Pastor calls for PM to respect vote of Bahamians


Lyall Bethel


Tribune Staff Reporter


SENIOR pastor Lyall Bethel yesterday warned Prime Minister Perry Christie to “stop playing with God” and respect the moral vote made by the Bahamian electorate against web shops.

Mr Bethel claimed that Mr Christie is “out of line” and “unconscionable” if he truly intended to move forward with the regularisation and taxation of webshop gaming.

The turnaround on web shops will have a deeper psycho-social impact on both crime and the electoral process, according to the Grace Community Church pastor.

In an interview with The Tribune, Mr Bethel urged Mr Christie to act to protect his moral legacy instead of succumbing to political and financial pressures to break away from the Christian community.

Mr Bethel said: “In the war between money and morality, money has won. Last year morality won, now it looks like money has won, and where money wins over morality, crime always wins.

“He (Mr Christie) has left good people feeling manipulated and used. My encouragement to him is to do all that you can to not go forward with this, even though we have lost the political battle.

“How is it that the party that has made famous the saying ‘the voice of the people is the voice of God’, are now opposing those same people’s voice?” Mr Bethel asked. 

After more than a year of speculation following the “No Vote” in the 2013 Gaming Referendum, Mr Wilchcombe revealed that the government will bring regulations to the House of Assembly within the next two weeks which will legalise the industry.

In wrapping up his mid-year budget contribution, Mr Wilchcombe said while he respects the church’s position and the results of the referendum, there comes a time when the government must make “the tough decisions and govern”.

Mr Bethel questioned how the government could be confident in its ability to tax web shops when it was unable to control the industry prior to regularization.

He said the issue sent a clear message to the public that “crime now pays”.

Mr Bethel said: “If the Prime Minister goes ahead against the wishes of the people, he is sending a very clear message that crime now pays. Everyone will know that crime does pay, all you need to do is break the law long enough, hold on long enough, and eventually you will get your way.

“The government is looking to solve crime, but what they’re saying is we’re not serious about fighting crime.”

He said: “We’ve always flirted throughout our history of being lawbreakers involved in crimes from piracy, to bootlegging, shipwrecking, but for the first time the matter was put to the people and they said no we want morality. 

“For the government to come back and say well we want money, we’re going to move ahead with this. We’re going to bless the lawbreakers and tell the church we don’t want your morality, stop trying to legislate morality.”

On January 28, 2013, almost 52,000 people voted against legalising web shops with more than 31,000 others voting in favour. 

The numbers were equivalent to less than half of the country’s registered voters.

“When you think that the other side with a rumoured campaign spend of $5 million at their disposal – they dominated the radio talk shows – still the people summarily voted no. We were out matched, out spent, out talked on the talk shows, with only fear and truth on our side and God,” he said.

“We prayed that God would avail on behalf of the Bahamian people, that we could appeal to their morality.”

He added: “Democracy prevailed over the influence of big money, the people have spoken and my encouragement to the Prime Minister is obey them as the voice of God. Your saviour has spoken and the people have spoken.”


vinceP 10 years, 9 months ago

This guy is just a publicity hooker! I wish the Government decided to tax Churches, because lets face it, vultures like him go into the BUSINESS of church, because its a tax free business! And they collect nice salaries to "preach" GOD free word! Money hungry Demons!!!!

kairosmatt 10 years, 9 months ago

Tax Churches-I vote yes yes yes!

Start with Neil Ellis and say goodbye to National Debt.

blackcat 10 years, 9 months ago

I have no respect for Perry Christie at the best of times, but let's be real, this is no time for ridiculous religious threats.

How bout we "stop playing with God" when we are lying, tiefin', sweetheartin (inside the church at that), and taking from the poor to make our pockets fat and drive fancy cars. It is always interesting to hear how very vocal the church is when it comes to these kinds of matters, yet when it comes to the general sad state of our youth, and various other scandals in the church/society, not a word is said.

"crime pays" is already engraved in the minds of our people, whether lyall bethel knows it or not. Legalizing gambling , something which thousands of people do every day anyhow, is not going to suddenly change us from a wonderful, law-abiding country to a demonized society. Church goers visit the number houses no matter what !

Arrow 10 years, 9 months ago

We are at crossroads in our country, narrow is the way for commonsense and the rule of law aand wide is the path for lawlessness. What was the purpose of a gambling referendum? what was the purpose of bringing consultants to discuss gambling? was it all just a fascade to make ordinary Bahamians believe that we have a say in the running of this country. To every young Bahamian please get educated because then and only then can nonsense get checked. Truly a sad day " be not deceived God is not mocked" we shall ALL reap whatsoever we sow! the sunshines on the just and the unjust!

Honestman 10 years, 9 months ago

PGC did not have the courage nor the conviction to lead the country over the legalization of web shops. He took on the role of Pontious Pilate, washed his hands in front of the populace and said "You the people decide" so as not to stain his reputation. All the while ,he fully expected a resounding YES vote. He could then claim "the people" voted for legalization and this would be his defence against the church. Well "the people" saw through his not so cunning plan and gave him a "bloody nose". PGC and his government have now completely lost the trust of the electorate and their credibility is shot to pieces. However, the country has to move on and as I have said before we simply cannot afford to allow these numbers houses to continue to exist outside of the law. Bahamians enjoy playing numbers, the bosses are making huge profits and the ordinary tax payer needs relief from VAT. So government has to find a way of regulating and taxing these operations and of course it should legalise gambling for all Bahamians. In this day and age it is ridiculous that citizens and residents of The Bahamas are prevented from doing what tourists are freely able to do. Bear in mind though that if all forms of gambling were to be legalized throughout The Bahamas, there is no way that Atlantis and BAHAMAR will allow anyone to just drop into their Casinos and gamble. They would have to protect their product and they would surely require Bahamian citizens and residents to take out membership (probably expensive) before allowing them on to the casino floor. Failing that they would need to take a room for two nights or more. However, as privately owned organisations they would be perfectly within their rights to do so.

Purcell 10 years, 9 months ago

How about mentioning the favorite Bahamian past time of making babies all over the place when referencing God and sins?

birdiestrachan 10 years, 9 months ago

with all due respect Pastor Bethel the jury is out as to who is "Playing God" and you are one of the accused. "Psycho-Social impact. Nonsense.. It will not happen if it is not happening now. Persons who do not gamble will not start and persons who do will not stop.

Gambling is not a crime. If it is you and the members of your council should go over to Paradise Island and tell the people who own the Atlantis it is a crime.

DEDDIE 10 years, 9 months ago

The issue has gone beyond web shop gaming. When a government goes against a fair referundum that they organized, we all need to be concern. The next headline could be Government goes against election results. I can hear Obie saying, enough people didn't vote so it is an indication that they want the PLP to stay in power. Don't think it is far fetch because that position will also have its supporters.

padeco 10 years, 9 months ago

The Prime Minister had said that the results of the opinion poll would be nonbinding.

(1) The definition of nonbinding is something that doesn't hold someone to a promise.

(2) The Webster New World Dictionary states nonbinding does not hold one to an obligation, duty or promise.

digimagination 10 years, 9 months ago

The Queen of England - and Commonwealth - pays income tax (other taxes too) and she is head of the Church of England... enough said! Time these risible 'pastor' clowns stopped getting a free ride. They can quote the Good Book by rote but seldom embrace the tenet!

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