Residents' anger as dredging of seabed to begin


Tribune Staff Reporter


CONCERNED residents say they are feeling powerless and violated as a 450-foot dredger from Europe named the Niccolo Machiavelli is expected this week to begin tearing up the seabed off the coast of Bimini in a government sanctioned action likely to destroy that area’s highly sensitive and “valuable” ecosystem.

Fred Smith, attorney for the environmental Save Bimini Association, said his organisation will sue the government for failing to act in accordance with legislative statutes demanding that residents be consulted before certain projects are initiated.

“The Italian Machiavelli was a political schemer so this dredger is aptly named,” Mr Smith said. “It represents the conspiracy between the government and the various developers as the government proves shortsighted and monumentally indifferent to the culture and society of what remains of Hemingway’s Bimini, the magic and lure of what remains of small fishing and the intimacy of what remains of small islands.”

The expected dredging comes as part of Resorts World Bimini’s controversial decision to construct a ferry terminal to accommodate the docking of its Bimini SuperFast ferry, a project that is already the subject of an ongoing court matter.

The resort’s plans are expected to continue despite a Court of Appeal Justice’s warning to developers that they should not continue with their plans as the matter faces a legal challenge.

According to Mr Smith, the project has been shrouded in secrecy, with repeated demands for information on permits issued and details about what exactly will be done going unmet.

“There has been no publication of any application for permits under the Coastal Protection Act or under the Town Planning Subdivision Act or other public meetings or notifications for an opportunity for people in Bimini to be consulted and to express their views on any applications,” Mr Smith said.

“Yes, there have been different public meetings but they have been held in a vacuum of information. It’s been form over substance, typically under the pretence of a meeting and consultation rather than actual consultation. For consultation to be meaningful and effective, there must be a sharing of plans ahead of time, giving those who have an interest an opportunity to properly consider the information and give a meaningful contribution to the process.

“The people of Bimini have been wandering in the dark while the government and the developers have been scheming at the expense of the environment and the culture of that beautiful island.”

“We’re going to be suing for judicial review,” Mr Smith said, adding that “the court action will teach central government a lesson, which is to stop making decisions and signing agreements that override local government decision making.”

“If there was a Freedom of Information Act and every opportunity provided for public consultation before deals are struck, Bahamian people would know what’s going on. But we are kept completely in the dark. This is not a criticism of the PLP. This is criticism of PLP and FNM. For decades, both of them have had an opportunity to do the right thing, but in continuing to do government business in secret, they have failed the people miserably.”

Mr Smith claimed that central government officials continually meet developers and sign onto agreements without regard for Parliamentary procedures. “It’s total lawlessness,” he said, adding: “Much of what we do is to try and reestablish the rule of law.”

Amid persistent calls from residents for a Freedom of Information Act to be enacted, Mr Smith said: “Neither the PLP nor the FNM has had the guts to empower Bahamians by passing a Freedom of Information Act so that we the people would know what the government is up to and who is making what profit at what expense and what prizes are given away for political capital.”

“We want a Freedom of Information Act so we could follow the money. I can guarantee you that many backdoor deals have been made, between who, I don’t know. But if we had a Freedom of Information Act and proper consultation then we would have a government of the people, by the people and for the people. At the moment, we have a government by the developers at the expense of the people as our politicians tow the line for tiny trinkets.”


BiminiHomeowner 10 years, 7 months ago

Genting and Resorts World Bimini are taking corruption and destruction to levels that Capo and RAV Bahamas could only dream of.

BiminiRick 10 years, 7 months ago

Got $$$$...get anything you want in the Bahamas. No difference from the dope dealers in the 70s spreading money to get what they want, now it's money to rape the environment and destroy the very essence of Bimini. Cape Eleuthera, West End, Rock Sound, Great Harbour Cay, Chub Cay, Winding Bay, etc. ...all huge projects now in the dust. At least, these developments didn't TOTALLY DESTROY the communities they were attached to. People were left with empty buildings and empty pockets, but they had the natural beauty and essence of the Bahamas to fall back on. In Bimini, they are destroying the very elements that make it a Bahamian paradise--tranquility, the ocean, the natural beauty--that can't be replaced once removed. How can a government of supposedly educated people NOT SEE this is a disaster! I believe it can only be one reason...the almighty dollar. PLEASE, for God's sake, Mr. Christie, turn back this incredible misjudgment by the government.

BahamianAway 10 years, 7 months ago


I am at the point where I wish the whole Bahamas would sink into the ocean with only a select few people being allowed to remain. Like Noah's ark...

Our government doesn't give two rats arses about the Bahamian people and the legacy of our country. They are all about money and power...so ripped it the f' up I say. If the people can't speak up for themselves then mow it all down and leave barren waters and a crime infested country.

I know one thing...I'll just keep my behind in the US.

Brenard 10 years, 7 months ago

Something so invaluable, all for foreign interest and hidden agenda.

I did not even bother reading the entire story.

In Eleuthera, Half Moon Cay to be exact, i saw the cruise ships docked in deep waters. Smaller transport vessels then came to and were attached to the larger ships as a method of transfering guest to the cay, vice versa.

Now by saying that, it seems that the solutions implemented are not in the best interest of the bahamian people and their environment. Especially, when there are more justifying alternatives which can result in a win:win scenario.

asiseeit 10 years, 7 months ago

The political class of this country does not give a flies eye about the environment or the Bahamian people, they care about vote$ and MONEY! They need the vote$ to stay in power and direct the investor$ to THEIR law firm and get the mighty 10% kickback and well the money part speaks for itself. This has nothing to do with what is best for our children and grandchildren, it has everything to do with the politrickan$ back pocket.

John 10 years, 7 months ago

UNLESS AND UNTIL BAHAMIANS can stand up as a united force and demand the Government of the Bahamas carry out the mandate of the Bahamian people and to stop catering to foreign interests at the expense of the Bahamas, there will be scandal after scandal after scandal. Corruption will be the order of the day and waiting five years for election to vote them out is too long. Does these idiots not realize that they are disenfranchising every Bahamian, their children and grand children included, when they continue to transfer the assets of this country to foreigners? Worse is when they allow so called 'investors' to come in this country and have their own way. No respect for Bahamian law and order but they want to snatch cell phones and computers from persons who attempt to expose their low down nasty ways

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