations of houses built there and flooding of homes would not have been an issue in PINEWOOD. Yes water would accumulate in peoples yards and the streets but it would not have gotten into the houses. PINEWOOD was originally planned to be an upscale subdivision, but after they found out about the flooding problem they made it low cost housing and took advantage of poor people. they cut the original lots into FOUR lots Remember the planes the had flying around with 'own your home today in Pinewood" and all the other bull crap? ALL you had to get three or four slogans correct to win a prize? None of them said if you buy a house in PINEWOOD, it will flood! They have to answer for this some day!

John 10 years, 3 months ago

And sad to say it was under the PLP government and the man they call snake!

killemwitdakno 10 years, 3 months ago

No man , again? ...New Orleans frech quater, you see dis ay

sheeprunner12 10 years, 3 months ago

Anyway, while yall Nassau people worrying about flooding............ go find ur piece of highland on one Out Island above 70 feet and relocate............. my 2 cents

killemwitdakno 10 years, 3 months ago

contradicting yourself. That's exactly why reefs must be protected in Bimini.

killemwitdakno 10 years, 3 months ago

Where is the sustainable management plan that the replacement will do so? Why do they have an additional safeguard then. You obviously never took marine biology or lived near a beach that was ruined by a hotel made jetti. It's not just the removing of the coral reef , it is the creation a thousand foot pier and island that will disturb the flow of the currents. I even provided a link to everything on google about COASTAL EROSION. You don't know the entirety of " The Project" and are using uneducated guesses instead of Facts. Even the judges on this have said the removal of a buffer increase risks. There's still more to this matter than that. View the links you stubborn little imbisle who apparently irresponsibly never decided to learn about what you have where you were " born and raised". Yet you shoot off at the mouth with nothing to back (typical plp). Here's a kindergarten video. You're welcome. http://www.learnnc.org/lp/editions/nchi…

No, I can't buy your book.

killemwitdakno 10 years, 3 months ago

F for your poor sustainable Development design. But of course, first world has some grizzly's, at least our eco footprint isn't a disproportionate as theirs. It's simply a matter of changing the process and design. We need to train locals to be these contractors when we need them instead of paying to bring in foreigners or allowing them to bring in 3rd world workers. And we're not 3rd world, we're developing. Very different from demolishing.

killemwitdakno 10 years, 3 months ago

Since you're so behind me bum bum fly, check my history. And yes , the boat and the doc could have been lifted out of the water altogether. Commercial Floating docks and Eco-Ships, other islands have them. Resorts Bimini should have known that. Always something simple, as could have been with the foundation of these houses.


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