The British are coming

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Thank you editor, I had a dream, I am sitting at my home listening to the frustration that is coming from three people on a radio talk show, discussing the small amount of money that the government is getting from the sale of aragonite. They were all surprised at the small percentage the British representative said (in a meeting with oil representatives in England) that they will give the Bahamas government.

I remembered that report and I too was surprised that they were giving this government anything. After all, they don’t have to. As the aragonite is not owned by the Bahamas government, it is owned by the British Crown.

I really don’t know how many times I have to say that before anyone believes it, even though we see it in every transaction on a daily basis. I guess we were not raised to think that way. Let me say it again for the benefit of history, these islands and cays are owned by the British Crown, everything that is above, below and beneath all of the water and land is owned by the crown.

No you cannot find it written anywhere, that kind of information is not available to 85 per cent of the population. However, from now on, you will begin to see proof of this information. If you do this, you will understand the things that are happening that confuses you. Give it a try, as much as you hate to believe it, you will see that it makes more sense. Remember now, I am only dreaming.

Even though you think it is a ritual, each government stands in Rawson Square and swears on a bible his allegiance to a higher power.

The Queen or a representative comes here every so often to open our parliament. Or should I say, her parliament. She stands there in front of you and tells you exactly whose government it is and whose country it is and everybody walks away saying “this is my country”.

Not to depress you, but we as black people, may be the last on the heredity list and share numbers don’t help us. But what we do with how we keep it, how we preserve it, will pay off in the end.

My dream and hope is that we take care of this land where we live, keep it clean, free from crime, free from hate and we may get to inherit it. Remember we are being watched and judged always.



May 5, 2014.


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