Mitchell blasts letter from Munroe as ‘deceitful’


Tribune Staff Reporter


FOREIGN Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell yesterday branded as “misplaced, ill conceived and deceitful” a letter from Bahamas Faith Ministries President Dr Myles Munroe to Prime Minister Perry Christie.

In the letter, Dr Munroe urged Mr Christie and the delegation accompanying him at the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM) Heads of Government meeting not to sign onto anything that goes against the moral code of Bahamians. Dr Munroe was speaking to his congregation on Sunday when he revealed the content of his letter to the Prime Minister.

However, Mr Mitchell told The Tribune that neither he nor Mr Christie had seen the letter of which Dr Munroe had told his parishioners.

Both men, with Labour Minister Shane Gibson, Financial Services Minister Ryan Pinder, High Commissioner to CARICOM Picewell Forbes and other officials are attending the meetings at St Vincent and the Grenadines. The meetings officially started yesterday.

“The PM has not seen it,” Mr Mitchell said, “and I have no idea of its content save what was quoted of him in the morning press. It comes off as political histrionics on his part.

“The Myles Munroe letter is entirely misplaced, ill conceived and deceitful,” Mr Mitchell added.

On Sunday, Mr Mitchell released a press statement in which he said Dr Munroe had been informed of the CARICOM agenda. The issue of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals was not included. For the past few weeks the two men have been at odds over the rights of the LGBT community.

A priority at CARICOM, however, was “advancing the regional agenda for sustainable development using information and communication technologies.”

Other items, included preliminary discussions on the use of marijuana for medical and health purposes and issues of reparation for native genocide and slavery. Criteria for membership governing the Dominican Republic is also to be discussed.

“Once again,” said Mr Mitchell, “Dr Myles Munroe has returned to a theme he does not understand and obviously which he has no knowledge. How else can his behaviour be explained?

“The law is clear and transparent and so is the United Nation’s declaration on Human Rights to which the Bahamas is a signatory. As a Minister of the Government, I am legally bound by the laws of this country and policies of the Government.

“Further, the Government released the agenda items for the CARICOM Heads of Government meetings in St Vincent and the Grenadines of which Dr Munroe was copied.

“It is, therefore, incredible that this absolute stupidity and wilful deceit is parading around in the pulpit disguised as theology. It is disgraceful and I will not kow-tow to foolishness,” Mr Mitchell said.

Mr Christie and the delegation, (except for Mr Gibson who goes to Panama after the meeting) are scheduled to return to the Bahamas tomorrow.


CANDACESCOTT 11 years ago


Reality_Check 11 years ago

Munroe has nothing to worry about as he has something Freddie Boy will never have: BALLS!

amble 11 years ago


JohnDoes 11 years ago

Be careful what you speak about and try to push for Mitchell, this is not about you, this is about Bahamians. If you are representing the Bahamian People, please remove your personal interest from it, you might give others the wrong impression about us. You push for this now, and then when I go to the bathroom to take a quick 'leak', I surprisingly have a female on the side of me that dresses and 'thinks' she is a man using the urinal, with her leg kicked up as well. Very Disturbing. What rights are the LGBT really vying for that they dont already have, is the main question at hand? Fxck the liberal LGBT, please dont awaken the beast, I want to live to see old age.

birdiestrachan 11 years ago

Dr. Munroe is very busy writing letters. I would still like to know if he has written to the Pope and has the Pope answered him? .. Dr. Munroe may be under the impression that he has much influence over the Bahamian people, but the truth is not to many people are really impressed by him.

Mr. Mitchell calls him stupid. I do not think so. something else is going on with the Doctor.

CANDACESCOTT 11 years ago

Dr. Munroe not only is impressive to many Bahamians but to a larger global community. The disrespectful words that Fred is using is not helping him or his agenda. Stupid, ignorant are not words to used to describe the words and work of Dr. Munroe. There are some of us who are extremely proud of this Bahamian regilious icon. Fred continually speak about the CHARACTER OF A MAN...his words and actions are not manly at all....

newcitizen 11 years ago

No one outside of the Bahamas has any idea who Dr. Munroe even is.

spoitier 11 years ago

Stop letting your ignorance show, Dr. Monroe is known more around the world than any politician in the Bahamas. You might have your fault about him, but do some research before making such a silly statement.

amble 11 years ago

This is such an invalid, ignorant statement. Dr. Munroe is a well recognized intl speaker, author, and consultant to governments world wide. You should travel more.

Klee 10 years, 9 months ago

I do. I was from Singapore now living in Australia. I read his books and he is an awesome Pastor!

JohnDoes 11 years ago

Why would Munroe write the Pope? Isnt the Pope a Worldwide 'Catholic' leader? The Pope only has a 'say' within his jurisdiction of the 'Catholic Church'. Munroe as one of the many Religious leaders, has a right to write Minister Fred as Fred's decisions will affect all Bahamians, Munroe is an important person in the 'Bahamian' religious arena, need I say he is a Bahamian as well.

ohdrap4 11 years ago

he sent a position paper to the pope, trust me, he would like to be pope. Freddie will beat him to it.

ohdrap4 11 years ago

God forbid he ran for political office. he audits his members bank statements, he will do that to the whole country. plus, in patlament, his stuff that woman has to submit will not sit well

amble 11 years ago

Oh please! when making a statement speak as a sensible reasoning adult with facts. Not like a 2 year toddler making noise for noise sake for his mommy. If he was in government office this country would not be as foul up as it is right now!

amble 11 years ago

Whoa if you listen to some of Dr. Munroes teachings you and Fred would not sound so dumb! Jealousy, Envy. The black crab syndrome is really bad. Yes HE HAS A LOT OF INFLUENCE OVER MANY BAHAMIANS AND THE WORLD. HUNDREDS OF GOVERNMENTS FLY HIM IN BECAUSE THEY DO NOT HAVE THE ANSWER AND HE DOES. IT IS HIS GOD GIVEN GIFT FOOL! Go improve your education level

ThisIsOurs 11 years ago

If he hasn't seen the letter how can he call it deceitful?....

JohnDoes 11 years ago

He has seen the letter, just like every other letter they skim through and jump to conclusions on.

thomas 11 years ago

lol. They "out" themselves every time. It is hilarious.

Bahamianpride 11 years ago

Religion is a private matter, the laws of the country are not, in a free society, as long as u r obeying the laws and not causing harm to others or children, everyone should keep there religion and sexual orientation in there house.. If gay people want contract marriage give it to them, but a church should not have to entertain marrying gay people or grant religious wedding to them.. Besides, other than the benefits of contract marriage with the state, no other rights are denied to gay people.. Lastly there are very serious problems going on in this country and for Mitchell and Munroe to dedicate all this effort to this wasteful dialogue is b.s. How about u 2 focus some time on corruption, crime, mismanagement, illegal immigration, bastard children every where (which adds to Crime problem), or just plain ignorance.. Nobody is walking down East Street worrying about being robbed by some LGBT person..

CANDACESCOTT 11 years ago


newcitizen 11 years ago

What a bigoted way to live your life. I feel so sorry for all the hate you must carry around with you.

Questionmark 11 years ago

um that "bastard children every where (which adds to Crime problem)" <-- that is loads of crap, i am one of those "bastard" children, and i don't have bills, loans or a criminal record. Don't make generalizations, varying degrees of criminals (which ranges from not paying the bus driver 25 cents to not paying taxes, customs etc) come from varying homes..thanks.

vinceP 11 years ago

@ Candace

I have to agree with birdiestrachan, To any sensible Bahamian, it is clear that Mr. Munroe has his own agenda when he claims to be representing Bahamians. The only thing he is representing when he travels the world is the bank account. Whatever the happens at the end of the day, we will not see a Bahamas anytime soon, or maybe ever, that will condone same sex marriages. That is not what GOD intended, and i pray it never happens here. You and many sheepish idot Bahamians really need to stop worshiping any idot that claims to be representing GOD. The Bible speaks clearly about "FALSE PROPHETS". And as the good book says, "By their fruits ye shall know them". Jet setting around the world, making what i assume to be MILLIONS, and claiming to be a man of GOD does not impress me. What ever happened to when JESUS said " Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." Or does that lesson not apply to the self appointed "Earthly gods" that many of you jackasses worship?

CANDACESCOTT 11 years ago

one thing I dont do is look for agreement. We are entitled to our individual veiws. Fred is, Dr. Munroe is, I am and so on and so on.

p.s. everyone has an agenda... keep calling a stranger names, its speaks to your character! if you want to sissy around, knock yourselves up! WHAT IS YOUR AGENDA???

concernedcitizen 11 years ago

@@Vincep You are against Munroe who is speaking out against gay marriage ,but then you are against gay marriage ,whats w/ that ??I know why @birdiestrachan "pretends" to accept gays ,b/c a PLP said it ,Mr Mitchell .However i bet my last dollar if a FNM had promoted gay rights @birdie would be spewing fire and brimstone and damming them to hell

spoitier 11 years ago

VinceP, what make you think a man of God should be poor? That is foolishness, read and understand the scriptures before making those type of comments. Now, there are a lot of false prophets that uses the word just for wealth, but don't just disqualify someone because they are making money.

Bahamianpride 11 years ago

A vote of no confidence should occur with Mitchell, is he not the Minister in charge of immigration and Foreign Affairs.. Or is he the Minister of LGBT.. Last I checked illegal immigration was running ramped and a epidemic of lawlessness exist on our seas.. It would same that he should not have the time to take up this issue. Dr. Munroe is a private citizen he can say whatever and write whatever, Mitchell is prolonging this nonsense..

TalRussell 11 years ago

Tis only God, not Myles, who decides who can walk through His Pearly Gates. It would appear Comrade preacherman Myles is only prepared to listen to himself talk. Is there really a need for preacherman to prove himself by making speeches or declarations about gays, lesbians, bi sexual and transgender Bahamalander's? If only he took the time to understand what minister Freddy is saying and speaking to on gays, he might become a true listener about the rights of others, who practice a different lifestyle than what he thinks is normal. Contrary to what Myles thinks, LGBT are free, not to accept his lifestyle as the only God fearing lifestyle.

CANDACESCOTT 11 years ago




TalRussell 11 years ago

Comrade Sister CandaceScott from sounds it, organized gangs of gays are on the loose all over Nassau Town, attacking straight folks?Lockup your bananas cause no telling what a gay man or woman could use one of them, to do you?

ThisIsOurs 11 years ago

Thanks for the heads up Tal. I just deposited my bananas in a safety box at BOB. I am confident they are safe from any organized gang.

CANDACESCOTT 11 years ago

hmmmmmmmmmmmm I guess one day I will understand your point....

birdiestrachan 11 years ago

Pastor Munroe said he would write the Pope, because the Pope said he would leave the judgment of Gays to God. That is my reason for asking the question. perhaps Pastor Munroe who went to the media with his intentions to wright the Pope, will be so kind as to inform the Bahamian people of the results, that is all I am asking .

TalRussell 11 years ago

Even the Pope recognizes he must leave some jobs to Jesus Himself to handle. C'mon Preacherman Myles, write your letter to Comrade Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who despite wining over the hearts of millions around the world since being elected as the Roman Catholic's top Pope, there remains one hard-ass heart in we Bahamaland, that not even Comrade Jorge has a hope in hell of reaching. Try writ'in your letter direct to Jesus, cause the Pope is too damn busy speaking out for the hurt'in, the forgotten, the hungry, the abused and yes, even members of Bahamaland's Gay Pride Community.


John 11 years ago

HOW MUCH RIGHTS? Exactly what is Fred Mitchell fighting for? There was a funeral a few weekends ago. You would think it was a 'dyke' parade. Many of the lesbians showed up to the church dressed in men clothing, some with their 'girls' in tow and they hung out outside the church, rather than going in and participating in the funeral service. Even more of these 'lesbians' showed up at the social after the service, so much so that their presence and their boldness in displaying their sexual preference became offensive to many straight persons who was also at the function. So quite a bit of the regular folk left. Some did not want their children exposed to that type of behavior. It was like one of those movies when bikers would show up in a small town and everyone else would leave or disappear because they knew sooner or later there would be trouble. So you can say the gay girls took over that function and caused everyone else to leave...What more rights do they want?

newcitizen 11 years ago

This is by far the funniest comment in the whole thread.

Those scary lesbians, all dressed up in pants! Women in pants! Oh how the lord must be crying for you. Standing outside the church and not even going in?! It must not be because people like you inside the church we're trying to damn them to hell, no, it must be because they were trying to start trouble. Oh lordy, our poor Bahamaland is about to be taken over by the biker dykes. Who will ever save us? How dare they ask for the right to not be judged by us believers. That is our right as Christians, to judge any and all we see fit. How dare they wear pants!!!

John 11 years ago

Obviously you are trying to misconstrue what I wrote. The point was not that the girls were dressed in pants or men clothing, for that matter. The fact was that they were behaving in a manner that others found offensive and made others feel out of place. A funeral is to show respect for the dead and to support the family in their loss. So the dead and the family should be the focus of the vent. If a group of people show up and start acting in a way that makes everyone else feel uncomfortable or unsafe then that behavior is inappropriate. It could have been a gang of males that showed up and caused everyone to feel uncomfortable for that matter, or a group of married men, who just started to pull on their wives and smooching and fondling. Would this have been appropriate behavior for a funeral?

TalRussell 11 years ago

Comrade to listen to you, you'd think cause some strangers had crashed a private funeral service, with mourners all dressed outside the dress code box you may adhere to, amounts to an abomination which if left unchecked could being down the pillars of the church. Did the deceased whisper to you they were not happy their passing-on was being celebrated by friends and loved-ones, Yes, even as you so illustrated, lesbians all decked-out in men clothing dared to come to show their respect, some with their 'girls' in tow.


John 11 years ago

Obviously both of you are trying to misconstrue what I wrote. The point here is not that the lesbians wore pants or had their 'girls' in tow. The point is that a funeral is an occasion where you go to show respect for the dead and support the family on their loss. That should be the focus of the event. You shouldn't have to pass groups of girls fondling each other or other girls trying to express their 'masculinity' to get into the church service. It would have been just as bad if a male gang had stormed the event, or if a group of married men had stood around smooching and fondling their wives. The POINT is that even though offended by their behavior, no one bothered them! Those who felt too threatened or offended by them left the event. So who is saying gays and lesbians do not have rights in this country?

rachelg 11 years ago

It's funny have an inherent right of a person's free will has always been a soar point for people whose human right has been violated for over 400 years. Any human rights issue should not be debated on; as this is the freedom of someone. If the will of the majority dictated what should be expected as law or the 'norm". All of we and you Bahamians would be speaking German, enthroned back into slavery where your skin colour would be acceptable as a criterium of your worthlessness; or probably dead through ethnic cleansing. In regards to the funeral issue: the funeral was for a lady who happened to be a lesbian, that lived her life as one, that dressed as what is socially accepted as masculine. If you were there and were too busy gawking at the homosexuals, you were there for the wrong reasons. If you felt like the gays/lesbians would have been disturbing to you, you should not have went in the first place, and remained under your drawbridge. You don't not go to KFC expecting them to sell lobster or fish and not chicken, when in its long form its directly says chicken. Hence, don't go to a lesbian or gay's funeral and don't expect to see homosexuals there.

rachelg 11 years ago

In regards to Fred Mitchell and Myles Munroe. Both men have an agenda. Both have an opinion. Foreign Affairs are directly apart of International Relations. I am a International Relations major. As a Minister of Foreign Affairs, it is apart of his job forte to speak on the issue of human rights. Gay rights is apart of that. The Bahamas is a tourism based economy. Tourism is our product. If we are going to sell this, we need to be more open to the notion that there are some views we may not completely share with the rest of the learned world. We should not discriminate against someone's else view because it goes against our mold. Our brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, aunts, uncles, mothers and daughters, and cousins; someone directly linked to our lives are gay; whether closeted or not. We should not hate our own or say they need to keep their lives hidden. A famous phrase used is whatever happens in the dark comes to light. So if it is going to end up in the open anyway why should we suppress our family's free right. So if the Minister is gay. Whether its Fred or Myles. Cause we all know those who always scream the loudest are the ones who are guilty. If you are not interested in someone of the same sex then that is your choice, and no one forced you to that choice. So if a someone's is attracted to someone of the same sex, what has that to do with you., nothing. Has the Bahamas turned into a nation of selfish people where we are stuck into a one track mind because our lack of education. Which side will you be on, the right or the wrong side, only time will tell, or it may never say?

Emac 11 years ago

It is good to hear someone speak without any emotional attachments. It seems like people cannot be objective and fair about things that they don’t understand or are not used to. The other crazy bunch of people that keep quoting the bible and referring to the church are all selfish and blinded by the one thing they hold on so dearly, religion. The Bahamas is not just for so called fake Christians and dogmatic religious buffoons, the Bahamas exist for ALL Bahamians. In other words, no religious leader can speak on my behalf. Keep that shit talk for your church members.

rachelg 11 years ago

As a religious leader brought up and thought a way, i can see why Myles may have an opinion but he reference the wrong platform for his opinion. The Carribean history is riddled with people who kill others that don't share their same view points. Mostly these crimes are in some way related to sex. Whether straight or not. Mitchell was merely referencing the need for Caribbean countries to be accepting of human rights relating to gay issues as this is something we all sign on with relation to international treaties with the UN. He also referenced his personal experience with the issues to his homeland to the CARICOM body to show he too experienced this injustice and to bring humanity to the issue. All speakers are thought to do that, even Myles himself. On numerous occasion he reference his experiences in his teachings. And Mr. Munroe is a man who was paid by an international gay group for speaking at conference, he was there for 3 days to speak at an AIDS and Gay function over art the Atlantis. I think he needs to visit his memory banks it was less than 2 years ago. Over 90 % of the room were local and international gay members.

amble 11 years ago

What part of english you dont understand that he is an intl motivational speaker as well. Of course gays, transgenders whatever would attend an event like that it was not pertaining to sexual orientation but an epidemic that has this world in a crisis. He has a right to voice his opinion. You people are a bunch of cowards.!

Bahamianpride 11 years ago

@ rachelg, you make valid points but u miss the larger issue.. We exist in a lawless Country, where the rule of law is not being enforced with consistency, people are being robbed, raped, murdered in large numbers.. An influx of illegal immigrants are flowing into the country.. We have government corruption and mismanagement on all levels. We have irresponsible behavior among the population with the irresponsible breeding, i know guys with 1-10 + kids who don't pay child support or take care of them.. My brother is one of them, i curse him out all the time for this. We have a poorly ran educational system full of kids that come from the environment i just mentioned.. I can go on for days, we don't have the luxury to focus on certain issues until the Rule of Law is enforced and the majority of the corruption and irresponsibility comes under control.. If we don't get this under control we will be like Haiti & nobody wants to live or vacation in Haiti.

rachelg 11 years ago

It totally agree with you! But the gay issue is hear the loudest because of our homophobic nature and intolerance. Back to the other issues you mentioned: Yes, our governmennt has been quite corrupt since the independence. How do we tackle our crime issues? First, we must alter our way of thinking first, starting with our leaders we voted for and also the voters. When we have properly been educated on how should someone should choose how they go about casting then we can move onto the next step. The next step is accountability: this is the accountability for ourselves, and the accountability of our leaders. Let's sweep in front of our doors first before commenting on how dirty the neighbor's own is. After ours are swept lets not hold a gun to the neighbor's head for him to clean but encourage him to clean, if he does not know show him, after our community is clean then we move onto the other communities by holding our family members who don't live within the same barrier. After, we hold the leaders accountable, because we have done everything needed that they have no excuse to carry out their tasks. Let's get out that mindset where we call our MPs when we are trouble to get our sons and daughters out of jail for a crime, they 9 times out of 10 actually committed. Lets get out of that mindset for I voted for you , now you owe me. Lets get out the mindset that the government must do everything for us and we not our own. Lets educated our children and our brothers children the importance of responsibility and an education along with diversification. Then crime may be a minimal or a thing of the past.

rachelg 11 years ago

Haiti was the first country in the West Indies to have independence. Yet although having this independence they have been on a path of corruption and intolerance and hence the outcome. Do not follow this trend. Do not allow any religion or majority view negate human rights. A right to live, a right to love, a right to chose, and right to be. For those that thump for God, remember if he truly was intolerant, sin would not be in existence today. Just like many stories from the Bible, it showed what happened when he destroyed the world because of sin, and at least both of these occasions, sin still continued. So trying to segregate a class of people from the next won't change the fact that it is in existence. What your problems solved? Fix them by agitating your leaders, your community, your family, and yourself. We are a nation of lax people. We make a lot of noise among ourselves but we don't take it where it needs to go. Progress and Fight seems to have died with Mandela. Where are the Luther kings, the Mandelas, Ghandis, Milks or even the CB Moss or the Rodney Moncurs? LOL, he agitates the Bahamas government a lot when you look at it.

rachelg 11 years ago

Pass the Freedom of Information Act! Watch alot of dirt come to light, and watch a change in our crime.

TalRussell 11 years ago

It's good thing Preacherman's Myles is not Canadian or American or he'd also be calling the the Canadian PM and the President of the United States to fire their foreign affairs cabinet ministers.

"Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird denounced Russia's controversial new anti-gay law as hateful Thursday, saying it could incite violence."

Former US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton on ay Rights Abroad:

"Perhaps most challenging, issue arises when people cite religious or cultural values as a reason to violate or not to protect the human rights of LGBT citizens. This is not unlike the justification offered for violent practices towards women like honor killings, widow burning, or female genital mutilation. Some people still defend those practices as part of a cultural tradition. But violence toward women isn't cultural; it's criminal. Likewise with slavery, what was once justified as sanctioned by God is now properly reviled as an unconscionable violation of human rights."

amble 11 years ago

You people have an answer for everything! Keep your perversions in your closet. The right for this, the right for that! BLLLLLLLLLLAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! It sickens me.

suckstobeyou 11 years ago

The Bahamas - a country full of homophobic ex slaves - how ironic.

As to Munroe, he is a nobody to the "civilized" world, and the same goes for all you backward people posting on this website. You want to see Tourism go away overnight? Then keep up all the homophobic talk, see how long the country lasts without support from the US, Tourism, and oh yeah, International Banks who are watching how you discriminate against other human beings (you think that Swiss bank left for some other reason, think again).

Christianity was used to discriminate against your black ancestors, and now you are using it to discriminate against others. If it was not so pathetic, it would be sad.

That said, Mitchell as a member of the government, should not have given Munroe the time of day, Mitchell was incorrect in responding to him to begin with.

Anyway, Obama supports Gay Rights, so if you don't then that means you don't support Obama, and that makes you a racist (so they say).

Now be good "Christian" bible bashing sheep and keep on hating, surely that is what Jesus would have wanted.

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