Clubs and Societies 06/05/2014

Cycling Club Bahamas. -

There is cycling all weekend if you are looking for exercise and camaraderie.

Friday and Monday (holidays) – leaving 6am sharp from Harbour Bay Shopping Centre in front of First Caribbean Bank, 30-50 miles. In order to complete this ride, it is recommended that you have done some recent cycling. Leaving P/I bridges optional at the beginning/end. The pace will range from 18–20+mph, two-three hour duration

Morning rides west - Wednesday at 4:45am Goodman’s Bay, West Bay Street, 20-mile ride route, headed east to Montague and return, one-hour duration. Cyclists capable of 14+mph welcome – (cyclists are invited to join in anywhere along the route).Contact Shantell the day before to confirm your attendance: shorelinecargo@gmail.com

Afternoon rides west - Tuesdays and Thursdays, leaving 5:30pm sharp, parking lot next to Lyford Cay Gas Station, 18 or 24 miles depending if you do second loop. This is an advanced cyclist’s ride. The pace will range from 20+mph.

Morning ride east - Wednesdays, leaving 5:30am sharp - Harbour Bay Shopping Centre, 26-mile ride route: East to east end, west on Prince Charles to Marathon Mall to East/West Highway, to Milo Butler Hwy, north to six-leg roundabout to JFK to Baha Mar roundabout return to six-leg roundabout, north to Saunders Beach roundabout, east on West Bay St. to Harbour Bay. One hour duration, Advanced cyclists - The pace will range from 20+mph (join in anywhere along the route).

Tuesdays & Thursdays, leaving 5am sharp - start/end Seagrapes Shopping Centre (under the big sign), East Prince Charles Drive: 1-1.5 hour duration, all-level cyclists - Prince Charles Dr.- Eastern Road-Shirley St.-Church St.-East Bay-Eastern Road- Prince Charles.

Weekend Rides Saturday – leaving 6am sharp from Harbour Bay Shopping Centre in front of First Caribbean Bank, 30 miles headed west. Leaving P/I bridges optional at beginning/end. Pace will range from 18–20+mph, Two to three hour duration

Sunday - Leaving 6am sharp from Harbour Bay Shopping Centre in front of First Caribbean Bank 40-50 miles headed east. Not recommended for first timers. P/I Bridges optional at the end. The pace will range from 18–20+mph, 3-3.5 hour duration (intermediate & advanced cyclists welcome to join anywhere along the route).

Upcoming Events:

June 6 - Salt Pond, Long Island, Long Island Sheep Runner’s Bike, Run and Walk start at Regatta Site at 6:30am sharp, Bike 30 miles, run 6 miles, walk 4 miles. Entry: adults $20, schoolchildren $5. Contact Carol Fox on cfox289@gmail.com for more info. https://www.facebook.com/lgisheeprunners/

June 7 - Pineapple Man Triathlon in Gregory Town, Eleuthera, https://www.facebook.com/events/149027425163288.

June 9 - Whit Monday Holiday cycling sprint classic, 38 miles, West Bay Classic, start/finish The Caves. Contact Barron Musgrove on 425-1057 or email npcyclingassociation2013@gmail.com.

June 28 - 8th Grand Bahama Road Cycling Championships. Three categories from 37 miles in Cat 3 to 100 miles in Cat 1. Contact: gb-cyclist@hotmail.com.

July 13 - Independence Road Race, Nassau, contact Barron Musgrove call or text @425-1057 npcyclingassociation2013@gmail.com.

September 13 - Give a Child a Ride bike ride & race in Nassau, email: info@giveachildaride.com.

September 20 - The Potcakeman Tri, http://www.baarkbahamas.com/potcakeman-2014-triathlon.

November 1 - Conchman Tri-Taino Beach, Grand Bahama, https://www.facebook.com/conchmantriathlon.

New Providence Cycling Association. - Upcoming events: June 9, Whit Monday Holiday Cycling sprint classic 38 miles West Bay Classic start/finish The Caves. “The Battle of West Bay Street”. Open Women and Juniors will cover 20 miles along with the novice cyclists.

June 11 - At cycling track, Time Trial Classic, 6pm start, One-mile individual Time Trials Classic. Prizes for top five finishes, located QES Centre next to Golf Course or just east of GHS School.

June 18 - Cycling Track Time Trial Classic, two-mile individual Time Trials Classic Top Five Finishes.

June 22 - 60-mile road race aka The Luck of the Draw, this race will cover the western area of the island with a 6:35am start at Arawak Cay on west bay street next to the Fish Fry.

June 25 - At cycling track, Time Trial Classic, 6pm, Time Trial the top five fastest time will receive prizes.

June 28 - Grand Bahama Road Cycling Championship scheduled for Freeport - this race is also one of the races used by the Bahamas Cycling Federation in the selection of National Team Members for the upcoming Caribbean Cycling Championships both Senior and Juniors.

July 10 - The National Individual Time Trials.

July 13 - The National Road Cycling Championships.

Rotary Club of East Nassau. - Rotarians from all of the Rotary clubs in Nassau recently participated in the inaugural Rotary Club of East Nassau Tennis Tournament held at the National Tennis Centre (NTC).

The event took the format of a doubles tournament with A and B flights, ensuring players of all ability levels could join in the fun as well as socilaise with their fellow Rotarians while enjoying refreshments from RCEN’s “World Famous” hamburger van.

Retailers Hoffer & Sons and The Sports Center co-sponsored the tournament, which raised $500 for the NTC, funds that will be used to assist with their youth programmes.

Tournament Director Rosalyn Brown was delighted with the response from all Rotary clubs and is looking forward to even greater participation next year. She also gave a big thank you to the tournament sponsors.


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