Tribune Staff Reporter
DR MYLES Munroe extended an olive branch to Minister of Foreign Affairs Fred Mitchell yesterday, inviting Mr Mitchell to meet with him and clear the air concerning their recent disagreement.
Dr Munroe made his comments outside of the House of Assembly yesterday after he visited with parliamentarians and handed out signed copies of his new book.
Mr Mitchell and Dr Munroe have been at odds since Dr Munroe spoke out against comments Mr Mitchell made concerning lesbain, gay, bisexual and transgender issues.
Speaking on the matter Thursday, Dr Munroe said he found it “disappointing” that Mr Mitchell would think his comments were a personal attack, especially since he “loves and admires” Mr Mitchell “like a brother”.
“I would be happy to speak with Mr Mitchell, I would be happy to meet with him, talk with him. He is my brother. That’s what I would like to do and I hope that we can do that very soon,” Dr Munroe said.
“I can say that Mr Mitchell is one of the most intelligent, one of the smartest politicians in this country, his record shows that the people who have re-elected him prove that he is also a good server of the people of his community. So I respect and love him as brother. I appreciate his contribution to the Bahamas. Nothing I have ever said was a personal attack, so I do not know what he is talking about in regards to that. I respect him. We are mature men, I would assume, and I would never say anything negatively about him, anything I said was specific to the subject that I talked about, that’s it. I love this guy, I respect him, I honour him as a Member of Parliament.
“But I always remind us that we are all human, but just because you may be elected to office does not mean you are superior, it just means you are a superior servant.”
Speaking with the Tribune, Mr Mitchell said he had “no idea” why Dr Munroe was in the House yesterday but he still believes that Dr Munroe personally attacked him because of his political affiliation.
He said: “The fact is that it is clear what he said and no one takes any issue with his calling for my replacement and all the rest of it. That doesn’t concern me, any citizen in this country has a right to say whatever they want to say. When you go into the personal, and see I am not going to repeat what he said, but he knows what he said and it was entirely personal. It was a character assassination. It appears to be some kind of politically motivated attack but do not hide behind the pulpit and say it is something that it is not.”
When asked if he left the House of Assembly yesterday because Dr Munroe was in the gallery, Mr Mitchell said he had a funeral to attend and that is why he left.
“I don’t have time to play no games,” he said. “He could bring himself and 10,000 people but it don’t matter to me because I am an army of one and I will take them all on, it doesn’t matter to me, run me? I don’t run from nothing, the last thing I was scared of was when my mother died and after that I am not scared of nothing.”
banker 11 years ago
I am no fan of Fred Mitchell, but I am even less of a fan of Miles Munroe. Freddie should not meet him. It would just be validating a pompous JA minister who doesn't understand the Biblical concept of "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's" -- in other words he had no business being in the House of Assembly promoting his asinine books.
Honestman 11 years ago
I really don't think Myles Munroe should have gotten involved in this matter at all. Frankly, no one really cared what Fred Mitchell said in Trinidad and few people take his utterances seriously. Certainly his claim that his position on LGBT affairs has held back his career is a joke. Only Fred Mitchell holds back Fred Mitchell! Nevertheless, Myles Munroe needs to stick to preaching the word of God and the principles of leadership. He is one of the finest preachers / motivational speakers worldwide and we are lucky to have him. However, if he wants to get involved in politics then he should start his own party and lead the country from the house of Parliament. If he did that I think he would get a lot of supporters. However, for the time being he is one of this country's spiritual leaders and, that being so, I believe he should avoid making political points from the pulpit.
Emac 11 years ago
spoitier 11 years ago
As a citizen one must care about everything a politician say, that is the reason why things change for the worst and no body notice it until i is too late.
Stapedius 11 years ago
Why is this spat being protracted longer than it has to be? Too many games being played in this country. Pastor Munroe should take a step back from it all. It is as if he is attempting to keep pressing the issue more than it has to be. Honestman is totally correct in saying that non one payed Fred any mind when he made the comments. Interestingly, I've noticed that Ranford Patterson the President of the Christian Council made one of the silliest comments I've heard from a pastor. He said something to the effect that he would not vote for a gay candidate. He should ask himself,'What would Jesus do?'
In saying this I've not heard one pastor object to such nonsense. It is a hateful tone that he and many others in country use when they speak of gays. Whether a person is gay, straight, black, white, yellow should not be an issue. We are all God's children and we answer to him not to these jumped up pastors who divide rather than guide God's people.
henny 11 years ago
Agree with you 100%.
TalRussell 11 years ago
Myles can stand before his Sunday morning congregation and expect his sermons to go unchallenged but not on this hereto Tribune blog pages. C'mon preacherman's Myles don't you know that you can't express opinions so damn intentionally aimed for broad public consumption like you have about the minister of Bahanmaland's Foreign Affairs and then talk about how much you love and respect Freddy. I'll leave it up to Tribune readers to draw their own conclusions, if you can say the things about Freddy that you have mouthed publicly. what in hell do you say about those you don't respect and love? But Comrade Myles I do understand you have your supporters and I guess they too are free to define what is actually the christian way to demonstrate you love and respect for others and what's not.
ThisIsOurs 11 years ago
because I am an army of one and I will take them all on,.
And therein lies the problem...
sheeprunner12 11 years ago
What can Pastor Munroe say to Politician Mitchell???????????? "May Jesus save your black soul"???????????????????
PastorTroy 11 years ago
Tolerance, Tolerance, Tolerance! Respectfully, If these two distinguish gentlemen intentions are to prove to young men in The Bahamas, that disagreements does not have to end in violence and can be talked about sensibly then, it's good that they stop now while they're somewhat ahead. That said, personally I think both men arguement is right because of their personal experience and individual conviction/profession but for the love of god, stop this nonsense back and forth! We have a Progressive and a Conservative, great! BOTH, in a free country have a right to express their views! While I do somewhat understand Dr. Myles argument, that what Min. Mitchell said MAY not reflect the views of the majority of Bahamians, Question Dr. Myles, Does your view reflect the views of the majority of Bahamians? or even your congregation, I know there are some obvious or undercover LGBT member in your congregation! What REALLY breaks my heart is that there are so many other major problems RIGHT NOW plaguing Our Bahamaland, Guns, Teen Age Pregnancy, Physical/Sexual Abuse of Children/women, Liquor store on almost every corner, Dishonesty/Thiefing not to mention a large percentage of hypocrites who claim christianity and are given these heavy weight position/titles but whose life is totally the opposite of what they profess! Christianity is a Billion dollar BUSINESS, yes, I did say Business and many so call leaders have FAILED the leadership test. Dr. Myles, my family and I listen to you on a regular basis here in the U.S, my wife (an American) only knows 1 Bahamian Pastor, YOU! it was HER who found your station online for us to listen to! But now, you are greatly tarnishing your reputation, what happen to not throwing your pearls before swines? Not that Min. Mitchell is a swine or a bad person, but obviously there are strong differences of opinion here! What happen to the scripture that said: ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ is that not for LGBT individuals too? Respectfully, IMHO, if BOTH of you distinguish leaders don't individually or get together and apologize to The Bahamian public for this "war of biggest ego/testosterone" it will be very unfortunate and heartbreaking for those who look up to BOTH of you Well Accomplished, Influential and Distinguish Leaders.
killemwitdakno 11 years ago
Is Munroe in parliament or head position of something? Young people are killing themselves here recently due to a lack of guidance. Go build someone up instead of tearing down someone who got to the top of politics despite all those like yourself.
This whole fiasco is deliberate distraction. This is a Christian nation but we know God as in charge , not the pastor.
BahamianMinded 11 years ago
I just don't get Dr. Myles Monroe on this issue. He is a disappointment to me! Especially the way he handled this. It seems like he has condemned Fred to hell, but now he wants to meet... Really??
sheeprunner12 11 years ago
Both of these guys are so-called diplomats.................. but they are not diplomatic
hurricane 11 years ago
Mitchell is indeed very smart, so smart that he is trying to bring the agenda of the US and the UN to a conservative nation under the guise of "human rights". Mitchell has been bought and sold many years ago.
rachelg 11 years ago
Conservativeness has kept people in slavery for many years. Accept change and maybe you will get ahead. LGBT Issues is human rights issue especially when your right or freedoms are being violated on, discriminated against and sometimes even killed and swept under the rug. The Bahamas needs to come from under their rock, because they will miss the sunlight.
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