Clubs and Societies 06/13/14

Cycling Club Bahamas. - Morning rides west: Wednesdays & Fridays, 4:45am Goodman’s Bay, West Bay Street, 20-mile ride route: Headed east to Montague and return. One-hour duration, cyclists capable of 14+mph welcome (cyclists are invited to join in anywhere along the route). Contact Shantell the day before to confirm your attendance: shorelinecargo@gmail.com

Afternoon rides west: Tuesdays and Thursdays leaving 5:30pm sharp, parking lot next to Lyford Cay Gas Station, 18 or 24 miles depending if you do second loop. This is an advanced cyclist’s ride. The pace will range from 20+mph.

Morning ride east - Tuesdays & Thursdays, leaving 5am sharp, start/end Seagrapes Shopping Centre (under the big sign), East Prince Charles Drive, 1-1.5 hour duration, all-level cyclists welcome, Prince Charles Dr- Eastern Road-Shirley St-Church St-East Bay-Eastern Road-Prince Charles.

Weekend rides Saturday: leaving 6am sharp from Harbour Bay Shopping Centre in front of First Caribbean Bank 30 miles headed West. In order to complete this ride it is recommended that you have done some recent cycling! Leaving P/I Bridges optional at the beginning/end. The pace will range from 18–20+mph, two–three-hour duration

Sunday: Leaving 6am sharp from Harbour Bay Shopping Centre in front of First Caribbean Bank 40-50 miles headed East. This ride is not recommended if you have not cycled recently or first timers! P/I bridges optional at the end. The pace will range from 18–20+mph, 3-3.5 hour duration (intermediate and advanced cyclists are invited to join in anywhere along the route).

Upcoming Events:

June 28 - 8th Grand Bahama Road Cycling Championships. This event will have three categories from 37 miles in Cat 3 to 100 miles in Cat 1. Contact: gb-cyclist@hotmail.com

July 13 - Independence Road Race-Nassau. Contact Barron Musgrove on 425-1057 or email npcyclingassociation2013@gmail.com.

September 13 - Give a Child a Ride, bike ride & race in Nassau, email: info@giveachildaride.com.

September 20 - The Potcakeman Tri, http://www.baarkbahamas.com/potcakeman-2014-triathlon.

November 1 - Conchman Tri-Taino Beach, Grand Bahama, https://www.facebook.com/conchmantriathlon.

Rotary Club of Nassau. - The Rotary Club of Nassau recently learned about the process of making a legal appeal for criminal cases, involving murder. Murder is described as the intentional causing the death of another human being. Evidence provided to the court helps legal examiners to determine the degree of responsibility involving the accused and the victim to measure the degree of punishment needed to balance the inequity of Justice.

Thomas Evans, QC, Barrister at Law, from Thomas Evans & Company visited the Rotary Club of Nassau to inform Rotarians of the national issues concerning the Privy Council as the nation’s final court of appeal and the Caribbean Court of Justice as an alternative should the Privy Council be removed.

Mr Evans is a strong supporter of The Bahamas having its own local final Court of Appeal. He believes that a court which is domiciled outside of the country combined with foreign judges is not in touch with the nuances, culture and will of the people. His concerns are the same about the Caribbean Court of Justice and do not support The Bahamas making such a transition. Mr Evans believes that as a sovereign nation, The Bahamas is capable of overseeing and adjudicating over its own criminal and civil matters and where mistakes are made there is leeway to correct it.


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