St James Anglican Church Celebrates Four-Night Revival


Tribune Features Reporter


UNDER the theme “Reaping Souls For The Harvest”, the St James Anglican Church in Adelaide Village will be hosting four nights of revival and mission services starting June 23.

The services will be held on the church grounds under the chairmanship of Omar Hamilton. Archdeacon Ranfurly Brown of the West Central Archdeaconry and Rector of St Agnes Parish, Grants Town and All Saints Church Chorale, will be amongst the speakers. He will speak on opening night.

On the following night, June 24, Canon Basil Tynes, Rector of St Barnabas Parish will speak, followed on June 25 by Evangelist Linda Davis. The All Saints Senior Choir will also be performing on the third night. Then on the final night, on June 26, Minister Portia Ferguson and the Church of the Redeemed Youth Choir will take part.

The Evangelism Ministry at St James said they are looking forward to the day when these prophetic words will be fulfilled, “Their voice has gone out to all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world” (Romans 10:18).

According to members of the church, many years ago there was a very popular slogan “Evangelise or Perish.” This slogan reminds them that where a church fails to evangelise its future existence is endangered.

“It is strong language, but in our world today strong language is needed to arouse congregations that have fallen asleep and have neglected to attend to the mandate given by the master, that is to sound forth the message of salvation throughout the world,” the church said.

The classic definition of evangelism in Anglican circles is the one which appeared in the Report of a Commission of Enquiry into the Evangelistic Work of the Church, set up by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York in 1919. It states: “To evangelise is to present Christ Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit, that people will come to put their trust in God through him, to accept him as their Saviour and serve him as their King in the fellowship of his Church, said the members.”

Members of St James Anglican Church noted that 2,000 ago the followers of Jesus were given a mandate to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature – “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19).”

“They learned early that obeying this command was the most effective way to cause God’s light to shine in the darkness that surrounded them, and to extend the growth and influence of the church. They stuck to their task even though the environment was a hostile one, and their numbers multiplied by leaps and bounds,” church members said.

For more information, you may send an email to stjamesadelaide@gmail.com.


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