Tribune Staff Reporter
CENTRAL Grand Bahama MP Neko Grant yesterday urged the government to put more effort into the fight against crime as citizens are being “suffocated” by the crime.
During his contribution to the annual Budget debate in the House of Assembly yesterday Mr Grant said that murder is up considerably, compared to last year, despite National Security Minister Dr Bernard Nottage saying that there was a decrease.
“Unlike some, I continue to be very concerned about the crime situation in Grand Bahama,” Mr Grant said of his home town. “Three murders in 36 hours and four within a week is too much. The eighth murder for 2014 so far doubles the murder counter for 2013 in its entirety. There is certainly much reason for concern.”
On Sunday, the country recorded its 60th murder this year, according to The Tribune’s count, when 17-year-old Enrico Major was stabbed to death by a group of men as he walked on Baillou Hill Road south with a friend.
“Not a day goes by without a major crime being committed. Daily shootings have become the norm. Stabbings are a close second,” he said.
Mr Grant added that if crime was a fire, then it would appear as though it were breathing fire because it is “ablaze like a torch.”
The FNM MP reminded the PLP of their 2012 campaign tactic of placing billboards in western New Providence highlighting 490 murders, which they said occurred during the FNM’s term in office.
“The Rt Honourable Member for Centreville, as Leader of the Opposition in August 2011 in a national address declared that crime was the result of bad governance,” he said. “I ask him, what is now the reason for the unacceptable level of crime in The Bahamas today? Or do you now accept that as bad governance?”
Mr. Grant continued to quote Prime Minister Christie, then Opposition leader, who at the opening of the PLP’s Mt Moriah constituency in 2012 told party supporters, “You know and I know that an important reason for the escalation of crime in The Bahamas is poor governance. The FNM has been paralysed, unable to lead on the crucial issue.”
According to the Central Grand Bahama MP, the PLP’s Operation Ceasefire, which they said would deploy more police in crime hot-spots and increase surveillance for those out on bail only turned out to be a joke.
“There has been no ceasefire,” he said. “When on occasion we are having a murder everyday or shootings everyday we have people with ankle bracelets being killed and doing the killing.”
Last week, three men on bail, two of them for murder, were shot and killed within a two-day period.
While on the campaign trail now Deputy Prime Minister Philip Davis also blamed the FNM government for what he called their failure to protect the Bahamian people.
However, Mr Grant said the fact that Mr Davis was himself robbed during a home invasion confirms his own statement that “no one is safe in The Bahamas.”
Mr. Grant also criticised what he called the government’s “downplay” of the crime situation and possible adjustments to crime statistics, saying: “The families of the six people who perished in a house fire almost a year ago here in New Providence are awaiting the promised swift justice. It has yet to be determined how those six persons lost their lives. I again ask the question: Why are their deaths remaining unclassified? Is it to suppress the murder count?”
The MP was referring to the six people, including a two year old, whose bodies were burnt beyond recognition in a house fire in Homestead Street.
It was reported that the six were found locked in the bathroom of the small wooden structure. Their deaths have not been classified as murders.
When approached by The Tribune yesterday about the recent spate of crime in the country, the Minister of National Security refused to engage the reporter. “I have no comment on crime” was his only comment.
Honestman 10 years, 7 months ago
When approached by The Tribune yesterday about the recent spate of crime in the country, the Minister of National Security refused to engage the reporter. “I have no comment on crime” was his only comment.
This sums up this administration's performance on crime: nothing to say, nothing to contribute, no ideas..............but plenty to say when in opposition! Why is Bernard Nottage Minister of National Security? At this moment in time, the country needs a Field Marshall not a Physician!
afficianado 10 years, 7 months ago
Bernard says he's practicing law at this time lol
linnassau 10 years, 7 months ago
Crime is a societal issue and no government can solve crime without help from the law enforcement agents. The foundation of society is solid when there are two loving, caring parents at home. Today, the nuclear family is challenged. We need to start encouraging all that is right in society and encourage people to do what is right. We are not perfect people but as long as there is a greater power to rely on then there is hope. Get us back to being our brothers keeper.
Honestman 10 years, 7 months ago
Totally agree but in the meantime we need a crime Tsar that is going to take the tough action needed to protect the people from the scourge of violent criminals.
PastorTroy 10 years, 7 months ago
Jobs, Education and Opportunity! If education is one the keys to success, why is it so expensive? Rather than spending millions to put them in a box, start early, make education a top priority, as a progressive democracy let make it FREE! Every and any Bahamian who wants any education in The Bahamas is FREE, then watch petty crime drop, watch our GDP, watch the expansion of the middle class, watch private business ownership, watch new surnames added to our government etc, etc. It's amazing that the same surnames who 'ruled' the Bahamas 20 rather 40 years ago are still ruling the Bahamas! Not the same individuals, obviously, but their sons, daughters, grand kids, cousin, niece, nephews, now their great grand kids are currently in college and universities to be the future 'rulers' of The Bahamas, why? because they can afford to pay for EDUCATION etc. FREE EDUCATION FOR ALL BAHAMIANS? This will create a problem for the politicians Divide and Rule plan, an highly educated majority is very difficult to be fooled. This is not a 'hand out' add it to this VAT nonsense that will be soon implemented, that will crush the poor and middle class, Google the history of taxes in England, the rich do not like paying taxes, they pay for loopholes to AVOID paying taxes.
Honestman 10 years, 7 months ago
Agree Pastor but this ruling party has no desire to educate the populace. Keeping the people ignorant and gullible is what maintains its grip on power. Look no further that the country of Robert Mugabe if you want to see how this ideology can ultimately play out if not checked. Education is the key to this country's redemption but it is a long term investment and sadly this administration is more concerned with short term personal gain than secure the country's future.
ThisIsOurs 10 years, 7 months ago
Ignorant and in continuous party mode. Funny enough, just this week a commentator on MSNC with no hint of "Bahamas" in his presentation alluded to this exact pattern in corrupt regimes from time immemorial. Ignorance and national games.
birdiestrachan 10 years, 7 months ago
I suppose that is why the ruling party gave free high school education as oppose to leaving school at the age of l4 .Build the college of the Bahamas soon to be the University, of the Bahamas. And they say they want to keep the people DUMB. Some one once said "One can teach knowledge , But not wisdom." there in lies many of our problems.,
The Government borrows money to pay civil servants each month. They borrow to provide free education, and free medicine . There is no free ride the deficits increases . It can not continue. in one country thousands of civil servants lost their jobs. the Bahamas has not do that. Thus Vat. Why is all this to hard to understand?
birdiestrachan 10 years, 7 months ago
The Bahamas has not done that, let Civil Servant go in order to bring their deficits down. they spend millions sending illegal immigrations back to their home land. All of these things cost money and Bahamian Tax payers must pay the bills.
SP 10 years, 7 months ago
The country spends more on medical care and education for Haitians than Bahamians! If they had any balls they would release the statistics on what % of crime is caused by illegals!
If the IDIOTS would get rid of illegal Haitians, Jamaicans and the rest that drain our social, education, police and medical apparatus's there would be more funds available to educate and take care of needy Bahamians.
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