Cardboard recycling a weekly waste saver

Bahamas Waste says it is saving 180 cubic yards of landfill space per week via the 20 tonnes of cardboard waste it is recycling.

“Recycling is very good for the environment because it saves the need to cut down more trees. It also saves on waste because less cardboard goes into our landfill,” said Brenville Ferguson, Bahamas Waste’s recycling coordinator.

“Cardboard recycling also helps businesses to save on their waste hauling. Chances are that 95 per cent of the waste is cardboard, so they will have less to haul as we pick up cardboard for recycling for free.”

Companies such as Kelly’s, Solomon’s Fresh Market, AID, Coca-Cola, Quality Home Centre and several other Bahamian businesses are among the 18 companies that participate in Bahamas Waste’s cardboard recycling programme.

“All of the companies that recycle can be commended for being environmentally friendly,” said Mr Ferguson, “as they help to greatly reduce the amount of waste in our beautiful Bahamas.”

Currently, Bahamas Waste collects, sorts, packages and ships the cardboard to other recycling facilities. For every ton of cardboard that is recycled, nine cubic yards of landfill space is saved, and with an average of 20 tons of cardboard recycled weekly, Bahamas Waste is saving much landfill space.

“We are always looking for more companies to join our programme,” said Mr Ferguson. “The more we can reduce, reuse and recycle the better for us all.”


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