The Bible and LGBT rights


Dr Myles Munroe


THE discussion between popular preacher Dr Myles Munroe and Fox Hill MP Fred Mitchell has been an interesting one. Interesting only because it is fascinating watching someone with a bigoted position attempt to maintain their civility while still holding fast to their bigotry.

In a recent speech he gave in Trinidad and Tobago, Mr Mitchell said his political career suffers because of his position on LGBT matters.

Almost on cue, Dr Munroe told the press that he recommended that the prime minister consider removing Mr Mitchell from his post as foreign affairs minister because his personal opinions may interfere with his objectivity in carrying out his duties in representing the viewpoint of Bahamian people, meaning that support of LGBT issues did not represent the majority of the convictions of the Bahamian people.

Dr Munroe’s position was predictable. Nearly all preachers run to the “solace” of the Scripture to justify their bigoted positions. On one hand you can’t blame them because it is to be expected. I mean you do expect a lawyer to refer to his law books. But the Bible isn’t a law book.

The Bible, particularly the Old Testament, cannot be the basis of forming a just and equal society because it doesn’t treat everyone equally and it is not just.

The Bible is like your schizophrenic uncle, you love him, you respect him but you have to take what he says in context and usually with a grain of salt.

Is your schizophrenic uncle right about some things? Sure. Does that make him someone you should follow blindly and without question. Probably not.

Because one minute this uncle loves you more than anything in the universe and the next he’s willing to smite you for an offence as simple as doing the laundry on the Sabbath or ready to declare you unclean for something your body does naturally.

Let’s face it, no one lives by Biblical standards, not because the road to righteousness is tough but because it’s impossible. And let’s be honest, as far as a rule book goes it’s filled with contradictory nonsense.

If our lives depended on following the Bible to the letter, then we’d all be dead. Literally. In the words of Psalm 130:3 if the “...Lord marked our guilt, who would survive”.

The Bible is right about loving your neighbour as yourself, being non-judgmental and taking care of the widowed, the poor and the sick. It’s not right about gay people.

It is as wrong about gay people as it was wrong to support slavery and the subjugation of women.

Any book that can be used to support laws that bolstered segregation, the outlawing of interracial marriage, laws preventing women from voting and the right of one group to assert itself over the next, among a plethora of human-rights abuses, deserves our scepticism.

Last year, Mr Mitchell publicly declared his support for the gay rights cause, calling it part of the ongoing fight against all forms of injustice around the world.

Speaking at a church service for Nelson Mandela, Mr Mitchell said although it faces much local opposition, the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans-gender (LGBT) movement is part of the universal struggle against discrimination symbolised by the beloved South African leader.

Mr Mitchell is on the right side of history with respect to this issue.

As with interracial marriage before it, many will look back and wonder what all the fuss was about. As more and more countries and states accept LGBT unions and after society and the “sanctity of marriage” doesn’t go to hell in a hand-basket, the religious anxieties over the issue will fade.

The Charter of the United Nations encourages “respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction”. Similarly, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1945) states in Article 2: “Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind.”

Despite this, the rights of all citizens of this and other countries, even those who have signed these treaties are not being protected.

LGBT people are being separated by the fact that one set of privileges and rights are being afforded to one group, but not to them.


mochaambree 10 years, 11 months ago

Signs of the time are everywhere...this must all come to past so that the scriptures may be fulfilled. I love it!

Amalgamate 10 years, 11 months ago

It is sad to see blacks like Dr Munroe-his race has faced monstrous bigotry, finally gained acceptance and then maligns and persecutes another minoriy! As the old saying goes, "There is nothing lower than a bigoted negro for they have learned nothing"

Emac 10 years, 11 months ago

This article is right on point.

Pastord 10 years, 11 months ago

This article is off by so many standards both theological and educational...it goes to show people with a relative point of view always call others bigoted and essentially become what they oppose....Your statements toward Dr Monroe are both bigoted and judgmental. However the facts about scripture is yo can not accept some of it as truth if you don't accept all. People struggle with a Loving God being a God of wrath as well. But he is He is Merciful but also Just. In the New testament not Just the Old the bible refers to Homosexuality as a SIN..Point Blank....So this issue is one Where I along with the Majority of Bahamian People stand on the side of Scripture that Marriage is between one man and one Woman Period!!!

Andy 10 years, 11 months ago

I totally agree with you here. Seems like those who disagree with Dr. Munroe, they have a hidden agenda. Mr, Missick don't speak for me.

Klee 10 years, 8 months ago

I believe there is a silent majority. Dr Munroe, we are with you!

bonnieval 10 years, 11 months ago

For the writer to compare the writings of God to a schizophrenic uncle, shows his ingnorace of the Bible and life in general. There is good and evil in this world and the Bible speaks to both good and evil! It's not a contradiction to talk about love, justice and punishment. These go hand in hand. The agenda of the LGBT community is to have all people agree with their life-style and agree that it is normal. I don't know the Science behind it, but I do know that sin caused deformity in the earth. They may be right that there are people born that way. But, there are people born with holes in their hearts, and many other deformities. Do we say let them them be, they were born like that. No! we look to Science and we try to fix it. To say that to use your bodies in an unnatural way for sexual pleasure, not pro-creation, is alright, and you should be granted the rights and privileges as those in heterosexual relationships have, is wrong. You have every right to disagree with those who don't believe the way you do, but don't say they are bigoted because your human rights are being taken away. It's not human to want to copulate with the person of the same sex. It's unnatural, and goes against the purpose male and female were created. Now, the community may not agree with God in that, but they have every right to disagree. God is not going to change what He says, on the matter! God has given us free-will to choose right and wrong. But, there are consequences for our choices. We must be willing to accept the curses for wrong action and blessings for right action. It's that simple! Calling God names won't change the facts that God created male and female, and we are the only part of His creation who have decided to change the natural use of our bodies for an unnatural use. Get the science facts right, you would never see two female cats copulating or two male flies. It just doen't happen in the natural world. So Mr.Missick, please get your facts right, before you try to defame God's name. Remember, you are a created THING! God is a God of Love, but Justice requires that He must Punish Sin in all it's forms, especially because He already sent His Son to die for the sins of the World. These are the facts, try to read your Bible it holds LIFE in the Here and Now and Life Eternally!

PastorTroy 10 years, 11 months ago

Hmm, I have to agree with some of the comment on here that the schizophrenic uncle analogy is not the best. Simply put, if the bible is your personal guide and law, then eat and live ALL of it! that is YOUR right and while I may/may not agree with you I WILL DEFEND YOUR RIGHT TO DO SO, I however, expect the same, IT IS MY RIGHT TOO. That said, if many of you who were truly 100% (which is IMPOSSIBLE) living according to ALL laws of the bible, why are you on here commenting? or is there a verse in the bible about commenting on tribune242.com? Organize religion today is like political parties there are those on the 'left' those on the 'right' and then there are those in the 'center'. There are those who want society to remain the same and those who want society to evolve, in a DEMOCRATIC society just ONE of the two are usually successful without chaos. Humans adapt, is call "survival of the fittest" to remain stagnant we will DIE...

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