Fines may go up to $500 for removal of derelict cars


Kenred Dorsett


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE Christie administration’s push to bring changes to the Derelict Motor Vehicles Disposal Bill will see harsher fines and penalties enforced on law breakers.

According to Environment and Housing Minister Kenred Dorsett, the proliferation of derelict cars throughout the Bahamas, particularly New Providence, has led officials to consider increasing removal fines from $80 to $500. An additional $80 per day will be charged for as long as the offence continues, Mr Dorsett said.

If the amendments are passed by Parliament, the Director in the Ministry of Environment will have the power to serve notice for the removal of all abandoned vehicles.

Mr Dorsett also announced in the House of Assembly yesterday the relocation of the government’s official derelict vehicle site from Marshall Road, behind the Anatol Rodgers high school, to a tract of land identified near the Harrold Road landfill.

As it stands, the Minister told Parliamentarians that Urban Renewal has identified approximately 2,500 derelict vehicles in inner city communities and DEHS staff have advised that more than 5,000 derelict cars have been sighted throughout the island of New Providence.

“These cars don’t just appear out of nowhere,” Mr Dorsett said. “It is disappointing to say, but they are the possessions of citizens of this country who for whatever reason have shirked their responsibility to see to the proper disposal of unusable vehicles.

“But with the proliferation of derelict vehicles on the islands of the Bahamas, I ask the question, has the time come for us to limit the number of cars per household or family? Can we consider such a measure, without first ensuring that an effective, safe and reliable public transportation solution is advanced?

“These derelict vehicles also provide a major challenge to the Vector Control Unit of the Department of Environmental Health Services as they are also a breeding ground for rodents, mosquitoes and other pests. Not to mention that these cars can act as a place where criminals can hide illegal firearms or drugs.

“It must be known that the government will not tolerate any further growth in the number of derelict and/or abandoned vehicles.”

The existing Act makes provision for a vehicle to remain at the vehicle-pound for a period of 28 days. The new amendment proposes that derelict and abandoned vehicles be held for 10 days.

For abandoned vehicles that have a valid current licence under the Road Traffic Act, the Director of DEHS, during the 10-day period, shall post on the Government website, or at DEHS and advertise in at least two newspapers the intention to dispose of the vehicle if it is not claimed and removed within the period specified.


henny 10 years, 8 months ago

It's about time they did something. These derelict cars are a real sore sight and makes the country look even more ghetto. Get rid of all the debris (garbage, stones, litter), along with the boarded up and ran-shackled shacks. Put paint on those buildings needing paint job. Grow some grass.

Reality_Check 10 years, 8 months ago

These MPs (whether FNM or PLP) just can't bring themselves to focus on the stiff measures that need to be immediately taken to start collecting the many millions in real property taxes that they alone as sitting MPs owe in total to the Public Treasury.

asiseeit 10 years, 8 months ago

Another grand scheme that will go nowhere. There in no ENFORCEMENT of the current laws. Until the powers that be enforce the law whatever law they put on the books just does not matter. Nassau on a whole is a dump. The common Bahamian has zero pride in their environment.

carmichaelrdgal 10 years, 8 months ago

Through a corner off Carmichael road, there a family who brings everything including cars and leave them on the side of the rd . this is an eye sore. Have been trying to get EH out here to have them move stuff but don't think anyone works there at EH. I have suffered from these people garbage for 15yrs with none to turn to.

carmichaelrdgal 10 years, 8 months ago

Yal jokers light anyhow. This only talks bout fines

John 10 years, 8 months ago

Correct me if I am wrong: 1. Didn't the government just recently pass a law that added a disposal fee on to the import duties of such things as vehicles ($250.00) washers, dryers refrigerators, ($25.00) computers and phones ($5--10) and other items? 2. Once DEHS identify a vehicle as derelict and the 30 day notice expires, doesn't a private company come in, remove the vehicle, crush it and export it for scrap metal, at no cost to the government? In fact competition was so fierce in this market (removing derelict vehicles) at one time that cars were being removed before proper notice was given. So wouldn't it be a form of double dipping to increase the fines, when you already got the disposing fee up front, when the vehicle was imported in to the country?

GrassRoot 10 years, 8 months ago

What do you think happens to the disposal fee? It gets disposed of before the car, that's for sure. An old car pays about 800 to 1000 USD on the junkyard, and on a computer, how much does it cost, to dump it on the city dump and put all on fire once a year? another racket.

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